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Test Coverage
 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2022 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package dag

import (

const (
    // PageSize specifies the Lamport Clock range over which data is summarized and is used in set reconciliation.
    PageSize = uint32(512)
    // IbltNumBuckets is the number of buckets in the IBLT used in set reconciliation.
    IbltNumBuckets = 1024
    xorShelf       = "xorBucket"
    ibltShelf      = "ibltBucket"

// State has references to the DAG and the payload store.
// Multiple goroutines may invoke methods on a state simultaneously.
type state struct {
    db                  stoabs.KVStore
    graph               *dag
    payloadStore        PayloadStore
    txVerifiers         []Verifier
    notifiers           sync.Map
    xorTree             *treeStore
    ibltTree            *treeStore
    lamportClockHigh    atomic.Uint32
    transactionCount    prometheus.Counter
    eventsNotifyCount   prometheus.Counter
    eventsFinishedCount prometheus.Counter
    xorTreeRepair       *xorTreeRepair

func (s *state) Migrate() error {
    return s.graph.Migrate()

// NewState returns a new State. The State is used as entry point, it's methods will start transactions and will notify observers from within those transactions.
func NewState(db stoabs.KVStore, verifiers ...Verifier) (State, error) {
    graph := newDAG(db)

    payloadStore := NewPayloadStore()
    newState := &state{
        db:           db,
        graph:        graph,
        payloadStore: payloadStore,
        txVerifiers:  verifiers,
        xorTree:      newTreeStore(xorShelf, tree.New(tree.NewXor(), PageSize)),
        ibltTree:     newTreeStore(ibltShelf, tree.New(tree.NewIblt(IbltNumBuckets), PageSize)),
    err := newState.initPrometheusCounters()
    if err != nil && err.Error() != (prometheus.AlreadyRegisteredError{}).Error() { // No unwrap on prometheus.AlreadyRegisteredError
        return nil, err

    newState.xorTreeRepair = newXorTreeRepair(newState)

    return newState, nil

func transactionCountCollector() prometheus.Counter {
    return prometheus.NewCounter(
            Namespace: "nuts",
            Subsystem: "dag",
            Name:      "transactions_total",
            Help:      "Number of transactions stored in the DAG",

func (s *state) initPrometheusCounters() error {
    s.transactionCount = transactionCountCollector()
    err := prometheus.Register(s.transactionCount)
    if err != nil && err.Error() != (prometheus.AlreadyRegisteredError{}).Error() { // No unwrap on prometheus.AlreadyRegisteredError
        return err
    s.eventsNotifyCount = prometheus.NewCounter(
            Namespace: "nuts",
            Subsystem: "dag",
            Name:      "events_notified_total",
            Help:      "Number of DAG transaction notifications that were emitted (includes retries)",
    err = prometheus.Register(s.transactionCount)
    if err != nil && err.Error() != (prometheus.AlreadyRegisteredError{}).Error() { // No unwrap on prometheus.AlreadyRegisteredError
        return err
    s.eventsFinishedCount = prometheus.NewCounter(
            Namespace: "nuts",
            Subsystem: "dag",
            Name:      "events_finished_total",
            Help:      "Number of DAG transaction notifications that were completed",
    err = prometheus.Register(s.transactionCount)
    if err != nil && err.Error() != (prometheus.AlreadyRegisteredError{}).Error() { // No unwrap on prometheus.AlreadyRegisteredError
        return err

    return nil

func (s *state) Add(ctx context.Context, transaction Transaction, payload []byte) error {
    txEvent := Event{
        Type:        TransactionEventType,
        Hash:        transaction.Ref(),
        Retries:     0,
        Transaction: transaction,
        Payload:     payload,
    payloadEvent := Event{
        Type:        PayloadEventType,
        Hash:        transaction.Ref(),
        Retries:     0,
        Transaction: transaction,
        Payload:     payload,
    txAdded := false
    emitPayloadEvent := false

    // the tx may contain a large number of prevs. Reading those TXs inside the write-transaction may cause it to timeout.
    // See
    var present bool
    if err := s.db.Read(ctx, func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        // Check TX presence before calling verifiers to avoid executing expensive checks (e.g. TXs with lots of prevs, signatures)
        // It does not prevent 100% of duplicate checks since race conditions may apply during a read TX.
        present = s.graph.isPresent(tx, transaction.Ref())
        if present {
            return nil
        return s.verifyTX(tx, transaction)
    }); err != nil {
        return err
    if present {
        // TX already present on DAG, nothing to do
        return nil

    return s.db.Write(ctx, func(tx stoabs.WriteTx) error {
        // TX already present on DAG, nothing to do
        // We need to do this check again, because a concurrent call could've added the TX (e.g. we got it from another peer).
        // This is due to verifications being performed in a separate read-transaction above.
        // A TX must not be added twice, because it will corrupt the XOR and IBLT trees.
        if s.graph.isPresent(tx, transaction.Ref()) {
            return nil

        // control the afterCommit hooks
        txAdded = true

        if payload != nil {
            emitPayloadEvent = true
            payloadHash := hash.SHA256Sum(payload)
            if !transaction.PayloadHash().Equals(payloadHash) {
                return errors.New("tx.PayloadHash does not match hash of payload")
            if err := s.payloadStore.writePayload(tx, payloadHash, payload); err != nil {
                return err
            if err := s.saveEvent(tx, payloadEvent); err != nil {
                return err
        if err := s.graph.add(tx, transaction); err != nil {
            return err
        if err := s.saveEvent(tx, txEvent); err != nil {
            return err

        // update XOR and IBLT
        return s.updateState(tx, transaction)
    }, stoabs.OnRollback(func() {
        log.Logger().Warn("Reloading the XOR and IBLT trees due to a DB transaction Rollback")
    }), stoabs.AfterCommit(func() {
        if txAdded {
            if emitPayloadEvent {
    }), stoabs.AfterCommit(func() {
        if txAdded {
    }), stoabs.WithWriteLock())

func (s *state) updateState(tx stoabs.WriteTx, transaction Transaction) error {
    clock := transaction.Clock()
    for {
        v := s.lamportClockHigh.Load()
        if v >= clock || s.lamportClockHigh.CompareAndSwap(v, clock) {
    if err := s.ibltTree.write(tx, transaction); err != nil {
        return err
    return s.xorTree.write(tx, transaction)

func (s *state) loadState(ctx context.Context) {
    if err := s.db.Read(ctx, func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        if err :=; err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("failed to read xorTree: %w", err)
        if err :=; err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("failed to read ibltTree: %w", err)
        return nil
    }); err != nil {
            Errorf("Failed to load the XOR and IBLT trees")
    log.Logger().Trace("Loaded the XOR and IBLT trees")

func (s *state) verifyTX(tx stoabs.ReadTx, transaction Transaction) error {
    for _, verifier := range s.txVerifiers {
        if err := verifier(tx, transaction); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("transaction verification failed (tx=%s): %w", transaction.Ref(), err)
    return nil

func (s *state) FindBetweenLC(ctx context.Context, startInclusive uint32, endExclusive uint32) (transactions []Transaction, err error) {
    err = s.db.Read(ctx, func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        transactions, err = s.graph.findBetweenLC(tx, startInclusive, endExclusive)
        return err

func (s *state) GetTransaction(ctx context.Context, hash hash.SHA256Hash) (transaction Transaction, err error) {
    err = s.db.Read(ctx, func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        transaction, err = getTransaction(hash, tx)
        return err

func (s *state) IsPayloadPresent(ctx context.Context, hash hash.SHA256Hash) (present bool, err error) {
    err = s.db.Read(ctx, func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        present = s.payloadStore.isPayloadPresent(tx, hash)
        return nil

func (s *state) IsPresent(ctx context.Context, hash hash.SHA256Hash) (present bool, err error) {
    err = s.db.Read(ctx, func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        present = s.graph.isPresent(tx, hash)
        return nil

func (s *state) WritePayload(ctx context.Context, transaction Transaction, payloadHash hash.SHA256Hash, data []byte) error {
    event := Event{
        Type:        PayloadEventType,
        Hash:        transaction.Ref(),
        Retries:     0,
        Transaction: transaction,
        Payload:     data,
    return s.db.Write(ctx, func(tx stoabs.WriteTx) error {
        if err := s.saveEvent(tx, event); err != nil {
            return err
        return s.payloadStore.writePayload(tx, payloadHash, data)
    }, stoabs.AfterCommit(func() {
    }), stoabs.WithWriteLock())

func (s *state) ReadPayload(ctx context.Context, hash hash.SHA256Hash) (payload []byte, err error) {
    err = s.db.Read(ctx, func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        payload, err = s.payloadStore.readPayload(tx, hash)
        return err

func (s *state) Head(ctx context.Context) (hash.SHA256Hash, error) {
    var head hash.SHA256Hash
    var err error
    err = s.db.Read(ctx, func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        head, err = s.graph.getHead(tx)
        return err
    return head, err

// Notifier registers receiver under a unique name.
func (s *state) Notifier(name string, receiver ReceiverFn, options ...NotifierOption) (Notifier, error) {
    options = append(options, withCounters(s.eventsNotifyCount, s.eventsFinishedCount))

    n := NewNotifier(name, receiver, options...)

    _, loaded := s.notifiers.LoadOrStore(name, n)
    if loaded {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("nuts event receiver %q registration denied on duplicate name", name)
    return n, nil

// Notifiers returns new slice with each registered instance in arbitrary order.
func (s *state) Notifiers() []Notifier {
    var a []Notifier
    s.notifiers.Range(func(_, value any) bool {
        a = append(a, value.(Notifier))
        return true
    return a

func (s *state) XOR(reqClock uint32) (hash.SHA256Hash, uint32) {
    var data tree.Data

    currentClock := s.lamportClockHigh.Load()
    dataClock := currentClock
    if reqClock < currentClock {
        var pageClock uint32
        data, pageClock = s.xorTree.getZeroTo(reqClock)
        if pageClock < currentClock { // false on the last page
            dataClock = pageClock
    } else {
        data = s.xorTree.getRoot()

    return data.(*tree.Xor).Hash(), dataClock

func (s *state) IBLT(reqClock uint32) (tree.Iblt, uint32) {
    var data tree.Data

    currentClock := s.lamportClockHigh.Load()
    dataClock := currentClock
    if reqClock < currentClock {
        var pageClock uint32
        data, pageClock = s.ibltTree.getZeroTo(reqClock)
        if pageClock < currentClock { // false on the last page
            dataClock = pageClock
    } else {
        data = s.ibltTree.getRoot()

    return *data.(*tree.Iblt), dataClock

func (s *state) IncorrectStateDetected() {
func (s *state) CorrectStateDetected() {

func (s *state) Shutdown() error {
    if s.transactionCount != nil {
    if s.xorTreeRepair != nil {
    return nil

func (s *state) Start() error {

    err := s.db.Read(context.Background(), func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        currentTXCount := s.graph.getNumberOfTransactions(tx)
        return nil
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to set initial transaction count metric: %w", err)

    // state does not start the notifiers since they may access other network components before they are initialized.

    // start xorTreeRepair that waits until the state has triggered it to start via IncorrectStateDetected()
    return err

// Verify can be used to verify the entire DAG.
// TODO problematic for large sets. Currently not used, see #1216
func (s *state) Verify(ctx context.Context) error {
    return s.db.Read(ctx, func(dbTx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        transactions, err := s.graph.findBetweenLC(dbTx, 0, MaxLamportClock)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        for _, tx := range transactions {
            if err := s.verifyTX(dbTx, tx); err != nil {
                return err
        return nil

func (s *state) saveEvent(tx stoabs.WriteTx, event Event) error {
    var err error
    s.notifiers.Range(func(_, value any) bool {
        err = value.(Notifier).Save(tx, event)
        return err == nil
    return err

func (s *state) notify(event Event) {
    s.notifiers.Range(func(_, value any) bool {
        return true

func (s *state) failedEventCount() int {
    var n int
    s.notifiers.Range(func(key, value any) bool {
        events, err := value.(Notifier).GetFailedEvents()
        if err != nil {
            log.Logger().WithError(err).Errorf("failed events from %q omitted", key)
        n += len(events)
        return true
    return n

func (s *state) Diagnostics() []core.DiagnosticResult {
    diag := s.graph.diagnostics(context.Background())
    diag = append(diag, &core.GenericDiagnosticResult{Title: "dag_xor", Outcome: s.xorTree.getRoot().(*tree.Xor).Hash()})
    diag = append(diag, &core.GenericDiagnosticResult{Title: "failed_events", Outcome: s.failedEventCount()})
    diag = append(diag, &core.GenericDiagnosticResult{Title: "dag_lc_high", Outcome: s.lamportClockHigh.Load()})
    return diag