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 * Copyright (C) 2022 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package tree

import (

const (
    ibltHc      = uint64(0)
    ibltHk      = uint32(1)
    ibltK       = uint8(6)
    bucketBytes = 44 // = int32 + uint64 + hash.SHA256HashSize

// ErrDecodeNotPossible is returned when the Iblt cannot be decoded.
var (
    ErrDecodeNotPossible = errors.New("decode failed")
    ErrDecodeLoop        = errors.New("decode loop detected")

Iblt implements an Invertible Bloom Filter, which is the special case of an IBLT where the key-value pair consist of a key-hash(key) pair.
The hash(key) value ensures correct decoding after subtraction of two IBLTs. Iblt is not thread-safe.
  - Goodrich, Michael T., and Michael Mitzenmacher. "Invertible bloom lookup tables."
  - Eppstein, David, et al. "What's the difference?: efficient set reconciliation without prior context."
type Iblt struct {
    hc      uint64
    hk      uint32
    k       uint8
    buckets []bucket

// NewIblt returns an *Iblt with default settings and specified number of buckets. numBuckets must be >= Iblt.k
func NewIblt(numBuckets int) *Iblt {
    if numBuckets < int(ibltK) {
        numBuckets = int(ibltK)
    return &Iblt{
        buckets: make([]bucket, numBuckets),
        hc:      ibltHc,
        hk:      ibltHk,
        k:       ibltK,

func (i *Iblt) New() Data {
    return NewIblt(i.numBuckets())

func (i *Iblt) Clone() Data {
    clone := &Iblt{
        hc:      i.hc,
        k:       i.k,
        buckets: make([]bucket, i.numBuckets()),
    copy(clone.buckets, i.buckets)
    return clone

func (i *Iblt) Insert(ref hash.SHA256Hash) {
    keyHash := i.hashKey(ref)
    for _, h := range i.bucketIndices(keyHash) {
        i.buckets[h].insert(ref, keyHash)

func (i *Iblt) Delete(key hash.SHA256Hash) {
    keyHash := i.hashKey(key)
    for _, h := range i.bucketIndices(keyHash) {
        i.buckets[h].delete(key, keyHash)

func (i *Iblt) Add(other Data) error {
    o, err := i.validate(other)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for idx := range i.buckets {
    return nil

func (i *Iblt) Subtract(other Data) error {
    o, err := i.validate(other)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for idx := range i.buckets {
    return nil

// validate returns other as an *Iblt if it is compatible with self, or an error if not.
func (i *Iblt) validate(other Data) (*Iblt, error) {
    // validate datatype
    o, ok := other.(*Iblt)
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("other invalid - expected type %T, got %T", i, other)

    // validate format
    if i.numBuckets() != o.numBuckets() {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("number of buckets do not match, expected (%d) got (%d)", i.numBuckets(), o.numBuckets())
    if i.hc != o.hc {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("hc do not match, expected (%d) got (%d)", i.hc, o.hc)
    if != {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("hk do not match, expected (%d) got (%d)",,
    if i.k != o.k {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unequal number of k, expected (%d) got (%d)", i.k, o.k)

    // valid
    return o, nil

// Decode tries to deconstruct the iblt into hashes remaining (positive entries) and missing (negative entries) from the iblt.
// Decode is destructive to the iblt. If decoding fails with ErrDecodeNotPossible, the original iblt can be recovered by
// Insert-ing all remaining and Delete-ing all missing hashes. Any other error is unrecoverable.
func (i *Iblt) Decode() (remaining []hash.SHA256Hash, missing []hash.SHA256Hash, err error) {
    pures := map[hash.SHA256Hash]bool{}

    for {
        updated := false

        // peel off pures (count == ±1)
        for idx := range i.buckets {
            if (i.buckets[idx].count == 1 || i.buckets[idx].count == -1) && i.hashKey(i.buckets[idx].keySum) == i.buckets[idx].hashSum {
                txRef := i.buckets[idx].keySum
                if pures[txRef] {
                    // Decode gets stuck in a loop when the b.keySum is not exactly ±1 times in all buckets with indices i.bucketIndices(b.hashSum)
                    // this can occur when two Iblt are subtracted that use different methods for assigning buckets
                    err = ErrDecodeLoop
                pures[txRef] = true

                if i.buckets[idx].count == 1 {
                    remaining = append(remaining, txRef)
                } else { // b.count == -1
                    missing = append(missing, txRef)
                updated = true

        // if no pures exist, the iblt is empty or cannot be decoded
        if !updated {
            if !i.Empty() {
                err = ErrDecodeNotPossible

    return remaining, missing, err

func (i *Iblt) Empty() bool {
    for idx := range i.buckets {
        if !i.buckets[idx].isEmpty() {
            return false
    return true

func (i *Iblt) numBuckets() int {
    return len(i.buckets)

func (i *Iblt) bucketIndices(hash uint64) []uint32 {
    bucketUsed := make(map[uint32]bool, i.k)
    indices := make([]uint32, 0,
    hashKeyBytes, nextBytes := make([]byte, 8), make([]byte, 4)
    byteOrder.PutUint64(hashKeyBytes, hash)
    next := murmur3.SeedSum32(, hashKeyBytes)
    for len(indices) < int(i.k) {
        bucketID := next % uint32(i.numBuckets())
        if !bucketUsed[bucketID] {
            indices = append(indices, bucketID)
            bucketUsed[bucketID] = true
        byteOrder.PutUint32(nextBytes, next)
        next = murmur3.SeedSum32(, nextBytes)
    return indices

func (i *Iblt) hashKey(key hash.SHA256Hash) uint64 {
    return murmur3.SeedSum64(i.hc, key.Slice())

func (i *Iblt) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
    data := make([]byte, i.numBuckets()*bucketBytes)
    for idx := range i.buckets {
        bs, err := i.buckets[idx].MarshalBinary()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        copy(data[idx*bucketBytes:], bs)
    return data, nil

func (i *Iblt) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
    numBuckets := len(data) / bucketBytes
    if len(data) != numBuckets*bucketBytes {
        return errors.New("invalid data length")
    buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
    i.hc = ibltHc = ibltHk
    i.k = ibltK
    i.buckets = make([]bucket, numBuckets)
    for j := 0; j < i.numBuckets(); j++ {
        err := i.buckets[j].UnmarshalBinary(buf.Next(bucketBytes))
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling failed - %w", err)
    return nil

// bucket
type bucket struct {
    // count is signed to allow for negative counts after subtraction
    count   int32           // #1
    hashSum uint64          // #2
    keySum  hash.SHA256Hash // #3

func (b *bucket) insert(key hash.SHA256Hash, hash uint64) {
    b.update(key, hash)

func (b *bucket) delete(key hash.SHA256Hash, hash uint64) {
    b.update(key, hash)

func (b *bucket) add(o *bucket) {
    b.count += o.count
    b.update(o.keySum, o.hashSum)

func (b *bucket) subtract(o *bucket) {
    b.count -= o.count
    b.update(o.keySum, o.hashSum)

func (b *bucket) update(key hash.SHA256Hash, hash uint64) {
    b.keySum = b.keySum.Xor(key)
    b.hashSum ^= hash

func (b *bucket) isEmpty() bool {
    return b.equals(new(bucket))

func (b *bucket) equals(o *bucket) bool {
    return *b == *o

func (b *bucket) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("{count:%d keySum:%s hashSum:%d}", b.count, b.keySum, b.hashSum)

func (b *bucket) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
    bs := [bucketBytes]byte{}
    byteOrder.PutUint32(bs[0:], uint32(b.count)) // #1
    byteOrder.PutUint64(bs[4:], b.hashSum)       // #2
    copy(bs[12:], b.keySum.Clone().Slice())      // #3
    return bs[:], nil

func (b *bucket) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
    if len(data) != bucketBytes {
        return errors.New("invalid data length")
    d := (*[bucketBytes]byte)(data)
    b.count = int32(byteOrder.Uint32(d[:4])) // #1
    b.hashSum = byteOrder.Uint64(d[4:12])    // #2
    keySum := (*hash.SHA256Hash)(d[12:])
    b.keySum = *keySum // #3
    return nil

// byteOrder returns the binary.ByteOrder described in the specs.
// This guarantees Iblt generation is platform independent and allows decentralized comparison.
var byteOrder = binary.LittleEndian