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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2022 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package tree

import (


// Data is the interface for data held in each node of the Tree
type Data interface {
    // New creates a new instance, of the same concrete type, initialized to the default/empty state.
    New() Data
    // Clone creates an exact copy using the current instance as a prototype.
    Clone() Data
    // Insert a new transaction reference.
    Insert(ref hash.SHA256Hash)
    // Delete a transaction reference.
    Delete(ref hash.SHA256Hash)
    // Add other Data to this one. Returns an error if the underlying datastructures are incompatible.
    Add(other Data) error
    // Subtract other Data from this one. Returns an error if the underlying datastructures are incompatible.
    Subtract(other Data) error
    // Empty returns true if the concrete type is in its default/empty state.
    Empty() bool

// Tree is the interface for an in-memory tree that provides fast access to Data over requested Lamport Clock ranges.
// The tree is not thread safe
type Tree interface {
    // Insert a transaction reference at the specified clock value.
    // The result of inserting the same ref multiple times is undefined.
    Insert(ref hash.SHA256Hash, clock uint32)
    // Delete a transaction reference without checking if ref is in the Tree
    Delete(ref hash.SHA256Hash, clock uint32)
    // Root returns the accumulated Data for the entire tree
    Root() Data
    // ZeroTo returns the LC value closest to the requested clock value together with Data of the same leaf/page.
    // The LC value closest to requested clock is defined as the lowest of:
    //     - highest LC known to the Tree
    //     - highest LC of the leaf that clock is on: ceil(clock/leafSize)*leafSize - 1
    ZeroTo(clock uint32) (Data, uint32)
    // DropLeaves shrinks the tree by dropping all leaves. The parent of a leaf will become the new leaf.
    // Updates return the leaves that have been orphaned or updated since the last call to ResetUpdate.
    // dirty and orphaned are mutually exclusive.
    Updates() (dirty map[uint32][]byte, orphaned []uint32)
    // ResetUpdates forgets all currently tracked changes.
    // Load builds a tree from binary leaf data. The keys in leaves correspond to a node's split value.
    // All consecutive leaves must be present. Gaps must be filled with zero value of the corresponding Data implementation.
    Load(leaves map[uint32][]byte) error
    // Replace replaces the Data at the leaf starting with the given clock value with the given Data.
    // It adds the leaf to the dirtyLeaves map.
    Replace(clock uint32, data Data) error

tree creates a binary tree, where the leaves contain Data over a fixed range (one page) of Lamport Clock values.
  - The Data of the parent node is the sum of that of its children. Thus root contains the sum of all Data in the tree.
  - The value that splits a node into its children is used as a nodeID since it is unique, even after tree resizing.
  - Since the leaves are of fixed size, a new root is created when added something to a clock outside the current root range.
  - Whenever a new branch is created, a string of left Nodes is created all the way down to the leaf.
  - Since the tree is agnostic to its content, great care must be taken to prevent adding the same data more than once.
type tree struct {
    treeSize uint32
    leafSize uint32
    root     *node
    // storage
    prototype      Data
    dirtyLeaves    map[uint32]*node
    orphanedLeaves map[uint32]struct{}

// New creates a new tree with the given leafSize and of the same type of Data as the prototype.
// leafSize should be an even number.
func New(prototype Data, leafSize uint32) Tree {
    tr := &tree{prototype: prototype.New()}
    return tr

func (t *tree) resetDefaults(leafSize uint32) {
    t.root = newNode(leafSize/2, leafSize, t.prototype.New())
    t.leafSize = leafSize
    t.treeSize = leafSize
    t.dirtyLeaves = map[uint32]*node{t.root.splitLC: t.root}
    t.orphanedLeaves = nil

Load builds the tree from the bottom-up.

Trees are build by:
  - Clone-ing Data from the even numbered children (or leaves) to generate the parent nodes,
    and setting the cloned node as its left child.
  - Add-ing the Data from the odd numbered children (if it exists) to the corresponding parent,
    and setting the odd node as its right child.
  - Parents then become the children and the process repeats until a single root node remains.

It is assumed that all leaves are present. The tree will be corrupt when this is not the case.
func (t *tree) Load(leaves map[uint32][]byte) error {
    // nothing to load
    if len(leaves) == 0 {
        return nil

    // unmarshal leaves in order
    keys := make([]uint32, 0, len(leaves))
    for k := range leaves {
        keys = append(keys, k)
    sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
        return keys[i] < keys[j]

    halfNode := keys[0]
    nodes := make([]*node, len(keys))
    var err error
    for i, k := range keys {
        nodes[i] = &node{ // add the leafs
            splitLC: k,
            limitLC: k + halfNode,
            data:    t.prototype.New(),
        if err = nodes[i].data.UnmarshalBinary(leaves[k]); err != nil {
            return err

    // build tree
    for len(nodes) > 1 {
        halfNode *= 2
        for i := 0; i < len(nodes); i++ {
            // left child
            nodes[i/2] = &node{
                splitLC: nodes[i].limitLC,
                limitLC: nodes[i].limitLC + halfNode,
                data:    nodes[i].data.Clone(),
                left:    nodes[i],
            // right child if it exists
            if i < len(nodes) {
                if err = nodes[i/2].data.Add(nodes[i].data); err != nil {
                    return err
                nodes[i/2].right = nodes[i]
        nodes = nodes[:(len(nodes)+1)/2] // left half now points to the parents that serve as children for the next iteration

    // set tree values
    t.root = nodes[0]
    t.leafSize = 2 * keys[0]
    t.treeSize = t.root.limitLC

    return nil

func (t *tree) Insert(ref hash.SHA256Hash, clock uint32) {
    t.updateOrCreatePath(clock, func(n *node) {

func (t *tree) Delete(ref hash.SHA256Hash, clock uint32) {
    t.updateOrCreatePath(clock, func(n *node) {

func (t *tree) Replace(clock uint32, data Data) error {
    var current *node
    next := t.root
    for next != nil {
        current = next
        if current.isLeaf() {
            if clock >= current.limitLC {
                next = t.root
   = data
            t.dirtyLeaves[current.splitLC] = current

            // recalculate all upper leaves
            return t.rebuild()
        next = t.getNextNode(current, clock)
    return errors.New("unknown leaf")

// updateOrCreatePath calls fn on all nodes on the path from the root to leaf containing the clock value.
// If the path/leaf does not exist it will be created.
// The leaf is marked dirty.
func (t *tree) updateOrCreatePath(clock uint32, fn func(n *node)) {
    // grow tree if needed
    for clock >= t.treeSize {

    // apply fn to all nodes on path
    var current *node
    next := t.root
    for next != nil {
        current = next
        next = t.getNextNode(current, clock)
    t.dirtyLeaves[current.splitLC] = current

func (t *tree) newBranch(start, stop uint32) *node {
    split := (stop + start) / 2
    n := newNode(split, stop, t.prototype.New())
    if stop-start > t.leafSize {
        n.left = t.newBranch(start, split)
    } else {
        t.dirtyLeaves[n.splitLC] = n
    return n

// reRoot creates a new root with Data from the current root and adds current root as its left branch.
func (t *tree) reRoot() {
    newRoot := newNode(t.treeSize, 2*t.treeSize,
    newRoot.left = t.root
    t.root = newRoot
    t.treeSize *= 2

func (t *tree) rebuild() error {
    root, err := t.root.rebuild()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    *t.root = root
    return nil

// getNextNode retrieves the next node based on the clock value. If the node does not exist it is created.
func (t *tree) getNextNode(n *node, clock uint32) *node {
    // return nil if n is a leaf
    if n.isLeaf() {
        return nil

    if clock < n.splitLC {
        return n.left

    if n.right == nil {
        n.right = t.newBranch(n.splitLC, n.limitLC)
    return n.right

func (t *tree) Root() Data {

func (t *tree) ZeroTo(clock uint32) (Data, uint32) {
    data :=
    next := t.root
    for {
        current := next
        if clock < current.splitLC {
            if current.right != nil {
                // Only fails when Data structures do not match, which should not happen for Data managed by the tree.
                _ = data.Subtract(
            next = current.left
        } else {
            next = current.right
        if next == nil {
            return data, rightmostLeafClock(current)

// rightmostLeafClock finds the rightmost leaf of the given node and returns its maximum clock value.
func rightmostLeafClock(n *node) uint32 {
    for {
        if n.right != nil {
            n = n.right
        } else if n.left != nil {
            n = n.left
        } else {
            return n.limitLC - 1

func (t *tree) Updates() (dirty map[uint32][]byte, orphaned []uint32) {
    dirty = t.getDirty()

    for k := range t.orphanedLeaves {
        orphaned = append(orphaned, k)

func (t *tree) getDirty() map[uint32][]byte {
    dirty := make(map[uint32][]byte, len(t.dirtyLeaves))
    for k, v := range t.dirtyLeaves {
        // no error can be returned since the xor and iblt structures do not generate errors
        b, _ :=
        dirty[k] = b

    return dirty

func (t *tree) ResetUpdates() {
    t.dirtyLeaves = map[uint32]*node{}
    t.orphanedLeaves = nil

type dropLeavesUpdate struct {
    dirty    map[uint32]*node
    orphaned map[uint32]struct{}

func (t *tree) DropLeaves() {
    // don't drop root
    if t.root == nil || t.root.isLeaf() {

    update := &dropLeavesUpdate{
        dirty:    map[uint32]*node{},
        orphaned: map[uint32]struct{}{},
    dropLeavesR(t.root, update)

    t.dirtyLeaves = update.dirty
    if t.orphanedLeaves == nil {
        t.orphanedLeaves = update.orphaned
    } else {
        for k := range update.orphaned {
            t.orphanedLeaves[k] = struct{}{}
    t.leafSize *= 2

func dropLeavesR(n *node, update *dropLeavesUpdate) {
    if n == nil {
        // n = parent.right might not exist
    // if n.left is a leaf, make n node a leaf
    if n.left.isLeaf() {
        update.dirty[n.splitLC] = n
        update.orphaned[n.left.splitLC] = struct{}{}
        if n.right != nil {
            update.orphaned[n.right.splitLC] = struct{}{}
        n.left = nil
        n.right = nil
    dropLeavesR(n.left, update)
    dropLeavesR(n.right, update)

// node
type node struct {
    // splitLC point for left / right node. splitLC is part of the right node.
    splitLC uint32
    // limitLC is the node's upper limit for the LC (exclusive)
    limitLC uint32
    // data held by the node. Should not be nil
    data Data

    // child nodes. if left == nil, current node is a leaf
    left  *node
    right *node

func newNode(splitLC, limitLC uint32, data Data) *node {
    return &node{
        splitLC: splitLC,
        limitLC: limitLC,
        data:    data,

func (n node) isLeaf() bool {
    return n.left == nil

// reBuild rebuilds the node from left and right.
func (n node) rebuild() (node, error) {
    var err error
    if n.isLeaf() {
        return n, nil
    *n.left, err = n.left.rebuild()
    if err != nil {
        return n, err
    } =
    if n.right != nil {
        *n.right, err = n.right.rebuild()
        if err != nil {
            return n, err
        return n,
    return n, nil