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 * Copyright (C) 2024 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package store

import (

// CredentialRecord is a Verifiable Credential stored in the SQL database.
type CredentialRecord struct {
    // ID contains the 'id' property of the Verifiable Credential.
    ID string
    // Issuer contains the 'issuer' property of the Verifiable Credential.
    Issuer string
    // SubjectID contains the '' property of the Verifiable Credential.
    SubjectID string
    // Type contains the 'type' property of the Verifiable Credential (not being 'VerifiableCredential').
    Type *string
    // Raw contains the raw JSON of the Verifiable Credential.
    Raw        string
    Properties []CredentialPropertyRecord `gorm:"foreignKey:CredentialID;references:ID"`

// TableName returns the table name for this DTO.
func (p CredentialRecord) TableName() string {
    return "credential"

// CredentialPropertyRecord is a property of a Verifiable Credential stored in the SQL database.
type CredentialPropertyRecord struct {
    // CredentialID refers to the entry record in credential
    CredentialID string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
    // Path is JSON path of the property.
    Path string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
    // Value is the value of the property.
    Value string

// TableName returns the table name for this DTO.
func (l CredentialPropertyRecord) TableName() string {
    return "credential_prop"

// CredentialStore stores Verifiable Credentials in a SQL database.
type CredentialStore struct {

// Store stores a Verifiable Credential in the SQL database.
func (c CredentialStore) Store(db *gorm.DB, credential vc.VerifiableCredential) (*CredentialRecord, error) {
    subjectDID, err := credential.SubjectDID()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to extract subject DID: %w", err)
    // Base properties
    newCredential := CredentialRecord{
        ID:        credential.ID.String(),
        Issuer:    credential.Issuer.String(),
        SubjectID: subjectDID.String(),
        Raw:       credential.Raw(),
    // Set type
    for _, currType := range credential.Type {
        if currType.String() != "VerifiableCredential" {
            val := currType.String()
            newCredential.Type = &val
    // Create key-value properties of the credential subject, which is then stored in the property table for searching.
    if len(credential.CredentialSubject) != 1 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected exactly one credential subject, got %d", len(credential.CredentialSubject))
    credentialSubjectJSON, err := json.Marshal(credential.CredentialSubject[0])
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal credential subject: %w", err)
    var credentialSubject map[string]interface{}
    _ = json.Unmarshal(credentialSubjectJSON, &credentialSubject) // if we marshalled it, we can unmarshal into a map
    // now index it
    paths, values := indexJSONObject(credentialSubject, nil, nil, "credentialSubject")
    for i, path := range paths {
        if path == "" {
            // present as column, don't index
        newCredential.Properties = append(newCredential.Properties, CredentialPropertyRecord{
            CredentialID: newCredential.ID,
            Path:         path,
            Value:        values[i],

    var existingCredential *CredentialRecord
    if err := db.Where(CredentialRecord{ID: newCredential.ID}).
        FirstOrCreate(&existingCredential).Error; err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // compare with all whitespace and linebreaks removed
    // todo: replace with correct canonicalization from VC spec, once it's available. Should be implemented in go-did.
    if stripWhitespaceAndLinebreaks(existingCredential.Raw) != stripWhitespaceAndLinebreaks(newCredential.Raw) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("credential with this ID already exists with different contents: %s", newCredential.ID)
    return &newCredential, nil

// stripWhitespaceAndLinebreaks removes all whitespace and linebreaks from a string.
func stripWhitespaceAndLinebreaks(s string) string {
    return strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(s, " ", ""), "\n", "")

// BuildSearchStatement enriches a Gorm query to search for Verifiable Credentials in the SQL database.
// The db instance must a Gorm query builder which determines the model and subset of credentials to search in
// using a JOIN or WHERE clause, e.g.:
// var results []issuedCredential
// CredentialStore.BuildSearchStatement(
//    db.Model(&issuedCredential{}).Where("issuer = ?", issuer),
//    "issued_credential.credential_id",
//    query,
// ).Find(&results)
// In this case, issuedCredential must have a Credential field of type CredentialRecord, which can be mapped by Gorm.
func (c CredentialStore) BuildSearchStatement(db *gorm.DB, onClauseColumn string, query map[string]string) *gorm.DB {
    propertyColumns := map[string]string{
        "id":                   "",
        "issuer":               "credential.issuer",
        "type":                 "credential.type",
        "": "credential.subject_id",

    stmt := db.Joins("inner join credential ON = " + onClauseColumn)
    numProps := 0
    for jsonPath, value := range query {
        if value == "*" {
        // sort out wildcard mode: prefix and postfix asterisks (*) are replaced with %, which then is used in a LIKE query.
        // Otherwise, exact match (=) is used.
        var eq = "="
        if strings.HasPrefix(value, "*") {
            value = "%" + value[1:]
            eq = "LIKE"
        if strings.HasSuffix(value, "*") {
            value = value[:len(value)-1] + "%"
            eq = "LIKE"
        if column := propertyColumns[jsonPath]; column != "" {
            stmt = stmt.Where(column+" "+eq+" ?", value)
        } else {
            // This property is not present as column, but indexed as key-value property.
            // Multiple (inner) joins to filter on a dynamic number of properties to filter on is not pretty, but it works
            alias := "p" + strconv.Itoa(numProps)
            stmt = stmt.Joins("inner join credential_prop "+alias+" ON "+alias+".credential_id = AND "+alias+".path = ? AND "+alias+".value "+eq+" ?", jsonPath, value)
    return stmt

// indexJSONObject indexes a JSON object, resulting in a slice of JSON paths and corresponding string values.
// It only traverses JSON objects and only adds string values to the result.
func indexJSONObject(target map[string]interface{}, jsonPaths []string, stringValues []string, currentPath string) ([]string, []string) {
    for path, value := range target {
        thisPath := currentPath
        if len(thisPath) > 0 {
            thisPath += "."
        thisPath += path

        switch typedValue := value.(type) {
        case string:
            jsonPaths = append(jsonPaths, thisPath)
            stringValues = append(stringValues, typedValue)
        case map[string]interface{}:
            jsonPaths, stringValues = indexJSONObject(typedValue, jsonPaths, stringValues, thisPath)
            // other values (arrays, booleans, numbers, null) are not indexed
    return jsonPaths, stringValues