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 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2022 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package cmd

import (

// FlagSet contains flags relevant for the engine
func FlagSet() *pflag.FlagSet {
    flagSet := pflag.NewFlagSet("storage", pflag.ContinueOnError)
    defs := storage.DefaultConfig()
    flagSet.String("", defs.BBolt.Backup.Directory, "Target directory for BBolt database backups.")
    flagSet.Duration("storage.bbolt.backup.interval", defs.BBolt.Backup.Interval, "Interval, formatted as Golang duration (e.g. 10m, 1h) at which BBolt database backups will be performed.")
    flagSet.String("storage.redis.address", defs.Redis.Address, "Redis database server address. This can be a simple 'host:port' or a Redis connection URL with scheme, auth and other options.")
    flagSet.String("storage.redis.username", defs.Redis.Username, "Redis database username. If set, it overrides the username in the connection URL.")
    flagSet.String("storage.redis.password", defs.Redis.Password, "Redis database password. If set, it overrides the username in the connection URL.")
    flagSet.String("storage.redis.database", defs.Redis.Database, "Redis database name, which is used as prefix every key. Can be used to have multiple instances use the same Redis instance.")
    flagSet.String("storage.redis.tls.truststorefile", defs.Redis.TLS.TrustStoreFile, "PEM file containing the trusted CA certificate(s) for authenticating remote Redis servers. Can only be used when connecting over TLS (use 'rediss://' as scheme in address).")
    flagSet.String("storage.redis.sentinel.master", defs.Redis.Sentinel.Master, "Name of the Redis Sentinel master. Setting this property enables Redis Sentinel.")
    flagSet.StringSlice("storage.redis.sentinel.nodes", defs.Redis.Sentinel.Nodes, "Addresses of the Redis Sentinels to connect to initially. Setting this property enables Redis Sentinel.")
    flagSet.String("storage.redis.sentinel.username", defs.Redis.Sentinel.Username, "Username for authenticating to Redis Sentinels.")
    flagSet.String("storage.redis.sentinel.password", defs.Redis.Sentinel.Password, "Password for authenticating to Redis Sentinels.")
    flagSet.String("storage.sql.connection", defs.SQL.ConnectionString, "Connection string for the SQL database. "+
        "If not set it, defaults to a SQLite database stored inside the configured data directory. "+
        "Note: using SQLite is not recommended in production environments. "+
        "If using SQLite anyways, remember to enable foreign keys ('_foreign_keys=on') and the write-ahead-log ('_journal_mode=WAL').")

    flagSet.String("storage.session.redis.address", defs.Redis.Address, "Redis session database server address. This can be a simple 'host:port' or a Redis connection URL with scheme, auth and other options. "+
        "If not set it, defaults to an in-memory database.")
    flagSet.String("storage.session.redis.username", defs.Redis.Username, "Redis session database username. If set, it overrides the username in the connection URL.")
    flagSet.String("storage.session.redis.password", defs.Redis.Password, "Redis session database password. If set, it overrides the username in the connection URL.")
    flagSet.String("storage.session.redis.database", defs.Redis.Database, "Redis session database name, which is used as prefix every key. Can be used to have multiple instances use the same Redis instance.")
    flagSet.String("storage.session.redis.tls.truststorefile", defs.Redis.TLS.TrustStoreFile, "PEM file containing the trusted CA certificate(s) for authenticating remote Redis session servers. Can only be used when connecting over TLS (use 'rediss://' as scheme in address).")

    return flagSet