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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2022 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package dag

import (


const (
    defaultRetryDelay      = time.Second
    retriesFailedThreshold = 10
    maxRetries             = 20
    // TransactionEventType is used as Type in an Event when a transaction is added to the DAG.
    TransactionEventType = "transaction"
    // PayloadEventType is used as Type in an Event when a payload is written to the DB.
    PayloadEventType = "payload"

var timeFunc = time.Now

// EventFatal signals that an Event receiver encountered a fatal error and that the Event should not be retried.
type EventFatal struct {
    Err error

func (e EventFatal) Error() string {
    // Sprintf in case Err == nil
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s", e.Err)

func (e EventFatal) Unwrap() error {
    return e.Err

// Notifier defines methods for a persistent retry mechanism.
// Storing the event in the DB is separated from notifying the subscribers.
// The event is sent to subscribers after the transaction is committed to prevent timing issues.
type Notifier interface {
    // Name returns the name of the notifier
    Name() string
    // Save an event that needs to be retried even after a crash.
    // It will not yet be sent, use Notify to notify the receiver.
    // The event may be ignored due to configured filters.
    // Returns nil if event already exists.
    // An error is returned if there's a problem with the underlying storage.
    Save(tx stoabs.WriteTx, event Event) error
    // Notify the receiver, if an error occurs it'll be retried later.
    // This does not store the event in the DB, use Save for that.
    Notify(event Event)
    // Finished marks the job as finished and removes it from the scheduler
    // An error is returned if there's a problem with the underlying storage.
    Finished(hash hash.SHA256Hash) error
    // Run retries all existing events.
    Run() error
    // GetFailedEvents retrieves the hashes of failed events.
    // If the notifier is not persistent it'll always return 0.
    GetFailedEvents() ([]Event, error)
    // Close cancels all running events. It does not remove them from the DB
    Close() error

// ReceiverFn is the function type that needs to be registered for a notifier
// Returns true if event is received and done, false otherwise
// The Notifier's retry mechanism is aborted when this function's error is wrapped by EventFatal
type ReceiverFn func(event Event) (bool, error)

// NotificationFilter can be added to a notifier to filter out any unwanted events
// Returns true if the filter applies and the Event is to be received
type NotificationFilter func(event Event) bool

// NotifierOption sets an option on a notifier
type NotifierOption func(notifier *notifier)

// Event is the metadata that is stored for a notifier specific event
// The Hash is used as identifier for the Event.
type Event struct {
    // Type of event, can be used to filter
    Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
    // Hash is the ID of the Event, usually the same as the dag.Transaction.Ref()
    Hash hash.SHA256Hash `json:"Hash"`
    // Retries is the current number of retries
    Retries int `json:"retries"`
    // Latest records the timestamp of the last notification attempt. It is not used in the backoff calculation.
    Latest *time.Time `json:"latest,omitempty"`
    // Transaction that was added to the DAG or for which the Payload was written. Mandatory.
    Transaction Transaction `json:"transaction"`
    // Payload that was written to the PayloadStore, optional (private TXs).
    Payload []byte `json:"payload,omitempty"`
    // Error contains the error of the last try if any.
    Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`

func (j *Event) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) error {
    tmp := &struct {
        Type        string          `json:"type,omitempty"`
        Hash        hash.SHA256Hash `json:"Hash"`
        Retries     int             `json:"retries"`
        Latest      *time.Time      `json:"latest,omitempty"`
        Transaction string          `json:"transaction"`
        Payload     []byte          `json:"payload,omitempty"`
        Error       string          `json:"error,omitempty"`

    if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, tmp); err != nil {
        return err

    j.Type = tmp.Type
    j.Hash = tmp.Hash
    j.Retries = tmp.Retries
    j.Latest = tmp.Latest
    j.Payload = tmp.Payload
    j.Error = tmp.Error

    tx, err := ParseTransaction([]byte(tmp.Transaction))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    j.Transaction = tx

    return nil

// WithRetryDelay sets a custom delay for the notifier.
// Between each execution the delay is doubled.
func WithRetryDelay(delay time.Duration) NotifierOption {
    return func(notifier *notifier) {
        notifier.retryDelay = delay

// WithPersistency sets the DB to be used for persisting the events.
// Without persistency, the event is lost between restarts.
func WithPersistency(db stoabs.KVStore) NotifierOption {
    return func(notifier *notifier) {
        notifier.db = db

// WithSelectionFilter adds a filter to the notifier.
// Any unwanted events can be filtered out.
func WithSelectionFilter(filter NotificationFilter) NotifierOption {
    return func(notifier *notifier) {
        notifier.filters = append(notifier.filters, filter)

// WithContext adds the given context as parent context.
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) NotifierOption {
    return func(notifier *notifier) {
        subCtx, cancelFn := context.WithCancel(ctx)
        notifier.ctx = subCtx
        notifier.cancel = cancelFn

func withCounters(notifiedCounter prometheus.Counter, finishedCounter prometheus.Counter) NotifierOption {
    return func(notifier *notifier) {
        notifier.notifiedCounter = notifiedCounter
        notifier.finishedCounter = finishedCounter

// NewNotifier returns a Notifier that handles transaction events with the given function.
// Various settings can be changed via a NotifierOption
// A default retry delay of 10 seconds is used.
func NewNotifier(name string, receiverFn ReceiverFn, options ...NotifierOption) Notifier {

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    subscriber := &notifier{
        name:       name,
        ctx:        ctx,
        cancel:     cancel,
        receiver:   receiverFn,
        retryDelay: defaultRetryDelay,

    for _, option := range options {

    return subscriber

type notifier struct {
    db              stoabs.KVStore
    name            string
    retryDelay      time.Duration
    receiver        ReceiverFn
    ctx             context.Context
    cancel          context.CancelFunc
    filters         []NotificationFilter
    notifiedCounter prometheus.Counter
    finishedCounter prometheus.Counter

func (p notifier) Name() string {

func (p notifier) shelfName() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("_%s_jobs",

func (p notifier) isPersistent() bool {
    return p.db != nil

func (p *notifier) Run() error {
    // nothing to run if this notifier is not persistent
    if !p.isPersistent() {
        return nil
    // we're going to retry all events synchronously at startup. For the ones that fail we'll start the retry loop
    failedAtStartup := make([]Event, 0)
    err := p.db.ReadShelf(p.ctx, p.shelfName(), func(reader stoabs.Reader) error {
        return reader.Iterate(func(k stoabs.Key, v []byte) error {
            event := Event{}
            _ = json.Unmarshal(v, &event)

            // Do not retry events that previously failed on an unknown context. See
            if strings.HasSuffix(event.Error, jsonld.ContextURLNotAllowedErr.Error()) {
                return nil

            if err := p.notifyNow(event); err != nil {
                if event.Retries < maxRetries {
                    failedAtStartup = append(failedAtStartup, event)

            return nil
        }, stoabs.BytesKey{})
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // for all events from failedAtStartup, call retry
    // this may still produce errors in the logs or even duplicate errors since notifyNow also failed
    // but rather duplicate errors then errors produced from overloading the DB with transactions
    for _, event := range failedAtStartup {
    return nil

func (p *notifier) GetFailedEvents() (events []Event, err error) {
    if !p.isPersistent() {
        return []Event{}, nil
    err = p.db.ReadShelf(p.ctx, p.shelfName(), func(reader stoabs.Reader) error {
        return reader.Iterate(func(k stoabs.Key, data []byte) error {
            if data != nil {
                event := Event{}
                _ = json.Unmarshal(data, &event)

                if event.Retries >= retriesFailedThreshold {
                    events = append(events, event)
            return nil
        }, stoabs.BytesKey{})


func (p *notifier) Save(tx stoabs.WriteTx, event Event) error {
    // non-persistent job
    if p.db == nil {
        return nil

    // check if tx is on the same DB
    if tx.Store() != p.db {
        return errors.New("trying to save Event on different DB")

    writer := tx.GetShelfWriter(p.shelfName())

    // apply filters
    for _, f := range p.filters {
        if !f(event) {
            return nil

    // only schedule new events
    _, err := p.readEvent(writer, event.Hash)
    if errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
        return p.writeEvent(writer, event)

    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (p *notifier) Notify(event Event) {
    // apply filters
    for _, f := range p.filters {
        if !f(event) {

    if err := p.notifyNow(event); err != nil {
        notifyErrMsg := "Notify event dropped"
        if !errors.As(err, new(EventFatal)) {
            notifyErrMsg = "Notify event rescheduled"
        if errors.Is(err, errEventIncomplete) {
            p.logNotificationResponse(event, err, logrus.DebugLevel, notifyErrMsg)
        } else {
            p.logNotificationResponse(event, err, logrus.ErrorLevel, notifyErrMsg)

func (p *notifier) retry(event Event) {
    delay := p.retryDelay
    initialCount := event.Retries + 1
    attempts := maxRetries - uint(initialCount)
    if attempts <= 0 || attempts >= maxRetries {

    for i := 0; i < initialCount; i++ {
        delay *= 2

    go func(ctx context.Context) {
        err := retry.Do(func() error {
            return p.notifyNow(event)
            retry.DelayType(retry.CombineDelay(retry.BackOffDelay, retry.RandomDelay)),
            retry.OnRetry(func(n uint, err error) {
                // logs after every failed attempt
                if errors.Is(err, errEventIncomplete) {
                    // debug level if errEventIncomplete
                    p.logNotificationResponse(event, err, logrus.DebugLevel, "Retrying event (attempt %d/%d)", n, maxRetries)
                } else {
                    // error level for all other errors
                    p.logNotificationResponse(event, err, logrus.ErrorLevel, "Retrying event (attempt %d/%d)", n, maxRetries)
        if err != nil {
            // logs after maxRetries failed attempts, or receiving a retry.Unrecoverable() error
            p.logNotificationResponse(event, err, logrus.ErrorLevel, "Retry failed")

func (p *notifier) logNotificationResponse(event Event, err error, level logrus.Level, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
        WithField(core.LogFieldTransactionRef, event.Hash.String()).
        Logf(level, msg, args...)

var errEventIncomplete = errors.New("receiver did not finish or fail")

// notifyNow is used to call the receiverFn synchronously.
// This is used for the first run and with every retry.
func (p *notifier) notifyNow(event Event) error {

    var dbEvent = &event
    if p.isPersistent() {
        err := p.db.ReadShelf(p.ctx, p.shelfName(), func(reader stoabs.Reader) error {
            var err error
            dbEvent, err = p.readEvent(reader, event.Hash)
            return err
        if err != nil {
            if errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
                // no longer exists so done, this stops any go routine
                return nil
            return retry.Unrecoverable(err)
        if dbEvent == nil {
            // no longer exists so done, this stops any go routine
            return nil

    finished, err := p.receiver(*dbEvent)
    if err != nil {
        if errors.As(err, new(EventFatal)) {
            // mark as failed event
            dbEvent.Retries = maxRetries
            err = retry.Unrecoverable(err)
    } else if finished {
        return p.Finished(dbEvent.Hash)
    } else {
        // not sure if the event was handled by the receiver, so must return an error to trigger a retry
        err = errEventIncomplete

    dbEvent.Error = err.Error() // err != nil
    now := timeFunc()
    dbEvent.Latest = &now
    if p.isPersistent() {
        if err := p.db.WriteShelf(p.ctx, p.shelfName(), func(writer stoabs.Writer) error {
            return p.writeEvent(writer, *dbEvent)
        }); err != nil {
            return retry.Unrecoverable(err)

    // has to return an error since `retry.Do` needs to retry until it's marked as finished
    return err

func (p *notifier) writeEvent(writer stoabs.Writer, event Event) error {
    bytes, err := json.Marshal(event)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return writer.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(event.Hash.Slice()), bytes)

func (p *notifier) readEvent(reader stoabs.Reader, hash hash.SHA256Hash) (*Event, error) {
    data, err := reader.Get(stoabs.BytesKey(hash.Slice()))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    event := new(Event)
    if err = json.Unmarshal(data, event); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return event, nil

func (p *notifier) Finished(hash hash.SHA256Hash) error {
    if !p.isPersistent() {
        return nil
    return p.db.WriteShelf(p.ctx, p.shelfName(), func(writer stoabs.Writer) error {
        return writer.Delete(stoabs.BytesKey(hash.Slice()))

func (p *notifier) Close() error {
    return nil

func (p *notifier) incFinished() {
    if p.finishedCounter != nil {

func (p *notifier) incNotified() {
    if p.notifiedCounter != nil {