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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package grpc

import (

    grpcPeer ""

const defaultMaxMessageSizeInBytes = 1024 * 512
const maxConcurrentCallsPerTick = 10
const peerIDHeader = "peerID"
const nodeDIDHeader = "nodeDID"

// ErrNodeDIDAuthFailed is the error message returned to the peer when the node DID it sent could not be authenticated.
// It is specified by RFC017.
var ErrNodeDIDAuthFailed = status.Error(codes.Unauthenticated, "nodeDID authentication failed")

// ErrUnexpectedNodeDID is the error used in outbound calling to signal that the peer sent a different NodeDID than expected.
// The DID has moved on, do not call it again until notified of its new address.
var ErrUnexpectedNodeDID = fmt.Errorf("call answered by other node DID than expected: %w", ErrNodeDIDAuthFailed)

// ErrAlreadyConnected indicates the node is already connected to the peer.
var ErrAlreadyConnected = errors.New("already connected")

// MaxMessageSizeInBytes defines the maximum size of an in- or outbound gRPC/Protobuf message
var MaxMessageSizeInBytes = defaultMaxMessageSizeInBytes

// defaultInterceptors aids testing
var defaultInterceptors []grpc.StreamServerInterceptor

var _ transport.ConnectionManager = (*grpcConnectionManager)(nil)

type fatalError struct {

func (s fatalError) Error() string {
    return s.error.Error()

func (s fatalError) Unwrap() error {
    return s.error

type dialer func(ctx context.Context, target string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) (conn *grpc.ClientConn, err error)

// NewGRPCConnectionManager creates a new ConnectionManager that accepts/creates connections which communicate using the given protocols.
func NewGRPCConnectionManager(config Config, connectionStore stoabs.KVStore, nodeDID did.DID, authenticator Authenticator, protocols ...transport.Protocol) (*grpcConnectionManager, error) {
    var grpcProtocols []Protocol
    for _, curr := range protocols {
        // For now, only gRPC protocols are supported
        protocol, ok := curr.(Protocol)
        if ok {
            grpcProtocols = append(grpcProtocols, protocol)

    // client tls
    tlsDialOption := grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()) // No TLS, requires 'insecure' flag
    if config.tlsEnabled() {
        clientTlsConfig, err := newClientTLSConfig(config)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        tlsDialOption = grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(clientTlsConfig)) // TLS authentication

    cm := &grpcConnectionManager{
        protocols:         grpcProtocols,
        nodeDID:           nodeDID,
        authenticator:     authenticator,
        config:            config,
        connectionTimeout: config.connectionTimeout,
        connections:       &connectionList{},
        dialer:            config.dialer,
        dialOptions: []grpc.DialOption{
            grpc.WithBlock(),                 // Dial should block until connection succeeded (or time-out expired)
            grpc.WithReturnConnectionError(), // This option causes underlying errors to be returned when connections fail, rather than just "context deadline exceeded"
    cm.addressBook = newAddressBook(connectionStore, config.backoffCreator)
    cm.ctx, cm.ctxCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    if config.tlsEnabled() {
    return cm, nil

// grpcConnectionManager is a ConnectionManager that does not discover peers on its own, but just connects to the peers for which Connect() is called.
type grpcConnectionManager struct {
    protocols           []Protocol
    config              Config
    grpcServer          *grpc.Server
    ctx                 context.Context
    ctxCancel           func()
    listener            net.Listener
    authenticator       Authenticator
    nodeDID             did.DID
    observers           []transport.StreamStateObserverFunc
    peersCounter        prometheus.Gauge
    recvMessagesCounter *prometheus.CounterVec
    sentMessagesCounter *prometheus.CounterVec

    addressBook *addressBook

    connectLoopWG             sync.WaitGroup
    dialOptions               []grpc.DialOption
    connectionTimeout         time.Duration
    connections               *connectionList
    lastCertificateValidation atomic.Pointer[time.Time]

// newGrpcServer configures a new grpc.Server
func newGrpcServer(config Config) (*grpc.Server, error) {
    serverOpts := []grpc.ServerOption{

    var serverInterceptors []grpc.StreamServerInterceptor
    serverInterceptors = append(serverInterceptors, defaultInterceptors...)

    // Configure TLS if enabled
    if config.tlsEnabled() {
        // Some form of TLS is enabled
        if config.serverCert != nil {
            // TLS is terminated at the Nuts node (no offloading)
            tlsServer, err := newServerTLSConfig(config)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err
            serverOpts = append(serverOpts, grpc.Creds(credentials.NewTLS(tlsServer)))
        } else {
            // TLS offloading for incoming traffic. config.clientCertHeaderName is validated during config creation.
            serverInterceptors = append(serverInterceptors, newAuthenticationInterceptor(config.clientCertHeaderName, config.pkiValidator))
    } else {
        log.Logger().Info("TLS is disabled, this is very unsecure and only suitable for demo/development environments.")

    // Chain interceptors. ipInterceptor is added last, so it processes the stream first.
    serverInterceptors = append(serverInterceptors, ipInterceptor)
    serverOpts = append(serverOpts, grpc.ChainStreamInterceptor(serverInterceptors...))

    // Create gRPC server for inbound connectionList and associate it with the protocols
    return grpc.NewServer(serverOpts...), nil

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) Start() error {
    // Start outbound
    go func() {
        defer s.connectLoopWG.Done()

    // Start inbound
    if s.config.listenAddress == "" {
        log.Logger().Info("Not starting gRPC server, connections will only be outbound.")
        return nil
    log.Logger().Debugf("Starting gRPC server on %s", s.config.listenAddress)

    var err error
    s.listener, err = s.config.listener(s.config.listenAddress)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Create gRPC server for inbound connectionList and associate it with the protocols
    s.grpcServer, err = newGrpcServer(s.config)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for _, protocol := range s.protocols {
        protocol.Register(s, func(stream grpc.ServerStream) error {
            return s.handleInboundStream(protocol, stream)
        }, s.connections, s)

    // Start serving from the gRPC server
    go func(server *grpc.Server, listener net.Listener) {
        err := server.Serve(listener)
        if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, grpc.ErrServerStopped) {
                Error("gRPC server errored")
    }(s.grpcServer, s.listener)

    log.Logger().Infof("gRPC server started on %s", s.config.listenAddress)
    return nil

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) Stop() {
    log.Logger().Debug("Stopping gRPC connection manager")
    s.ctxCancel() // stops connectLoop
    log.Logger().Trace("Waiting for connectLoop to close")
    s.connections.forEach(func(connection Connection) {

    if s.grpcServer != nil { // is nil when not accepting inbound connections
        s.grpcServer.GracefulStop() // also closes listener


func (s *grpcConnectionManager) connectLoop() {
    log.Logger().Debug("Start connecting")
    ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
    connectWG := new(sync.WaitGroup)
    defer ticker.Stop()
    for {
        select {
        case <-s.ctx.Done():
            break outerLoop
        case <-ticker.C:
            // Try to connect to a subset of contacts that meet the criteria (not connected and an expired backoff)
            // The limited subset prevents calling all contacts at the exact same time, it is not a limit on the number of allowed outbound calls at a time.
            // This is mostly an issue during startup, and for new nodes this prevents the node from performing a DoS attack on its backoff store.
            for _, c := range s.addressBook.limit(maxConcurrentCallsPerTick, isNotActivePredicate(s), backoffExpiredPredicate(), notDialingPredicate()) {
                // the notDialingPredicate above guarantees that calling is currently false. We can take the calling lock
                go func(cp *contact) {
                    defer func() {
                        cp.calling.Store(false) // reset call lock at the end of calling
                    s.connect(cp) // blocking while connected

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) connect(contact *contact) {
    connection, isNew := s.connections.getOrRegister(s.ctx, contact.peer, true)
    if !isNew {
        // can only occur when receiving an inbound connection at the same time.
            Debug("stop calling, already has a connection")
    defer func() {
        // connection does not exist outside the dialer

    // Open a grpc.ClientConn
    log.Logger().WithFields(contact.peer.ToFields()).Debug("connecting to peer")
    now := time.Now()
    dialContext, cancel := context.WithTimeout(s.ctx, s.connectionTimeout)
    defer cancel()
    grpcClient, err := s.dialer(dialContext, contact.peer.Address, s.dialOptions...)
    if err != nil { // failed to connect
        log.Logger().WithError(err).WithFields(contact.peer.ToFields()).Debug("failed to open a grpc ClientConn")
        errStatus, isStatusError := status.FromError(err)
        if isStatusError && errStatus.Code() == codes.Canceled {
            // Do not backoff when context is cancelled
            // Backoff might try to persist after stores are closed
        sErr := err.Error()
        contact.backoff.Backoff() // backoff store
    defer grpcClient.Close()
    log.Logger().WithFields(contact.peer.ToFields()).Debug("connected to peer (outbound)")

    // Connect protocol streams
    err = s.openOutboundStreams(connection, grpcClient) // blocking call, connect needs to be async
    if err != nil {
        // connection failed, increase backoff
        // TODO: check if this works as intended for multiple streams/protocols on the same connection
        if errors.Is(err, ErrUnexpectedNodeDID) {
            // backoff expires after a day. DID is probably abandoned/replaced, but try again later in case the node was misconfigured.
            contact.backoff.Reset(time.Hour * 24)
            Debug("Error while setting up outbound gRPC streams, disconnecting")
    } else {
        // Connection was OK, but now disconnected. Add a random wait to prevent simultaneous reconnecting.
        contact.backoff.Reset(RandomBackoff(time.Second, 5*time.Second))

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) hasActiveConnection(peer transport.Peer) bool {
    if peer.NodeDID.Empty() { // bootstrap matches on address + empty node DID
        return s.connections.Get(ByAddress(peer.Address), ByNodeDID(did.DID{})) != nil
    // Only authenticated connections
    return s.connections.Get(ByNodeDID(peer.NodeDID), ByAuthenticated()) != nil

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) Connect(peerAddress string, peerDID did.DID, delay *time.Duration) {
    // peer has deactivated its DID or removed it's NutsComm address. Delete peer from address book, if it exists.
    if peerAddress == "" {

    // add/update contact
    peer := transport.Peer{Address: peerAddress, NodeDID: peerDID}
    if cont, updated := s.addressBook.update(peer); updated && delay != nil {
        // reset existing backoff after an update to try to connect to the peer's new address

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) RegisterObserver(observer transport.StreamStateObserverFunc) {
    s.observers = append(s.observers, observer)

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) notifyObservers(peer transport.Peer, protocol transport.Protocol, state transport.StreamState) {
        WithField(core.LogFieldProtocolVersion, protocol.Version()).
        Debugf("Stream state changed to %s", state)
    for _, observer := range s.observers {
        observer(peer, state, protocol)

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) Peers() []transport.Peer {
    var peers []transport.Peer

    for _, curr := range s.connections.AllMatching(ByConnected()) {
        peers = append(peers, curr.Peer())
    return peers

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) Contacts() []transport.Contact {
    return s.addressBook.stats()

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) Diagnostics() []core.DiagnosticResult {
    return append(

// RegisterService implements grpc.ServiceRegistrar to register the gRPC services protocols expose.
func (s *grpcConnectionManager) RegisterService(desc *grpc.ServiceDesc, impl interface{}) {
    s.grpcServer.RegisterService(desc, impl)

// openOutboundStreams instructs the protocols that support gRPC streaming to open their streams.
// The resulting grpc.ClientStream(s) must be registered on the Connection.
// If an error is returned the connection should be closed.
func (s *grpcConnectionManager) openOutboundStreams(connection Connection, grpcConn *grpc.ClientConn) error {
    md, err := s.constructMetadata(connection.Peer().NodeDID.Empty())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    protocolNum := 0
    // Call gRPC-enabled protocols, block until they close
    for _, protocol := range s.protocols {
        clientStream, err := s.openOutboundStream(connection, protocol, grpcConn, md)
        if err != nil {
                WithField(core.LogFieldPeerAddr, grpcConn.Target()).
                WithField(core.LogFieldPeerNodeDID, connection.Peer().NodeDID).
                WithField(core.LogFieldProtocolVersion, protocol.Version()).
                Info("Failed to open gRPC stream")
            if errors.As(err, new(fatalError)) {
                // Error indicates connection should be closed.
                return err
            // Non-fatal error: other protocols may continue
        peer := connection.Peer() // work with a copy of peer to avoid race condition due to disconnect() resetting it
            WithField(core.LogFieldProtocolVersion, protocol.Version()).
            Debug("Opened gRPC stream")
        s.notifyObservers(peer, protocol, transport.StateConnected)

        go func() {
            // Waits for the clientStream to be done (other side closed the stream), then we disconnect the connection on our side
            s.notifyObservers(peer, protocol, transport.StateDisconnected)

    if protocolNum == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not use any of the supported protocols to communicate with peer (id=%s)", connection.Peer())

    defer s.peersCounter.Dec()

    // Function must block until streams are closed or disconnect() is called.

    if st := connection.closeError(); st != nil && st.Code() == codes.Unauthenticated {
        // return error so entire connection will be tried anew. Otherwise, backoff isn't honored
        return st.Err()

    return nil

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) openOutboundStream(connection Connection, protocol Protocol, grpcConn grpc.ClientConnInterface, md metadata.MD) (grpc.ClientStream, error) {
    outgoingContext := metadata.NewOutgoingContext(s.ctx, md)
    clientStream, err := protocol.CreateClientStream(outgoingContext, grpcConn)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fatalError{error: err}

    // Read peer ID from metadata
    peerHeaders, err := clientStream.Header()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fatalError{error: fmt.Errorf("failed to read gRPC headers: %w", err)}
    if len(peerHeaders) == 0 { // non-fatal error
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("peer didn't send any headers, maybe the protocol version is not supported")
    peerID, nodeDID, err := readMetadata(peerHeaders)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fatalError{error: fmt.Errorf("failed to read peer ID header: %w", err)}

    // Update connection information
    if !connection.verifyOrSetPeerID(peerID) {
        return nil, fatalError{error: fmt.Errorf("peer sent invalid ID (id=%s)", peerID)}
    peerFromCtx, _ := grpcPeer.FromContext(clientStream.Context())
    peer := connection.Peer()

    // Add certificate so it is available during authentication
    peer.Certificate = extractCertificate(peerFromCtx)

    // Authenticate expected DID
    if !peer.NodeDID.Empty() { // do not authenticate bootstrap connections
        if nodeDID.Empty() {
            // Peer might be in maintenance mode, try again later
            return nil, fatalError{ErrNodeDIDAuthFailed}
        if !peer.NodeDID.Equals(nodeDID) {
            // DID no longer lives at this address, don't call this DID again!
            return nil, fatalError{ErrUnexpectedNodeDID}
        peer, err = s.authenticate(nodeDID, peer)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fatalError{err}

    wrappedStream := s.wrapStream(clientStream, protocol)
    if !connection.registerStream(protocol, wrappedStream) {
        // This can happen when the peer connected to us previously, and now we connect back to them.
            Warn("We connected to a peer that we're already connected to")
        return nil, fatalError{error: ErrAlreadyConnected}

    return clientStream, nil

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) authenticate(nodeDID did.DID, peer transport.Peer) (transport.Peer, error) {
    if !nodeDID.Empty() {
        var err error
        peer, err = s.authenticator.Authenticate(nodeDID, peer)
        if err != nil {
                WithField(core.LogFieldDID, nodeDID).
                Debug("Peer node DID could not be authenticated")
            // Error message is spec'd by RFC017, because it is returned to the peer
            return transport.Peer{}, ErrNodeDIDAuthFailed
    return peer, nil

func extractCertificate(peerFromCtx *grpcPeer.Peer) *x509.Certificate {
    tlsInfo, isTLS := peerFromCtx.AuthInfo.(credentials.TLSInfo)
    if !isTLS || len(tlsInfo.State.PeerCertificates) == 0 {
        return nil
    return tlsInfo.State.PeerCertificates[0]

// revalidatePeers verifies for all peers the x509.Certificate provided during TLS handshake is still valid.
func (s *grpcConnectionManager) revalidatePeers() {
    var err error
    now := nowFunc()
    s.connections.forEach(func(conn Connection) {
        peerCert := conn.Peer().Certificate
        if peerCert == nil {
            // This can happen when the denylist is updated while the node is trying to set up an outbound connection.
            // See
        if nowFunc().After(peerCert.NotAfter) {
            log.Logger().WithError(errors.New("certificate expired while in use")).WithFields(conn.Peer().ToFields()).Info("Disconnected peer")
        err = s.config.pkiValidator.Validate([]*x509.Certificate{peerCert})
        if err != nil {
            log.Logger().WithError(err).WithFields(conn.Peer().ToFields()).Warn("Disconnected peer")

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) handleInboundStream(protocol Protocol, inboundStream grpc.ServerStream) error {
    peerFromCtx, _ := grpcPeer.FromContext(inboundStream.Context())
        WithField(core.LogFieldPeerAddr, peerFromCtx.Addr.String()).
        Trace("New peer connected")

    // Send our headers
    md, err := s.constructMetadata(false)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if err := inboundStream.SendHeader(md); err != nil {
            WithField(core.LogFieldPeerAddr, peerFromCtx.Addr.String()).
            Error("Unable to accept gRPC stream, unable to send headers")
        return errors.New("unable to send headers")

    // Build peer info and check it
    md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(inboundStream.Context())
    if !ok {
        return errors.New("unable to read metadata")
    peerID, nodeDID, err := readMetadata(md)
    if err != nil {
        log.Logger().Debugf("Peer sent invalid peer ID, headers: %v", md)
        return errors.New("unable to read peer ID")
    peer := transport.Peer{
        ID:          peerID,
        Address:     peerFromCtx.Addr.String(), // this is including port number, so a unique value for inbound
        Certificate: extractCertificate(peerFromCtx),
        WithField(core.LogFieldProtocolVersion, protocol.Version()).
        Debug("New inbound stream from peer")
    peer, err = s.authenticate(nodeDID, peer)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // TODO: Need to authenticate PeerID, to make sure a second stream with a known PeerID is from the same node (maybe even connection).
    //       Use address from peer context?
    connection, created := s.connections.getOrRegister(s.ctx, peer, false)
    if created {
        // If created is false, it's a second (or third...) protocol on the same connection
        defer s.peersCounter.Dec()
    wrappedStream := s.wrapStream(inboundStream, protocol)
    if !connection.registerStream(protocol, wrappedStream) {
        return ErrAlreadyConnected

    s.notifyObservers(peer, protocol, transport.StateConnected)
    s.notifyObservers(peer, protocol, transport.StateDisconnected)

    return nil

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) constructMetadata(bootstrap bool) (metadata.MD, error) {
    md := metadata.New(map[string]string{})

    if bootstrap {
        // Older nodes (< v5.1) only match on peerID.
        // The postfix allows them to have a bootstrap connection and authenticated connection at the same time.
        md.Set(peerIDHeader, string(s.config.peerID)+"-bootstrap")
        return md, nil

    md.Set(peerIDHeader, string(s.config.peerID))

    if !s.nodeDID.Empty() {
        md.Set(nodeDIDHeader, s.nodeDID.String())
    return md, nil

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) wrapStream(stream Stream, protocol Protocol) prometheusStreamWrapper {
    return prometheusStreamWrapper{
        stream:              stream,
        protocol:            protocol,
        recvMessagesCounter: s.recvMessagesCounter,
        sentMessagesCounter: s.sentMessagesCounter,

func (s *grpcConnectionManager) registerPrometheusMetrics() {
    s.peersCounter = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
        Namespace: "nuts",
        Subsystem: "network",
        Name:      "peers",
        Help:      "Number of connected gRPC peers.",
    _ = prometheus.Register(s.peersCounter)
    s.sentMessagesCounter = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
        Namespace: "nuts",
        Subsystem: "network_grpc",
        Name:      "messages_sent",
        Help:      "Number of gRPC messages sent per protocol and message type.",
    }, []string{"protocol", "message_type"})
    _ = prometheus.Register(s.sentMessagesCounter)
    s.recvMessagesCounter = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
        Namespace: "nuts",
        Subsystem: "network_grpc",
        Name:      "messages_received",
        Help:      "Number of gRPC messages received per protocol and message type.",
    }, []string{"protocol", "message_type"})
    _ = prometheus.Register(s.recvMessagesCounter)