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 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package issuer

import (
    crypt "crypto"

// Flow is an active OpenID4VCI credential issuance flow.
type Flow struct {
    ID string `json:"id"`
    // IssuerID is the identifier of the credential issuer.
    IssuerID string `json:"issuer_id"`
    // WalletID is the identifier of the wallet.
    WalletID string `json:"wallet_id"`
    // Grants is a list of grants that can be used to acquire an access token.
    Grants []Grant `json:"grants"`
    // Credentials is the list of Verifiable Credentials that be issued to the wallet through this flow.
    // It might be pre-determined (in the issuer-initiated flow) or determined during the flow execution (in the wallet-initiated flow).
    Credentials []vc.VerifiableCredential `json:"credentials"`

// Grant is a grant that has been issued for an OAuth2 state.
type Grant struct {
    // Type is the type of grant, e.g. "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code".
    Type string `json:"type"`
    // Params is a map of parameters for the grant, e.g. "pre-authorized_code" for type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code".
    Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`

var _ OpenIDHandler = (*openidHandler)(nil)

// TokenTTL is the time-to-live for issuance flows, access tokens and nonces.
const TokenTTL = 15 * time.Minute

const preAuthCodeRefType = "preauthcode"
const accessTokenRefType = "accesstoken"
const cNonceRefType = "c_nonce"

// OpenIDHandler defines the interface for handling OpenID4VCI issuer operations.
type OpenIDHandler interface {
    // ProviderMetadata returns the OpenID Connect provider metadata.
    ProviderMetadata() openid4vci.ProviderMetadata
    // HandleAccessTokenRequest handles an OAuth2 access token request for the given issuer and pre-authorized code.
    // It returns the access token and a c_nonce.
    HandleAccessTokenRequest(ctx context.Context, preAuthorizedCode string) (string, string, error)
    // Metadata returns the OpenID4VCI credential issuer metadata for the given issuer.
    Metadata() openid4vci.CredentialIssuerMetadata
    // OfferCredential sends a credential offer to the specified wallet. It derives the issuer from the credential.
    OfferCredential(ctx context.Context, credential vc.VerifiableCredential, walletIdentifier string) error
    // HandleCredentialRequest requests a credential from the given issuer.
    HandleCredentialRequest(ctx context.Context, request openid4vci.CredentialRequest, accessToken string) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error)

// NewOpenIDHandler creates a new OpenIDHandler instance. The identifier is the Credential Issuer Identifier, e.g.
func NewOpenIDHandler(issuerDID did.DID, issuerIdentifierURL string, definitionsDIR string, httpClient core.HTTPRequestDoer, keyResolver resolver.KeyResolver, sessionDatabase storage.SessionDatabase) (OpenIDHandler, error) {
    i := &openidHandler{
        issuerIdentifierURL: issuerIdentifierURL,
        issuerDID:           issuerDID,
        definitionsDIR:      definitionsDIR,
        httpClient:          httpClient,
        keyResolver:         keyResolver,
        walletClientCreator: openid4vci.NewWalletAPIClient,
        store:               NewOpenIDMemoryStore(sessionDatabase),

    // load the credential definitions. This is done to halt startup procedure if needed.
    return i, i.loadCredentialDefinitions()

type openidHandler struct {
    issuerIdentifierURL  string
    issuerDID            did.DID
    definitionsDIR       string
    credentialsSupported []map[string]interface{}
    keyResolver          resolver.KeyResolver
    store                OpenIDStore
    walletClientCreator  func(ctx context.Context, httpClient core.HTTPRequestDoer, walletMetadataURL string) (openid4vci.WalletAPIClient, error)
    httpClient           core.HTTPRequestDoer

func (i *openidHandler) Metadata() openid4vci.CredentialIssuerMetadata {
    metadata := openid4vci.CredentialIssuerMetadata{
        CredentialIssuer:   i.issuerIdentifierURL,
        CredentialEndpoint: core.JoinURLPaths(i.issuerIdentifierURL, "/openid4vci/credential"),

    // deepcopy the i.credentialsSupported slice to prevent concurrent access to the slice.
    metadata.CredentialsSupported = deepcopy(i.credentialsSupported)

    return metadata

func (i *openidHandler) ProviderMetadata() openid4vci.ProviderMetadata {
    return openid4vci.ProviderMetadata{
        Issuer:        i.issuerIdentifierURL,
        TokenEndpoint: core.JoinURLPaths(i.issuerIdentifierURL, "token"),
        // TODO: Anonymous access (no client_id) is OK as long as PKIoverheid Private is used,
        // if that requirement is dropped we need to authenticate wallets using client_id.
        // See
        PreAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported: true,

func (i *openidHandler) HandleAccessTokenRequest(ctx context.Context, preAuthorizedCode string) (string, string, error) {
    flow, err :=, preAuthCodeRefType, preAuthorizedCode)
    if err != nil {
        return "", "", err
    if flow == nil {
        return "", "", openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("unknown pre-authorized code"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidGrant,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
    if flow.IssuerID != i.issuerDID.String() {
        return "", "", openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("pre-authorized code not issued by this issuer"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidGrant,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
    accessToken := crypto.GenerateNonce()
    err =, flow.ID, accessTokenRefType, accessToken)
    if err != nil {
        return "", "", err
    cNonce := crypto.GenerateNonce()
    err =, flow.ID, cNonceRefType, cNonce)
    if err != nil {
        return "", "", err

    // PreAuthorizedCode is to be used just once
    // See
    // "This code MUST be short-lived and single-use."
    err =, preAuthCodeRefType, preAuthorizedCode)
    if err != nil {
        // Extremely unlikely, but if we return an error here the credential issuance flow will fail without a way to retry it.
        // Just log it, nothing will break (since they'll be pruned after ttl anyway).
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Error("Failed to delete pre-authorized code")
    return accessToken, cNonce, nil

func (i *openidHandler) OfferCredential(ctx context.Context, credential vc.VerifiableCredential, walletIdentifier string) error {
    preAuthorizedCode := crypto.GenerateNonce()
    walletMetadataURL := core.JoinURLPaths(walletIdentifier, openid4vci.WalletMetadataWellKnownPath)
        WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialID, credential.ID).
        Infof("Offering credential using OpenID4VCI (client-metadata-url=%s)", walletMetadataURL)

    client, err := i.walletClientCreator(ctx, i.httpClient, walletMetadataURL)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    offer, err := i.createOffer(ctx, credential, preAuthorizedCode)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = client.OfferCredential(ctx, *offer)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to offer credential (client-metadata-url=%s): %w", client.Metadata().CredentialOfferEndpoint, err)
    return nil

func (i *openidHandler) HandleCredentialRequest(ctx context.Context, request openid4vci.CredentialRequest, accessToken string) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    if request.Format != vc.JSONLDCredentialProofFormat {
        return nil, openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        fmt.Errorf("credential request: unsupported format '%s'", request.Format),
            Code:       openid4vci.UnsupportedCredentialType,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
    if err := request.CredentialDefinition.Validate(false); err != nil {
        return nil, openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        fmt.Errorf("credential request: %w", err),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidRequest,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
    flow, err :=, accessTokenRefType, accessToken)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if flow == nil {
        log.Logger().Warn("Client tried retrieving credential over OpenID4VCI with unknown OAuth2 access token")
        return nil, openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("unknown access token"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidToken,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

    credential := flow.Credentials[0] // there's always just one (at least for now)
    subjectDID, _ := credential.SubjectDID()

    // check credential.Issuer against given issuer
    if credential.Issuer.String() != i.issuerDID.String() {
        return nil, openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("credential issuer does not match given issuer"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidRequest,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

    if err = i.validateProof(ctx, flow, request); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err = openid4vci.ValidateDefinitionWithCredential(credential, *request.CredentialDefinition); err != nil {
        return nil, openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        fmt.Errorf("requested credential does not match offer: %w", err),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidRequest,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

    // Important: since we (for now) create the VC even before the wallet requests it, we don't know if every VC is actually retrieved by the wallet.
    //            This is a temporary shortcut, since changing that requires a lot of refactoring.
    //            To make actually retrieved VC traceable, we log it to the audit log.
    audit.Log(ctx, log.Logger(), audit.VerifiableCredentialRetrievedEvent).
        WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialID, credential.ID).
        WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialIssuer, credential.Issuer.String()).
        WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialSubject, subjectDID).
        Info("VC retrieved by wallet over OpenID4VCI")

    return &credential, nil

// validateProof validates the proof of the credential request. Aside from checks as specified by the spec,
// it verifies the proof signature, and whether the signer is the intended wallet.
// See
func (i *openidHandler) validateProof(ctx context.Context, flow *Flow, request openid4vci.CredentialRequest) error {
    credential := flow.Credentials[0] // there's always just one (at least for now)
    wallet, _ := credential.SubjectDID()

    // augment invalid_proof errors according to ยง7.3.2 of openid4vci spec
    generateProofError := func(err openid4vci.Error) error {
        cnonce := crypto.GenerateNonce()
        if err :=, flow.ID, cNonceRefType, cnonce); err != nil {
            return err
        expiry := int(TokenTTL.Seconds())
        err.CNonce = &cnonce
        err.CNonceExpiresIn = &expiry
        return err

    if request.Proof == nil {
        return generateProofError(openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("missing proof"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
    if request.Proof.ProofType != openid4vci.ProofTypeJWT {
        return generateProofError(openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("proof type not supported"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
    var signingKeyID string
    token, err := crypto.ParseJWT(request.Proof.Jwt, func(kid string) (crypt.PublicKey, error) {
        signingKeyID = kid
        return i.keyResolver.ResolveKeyByID(kid, nil, resolver.NutsSigningKeyType)
    }, jwt.WithAcceptableSkew(5*time.Second))
    if err != nil {
        return generateProofError(openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        err,
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

    // Proof must be signed by wallet to which it was offered (proof signer == offer receiver)
    if signerDID, err := resolver.GetDIDFromURL(signingKeyID); err != nil || signerDID.String() != wallet.String() {
        return generateProofError(openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        fmt.Errorf("credential offer was signed by other DID than intended wallet: %s", signingKeyID),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

    // Validate audience
    audienceMatches := false
    for _, aud := range token.Audience() {
        if aud == i.issuerIdentifierURL {
            audienceMatches = true
    if !audienceMatches {
        return generateProofError(openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        fmt.Errorf("audience doesn't match credential issuer (aud=%s)", token.Audience()),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

    // Validate JWT type
    // jwt.Parse does not provide the JWS headers, we have to parse it again as JWS to access those
    message, err := jws.ParseString(request.Proof.Jwt)
    if err != nil {
        // Should not fail
        return err
    if len(message.Signatures()) != 1 {
        // I think this is impossible
        return errors.New("expected exactly one signature")
    typ := message.Signatures()[0].ProtectedHeaders().Type()
    if typ == "" {
        return generateProofError(openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("missing typ header"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
    if typ != openid4vci.JWTTypeOpenID4VCIProof {
        return generateProofError(openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        fmt.Errorf("invalid typ claim (expected: %s): %s", openid4vci.JWTTypeOpenID4VCIProof, typ),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

    // given the JWT typ, the nonce is in the 'nonce' claim
    nonce, ok := token.Get("nonce")
    if !ok {
        return generateProofError(openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("missing nonce claim"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

    // check if the nonce matches the one we sent in the offer
    flowFromNonce, err :=, cNonceRefType, nonce.(string))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if flowFromNonce == nil {
        return openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("unknown nonce"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
    if flowFromNonce.ID != flow.ID {
        return openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("nonce not valid for access token"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidProof,
            StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,

    return nil

func (i *openidHandler) createOffer(ctx context.Context, credential vc.VerifiableCredential, preAuthorizedCode string) (*openid4vci.CredentialOffer, error) {
    grantParams := map[string]interface{}{
        "pre-authorized_code": preAuthorizedCode,
    offer := openid4vci.CredentialOffer{
        CredentialIssuer: i.issuerIdentifierURL,
        Credentials: []openid4vci.OfferedCredential{{
            Format: vc.JSONLDCredentialProofFormat,
            CredentialDefinition: &openid4vci.CredentialDefinition{
                Context: credential.Context,
                Type:    credential.Type,
        Grants: map[string]interface{}{
            openid4vci.PreAuthorizedCodeGrant: grantParams,
    subjectDID, _ := credential.SubjectDID() // succeeded in previous step, can't fail

    flow := Flow{
        ID:          uuid.NewString(),
        IssuerID:    credential.Issuer.String(),
        WalletID:    subjectDID.String(),
        Credentials: []vc.VerifiableCredential{credential},
        Grants: []Grant{
                Type:   openid4vci.PreAuthorizedCodeGrant,
                Params: grantParams,
    err :=, flow)
    if err == nil {
        err =, flow.ID, preAuthCodeRefType, preAuthorizedCode)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to store credential offer: %w", err)
    return &offer, nil

func (i *openidHandler) loadCredentialDefinitions() error {

    // retrieve the definitions from assets and add to the list of CredentialsSupported
    definitionsDir, err := assets.FS.ReadDir("definitions")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for _, definition := range definitionsDir {
        definitionData, err := assets.FS.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("definitions/%s", definition.Name()))
        if err != nil {
            return err
        var definitionMap map[string]interface{}
        err = json.Unmarshal(definitionData, &definitionMap)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        i.credentialsSupported = append(i.credentialsSupported, definitionMap)

    // now add all credential definition from config.DefinitionsDIR
    if i.definitionsDIR != "" {
        err = filepath.WalkDir(i.definitionsDIR, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("failed to load credential definitions: %w", err)
            if !d.IsDir() && filepath.Ext(path) == ".json" {
                definitionData, err := os.ReadFile(path)
                if err != nil {
                    return fmt.Errorf("failed to read credential definition from %s: %w", path, err)
                var definitionMap map[string]interface{}
                err = json.Unmarshal(definitionData, &definitionMap)
                if err != nil {
                    return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse credential definition from %s: %w", path, err)
                i.credentialsSupported = append(i.credentialsSupported, definitionMap)
            return nil

    return err

func deepcopy(src []map[string]interface{}) []map[string]interface{} {
    dst := make([]map[string]interface{}, len(src))
    for i := range src {
        dst[i] = make(map[string]interface{})
        for k, v := range src[i] {
            dst[i][k] = v
    return dst