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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2022 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package issuer

import (

    ssi ""

// TimeFunc is a function that returns the time used, for e.g. signing time. It can be set for testing purposes.
var TimeFunc = time.Now

// NewIssuer creates a new issuer which implements the Issuer interface.
// If openidIssuerFn is nil, it won't try to issue over OpenID4VCI.
// It needs types.Writer since issued credentials need to be in the general VCR store,
// since that normally happens through receiving the just-issued credential over the network,
// but that doesn't happen when issuing over OpenID4VCI. Thus, it needs to explicitly save it to the VCR store when issuing over OpenID4VCI.
// See
func NewIssuer(store Store, vcrStore types.Writer, networkPublisher Publisher,
    openidHandlerFn func(ctx context.Context, id did.DID) (OpenIDHandler, error),
    didResolver resolver.DIDResolver, keyStore crypto.KeyStore, jsonldManager jsonld.JSONLD, trustConfig *trust.Config,
    statusList *revocation.StatusList2021) Issuer {
    keyResolver := vdrKeyResolver{
        publicKeyResolver:  resolver.DIDKeyResolver{Resolver: didResolver},
        privateKeyResolver: keyStore,
    i := &issuer{
        store:            store,
        networkPublisher: networkPublisher,
        openidHandlerFn:  openidHandlerFn,
        walletResolver: openid4vci.DIDIdentifierResolver{
            ServiceResolver: resolver.DIDServiceResolver{Resolver: didResolver},
        keyResolver:   keyResolver,
        keyStore:      keyStore,
        jsonldManager: jsonldManager,
        trustConfig:   trustConfig,
        vcrStore:      vcrStore,
        statusList:    statusList,
    statusList.Sign = i.buildJSONLDCredential
    statusList.ResolveKey = i.keyResolver.ResolveAssertionKey
    return i

type issuer struct {
    store            Store
    networkPublisher Publisher
    openidHandlerFn  func(ctx context.Context, id did.DID) (OpenIDHandler, error)
    keyResolver      keyResolver
    keyStore         crypto.KeyStore
    trustConfig      *trust.Config
    jsonldManager    jsonld.JSONLD
    vcrStore         types.Writer
    walletResolver   openid4vci.IdentifierResolver
    statusList       revocation.StatusList2021Issuer

// Issue creates a new credential, signs, stores it.
// If publish is true, it publishes the credential to the network using the configured Publisher
// Use the public flag to pass the visibility settings to the Publisher.
func (i issuer) Issue(ctx context.Context, template vc.VerifiableCredential, options CredentialOptions) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    // Until further notice we don't support publishing JWT VCs, since they're not officially supported by Nuts yet.
    if options.Publish && options.Format == vc.JWTCredentialProofFormat {
        return nil, errors.New("publishing VC JWTs is not supported")

    createdVC, err := i.buildAndSignVC(ctx, template, options)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Sanity check: all provided fields must be defined by the context: otherwise they're not protected by the signature
    createdVCJSON, _ := json.Marshal(createdVC) // can't use createdVC.Raw() it does not return json for JWT-VCs
    err = jsonld.AllFieldsDefined(i.jsonldManager.DocumentLoader(), createdVCJSON)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Validate the VC using the type-specific validator
    validator := credential.FindValidator(*createdVC)
    if err := validator.Validate(*createdVC); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Trust credential before storing/publishing, otherwise it might self-issued credentials might not be trusted,
    // if AddTrust() fails for whatever reason.
    // Only 1 allowed for now, but looping over all types (VerifiableCredential is excluded by ExtractTypes()) is future-proof.
    for _, credentialType := range credential.ExtractTypes(*createdVC) {
        // MustParseURI is safe since it came from vc.Type, which contains URIs
        if err := i.trustConfig.AddTrust(ssi.MustParseURI(credentialType), createdVC.Issuer); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to trust issuer when issuing VC (did=%s,type=%s): %w", createdVC.Issuer, credentialType, err)

    if err =*createdVC); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to store the issued credential: %w", err)

    if options.Publish {
        // Try to issue over OpenID4VCI if it's enabled and if the credential is not public
        // (public credentials are always published on the network).
        if i.openidHandlerFn != nil && !options.Public {
            success, err := i.issueUsingOpenID4VCI(ctx, *createdVC)
            if err != nil {
                // An error occurred, but it's not because the wallet/issuer doesn't support OpenID4VCI.
                    WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialID, createdVC.ID.String()).
                    Warnf("Couldn't publish credential over OpenID4VCI, fallback to publish over Nuts network")
            } else if success {
                    WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialID, createdVC.ID.String()).
                    Info("Published credential over OpenID4VCI")
                return createdVC, nil
            } else {
                    WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialID, createdVC.ID.String()).
                    Info("Wallet or issuer does not support OpenID4VCI, fallback to publish over Nuts network")
        if err := i.networkPublisher.PublishCredential(ctx, *createdVC, options.Public); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to publish the issued credential: %w", err)
    return createdVC, nil

// issueUsingOpenID4VCI tries to issue the credential over OpenID4VCI. It returns whether the credential was offered successfully.
// If no error is returned and bool is false, it means the wallet does not support OpenID4VCI.
func (i issuer) issueUsingOpenID4VCI(ctx context.Context, credential vc.VerifiableCredential) (bool, error) {
    subjectID, err := credential.SubjectDID()
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    walletIdentifier, err := i.walletResolver.Resolve(*subjectID)
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to discover wallet identifier: %w", err)
    if walletIdentifier == "" {
        // Wallet not configured for OpenID4VCI
        return false, nil
    issuerDID, _ := did.ParseDID(credential.Issuer.String()) // can't fail, already created
    openidIssuer, err := i.openidHandlerFn(ctx, *issuerDID)
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to discover issuer identifier: %w", err)
    err = openidIssuer.OfferCredential(ctx, credential, walletIdentifier)
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to offer the credential over OpenID4VCI to (wallet: %s): %w", walletIdentifier, err)
    return true, i.vcrStore.StoreCredential(credential, nil)

func (i issuer) buildAndSignVC(ctx context.Context, template vc.VerifiableCredential, options CredentialOptions) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    issuerDID, err := did.ParseDID(template.Issuer.String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse issuer: %w", err)

    // immediately fail if we do not have the private key
    key, err := i.keyResolver.ResolveAssertionKey(ctx, *issuerDID)
    if err != nil {
        const errString = "failed to sign credential: could not resolve an assertionKey for issuer: %w"
        // Differentiate between a DID document not found and some other error:
        if resolver.IsFunctionalResolveError(err) {
            return nil, core.InvalidInputError(errString, err)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(errString, err)

    credentialID := ssi.MustParseURI(fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", issuerDID.String(), uuid.New().String()))
    unsignedCredential := vc.VerifiableCredential{
        Context:           template.Context,
        ID:                &credentialID,
        Type:              template.Type,
        CredentialSubject: template.CredentialSubject,
        Issuer:            template.Issuer,
        IssuanceDate:      TimeFunc(),
        ExpirationDate:    template.ExpirationDate,
        //CredentialStatus:  template.CredentialStatus, // not allowed for now since it requires API changes to be able to determine what status to revoke.

    // statuslist
    if options.WithStatusListRevocation {
        // add credential status
        credentialStatusEntry, err := i.statusList.Entry(ctx, *issuerDID, revocation.StatusPurposeRevocation)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        unsignedCredential.CredentialStatus = append(unsignedCredential.CredentialStatus, credentialStatusEntry)

        // add status list context
        if !unsignedCredential.ContainsContext(revocation.StatusList2021ContextURI) {
            unsignedCredential.Context = append(unsignedCredential.Context, revocation.StatusList2021ContextURI)

    // context
    if !unsignedCredential.ContainsContext(vc.VCContextV1URI()) {
        // @context is an ordered list that MUST start with the base VC context:
        unsignedCredential.Context = append([]ssi.URI{vc.VCContextV1URI()}, unsignedCredential.Context...)

    // type
    if len(template.Type) == 0 || // programming error
        len(template.Type) > 2 || // too many types
        (len(template.Type) == 2 && !template.IsType(vc.VerifiableCredentialTypeV1URI())) { // too many types
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("can only issue VerifiableCredential with at most 1 extra type")
    if !unsignedCredential.IsType(vc.VerifiableCredentialTypeV1URI()) {
        unsignedCredential.Type = append(unsignedCredential.Type, vc.VerifiableCredentialTypeV1URI())

    // sign
    switch options.Format {
    case vc.JWTCredentialProofFormat:
        return vc.CreateJWTVerifiableCredential(ctx, unsignedCredential, func(ctx context.Context, claims map[string]interface{}, headers map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
            return i.keyStore.SignJWT(ctx, claims, headers, key)
    case "":
    case vc.JSONLDCredentialProofFormat:
        return i.buildJSONLDCredential(ctx, unsignedCredential, key)
        return nil, errors.New("unsupported credential proof format")

func (i issuer) buildJSONLDCredential(ctx context.Context, unsignedCredential vc.VerifiableCredential, key crypto.Key) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    credentialAsMap := map[string]interface{}{}
    b, _ := json.Marshal(unsignedCredential)
    _ = json.Unmarshal(b, &credentialAsMap)

    proofOptions := proof.ProofOptions{Created: unsignedCredential.IssuanceDate}

    webSig := signature.JSONWebSignature2020{ContextLoader: i.jsonldManager.DocumentLoader(), Signer: i.keyStore}
    signingResult, err := proof.NewLDProof(proofOptions).Sign(ctx, credentialAsMap, webSig, key.KID())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    credentialJSON, _ := json.Marshal(signingResult)
    return vc.ParseVerifiableCredential(string(credentialJSON))

func (i issuer) Revoke(ctx context.Context, credentialID ssi.URI) (*credential.Revocation, error) {
    credentialDIDURL, err := did.ParseDIDURL(credentialID.String())

    // revoke did:nuts credential. activating on err maintains existing behavior
    if err != nil || credentialDIDURL.Method == didnuts.MethodName {
        return i.revokeDIDNuts(ctx, credentialID)

    // revoke a credential that has a revocable credentialStatus
    return nil, i.revokeStatusList(ctx, credentialID)

// revokeDIDNuts revokes did:nuts credentials and publishes the revocation to the network
func (i issuer) revokeDIDNuts(ctx context.Context, credentialID ssi.URI) (*credential.Revocation, error) {
    // Previously we first tried to resolve the credential, but that's not necessary:
    // if the credential doesn't actually exist the revocation doesn't apply to anything, no harm done.
    // Although it is a bit ugly, it helps issuers to revoke credentials that they don't have anymore,
    // for whatever reason (e.g. incorrect database backup/restore).
    isRevoked, err := i.isRevoked(credentialID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error while checking revocation status: %w", err)
    if isRevoked {
        return nil, types.ErrRevoked

    revocation, err := i.buildRevocation(ctx, credentialID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = i.networkPublisher.PublishRevocation(ctx, *revocation)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to publish revocation: %w", err)

    // Store the revocation after it has been published
    if err :=*revocation); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to store revocation: %w", err)

        WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialID, credentialID).
        Info("Verifiable Credential revoked")
    return revocation, nil

// revokeStatusList revokes a credential through its credential status
func (i issuer) revokeStatusList(ctx context.Context, credentialID ssi.URI) error {
    cred, err :=
    if err != nil {
        return err

    statuses, err := cred.CredentialStatuses()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // find the correct credentialStatus and revoke it on the relevant statuslist
    for _, status := range statuses {
        if status.Type == revocation.StatusList2021EntryType {
            var slEntry revocation.StatusList2021Entry
            err = json.Unmarshal(status.Raw(), &slEntry)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            // TODO: make sure it is the correct entry when we allow other purposes, or VC issuance that include other credential statuses
            if slEntry.StatusPurpose != revocation.StatusPurposeRevocation {
            return i.statusList.Revoke(ctx, credentialID, slEntry)

    return types.ErrStatusNotFound

func (i issuer) buildRevocation(ctx context.Context, credentialID ssi.URI) (*credential.Revocation, error) {
    // Sanity check: since we don't check existence of the VC, at least somewhat guard against mistyped credential IDs
    // (although nobody should be typing those in).
    _, err := uuid.Parse(credentialID.Fragment)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("invalid credential ID")

    // find issuer from credential ID
    issuer := credentialID
    issuer.Path = ""
    issuer.Fragment = ""
    issuerDID, err := did.ParseDID(issuer.String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to extract issuer: %w", err)

    assertionKey, err := i.keyResolver.ResolveAssertionKey(ctx, *issuerDID)
    if err != nil {
        const errString = "failed to revoke credential (%s): could not resolve an assertionKey for issuer: %w"
        // Differentiate between a DID document not found and some other error:
        if resolver.IsFunctionalResolveError(err) {
            return nil, core.InvalidInputError(errString, credentialID, err)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf(errString, credentialID, err)
    // set defaults
    revocation := credential.BuildRevocation(issuerDID.URI(), credentialID)

    revocationAsMap := map[string]interface{}{}
    b, _ := json.Marshal(revocation)
    _ = json.Unmarshal(b, &revocationAsMap)

    ldProof := proof.NewLDProof(proof.ProofOptions{Created: TimeFunc()})
    webSig := signature.JSONWebSignature2020{ContextLoader: i.jsonldManager.DocumentLoader(), Signer: i.keyStore}
    signingResult, err := ldProof.Sign(ctx, revocationAsMap, webSig, assertionKey.KID())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    signingResultAsMap := signingResult.(proof.SignedDocument)
    b, _ = json.Marshal(signingResultAsMap)
    signedRevocation := credential.Revocation{}
    _ = json.Unmarshal(b, &signedRevocation)

    return &signedRevocation, nil

// isRevoked returns false if no credential.Revocation can be found, all other cases default to true.
// Only applies to did:nuts revocations.
func (i issuer) isRevoked(credentialID ssi.URI) (bool, error) {
    _, err :=
    switch err {
    case nil: // revocation found
        return true, nil
    case types.ErrMultipleFound:
        return true, nil
    case types.ErrNotFound:
        return false, nil
        return true, err

func (i issuer) SearchCredential(credentialType ssi.URI, issuer did.DID, subject *ssi.URI) ([]vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    return, issuer, subject)

func (i issuer) StatusList(ctx context.Context, issuerDID did.DID, page int) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    return i.statusList.Credential(ctx, issuerDID, page)

func NewStore(db *gorm.DB, leiaIssuerStorePath string, leiaIssuerBackupStore stoabs.KVStore) (Store, error) {
    didNutsStore, err := NewLeiaIssuerStore(leiaIssuerStorePath, leiaIssuerBackupStore)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &combinedStore{
        didNutsStore:   didNutsStore,
        otherDIDsStore: sqlStore{db: db},
    }, nil

var _ Store = &combinedStore{}

type combinedStore struct {
    didNutsStore   Store
    otherDIDsStore Store

func (c combinedStore) Diagnostics() []core.DiagnosticResult {
    var result []core.DiagnosticResult
    issuedCredentialCount := 0
    // both stores return issued_credentials_count, merge them
    // Not the nicest way, but the did:nuts store will be removed in the future.
    for _, store := range []Store{c.didNutsStore, c.otherDIDsStore} {
        currResult := store.Diagnostics()
        for _, diagnosticResult := range currResult {
            if diagnosticResult.Name() == "issued_credentials_count" {
                issuedCredentialCount += diagnosticResult.Result().(int)
            } else {
                result = append(result, diagnosticResult)
    result = append(result, core.GenericDiagnosticResult{
        Title:   "issued_credentials_count",
        Outcome: issuedCredentialCount,
    return result

func (c combinedStore) GetCredential(id ssi.URI) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    if strings.HasPrefix(id.String(), "did:nuts:") {
        return c.didNutsStore.GetCredential(id)
    return c.otherDIDsStore.GetCredential(id)

func (c combinedStore) StoreCredential(vc vc.VerifiableCredential) error {
    if strings.HasPrefix(vc.Issuer.String(), "did:nuts:") {
        return c.didNutsStore.StoreCredential(vc)
    return c.otherDIDsStore.StoreCredential(vc)

func (c combinedStore) GetRevocation(id ssi.URI) (*credential.Revocation, error) {
    if strings.HasPrefix(id.String(), "did:nuts:") {
        return c.didNutsStore.GetRevocation(id)
    return c.otherDIDsStore.GetRevocation(id)

func (c combinedStore) StoreRevocation(r credential.Revocation) error {
    return c.didNutsStore.StoreRevocation(r)

func (c combinedStore) SearchCredential(credentialType ssi.URI, issuer did.DID, subject *ssi.URI) ([]vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    if strings.HasPrefix(issuer.String(), "did:nuts:") {
        return c.didNutsStore.SearchCredential(credentialType, issuer, subject)
    return c.otherDIDsStore.SearchCredential(credentialType, issuer, subject)

func (c combinedStore) Close() error {
    // did:web SQL store does not need closing
    return c.didNutsStore.Close()