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 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package issuer

import (

// OpenIDStore defines the storage API for OpenID Credential Issuance flows.
type OpenIDStore interface {
    // Store saves a new Flow in the store.
    Store(ctx context.Context, flow Flow) error
    // StoreReference saves a reference to the given Flow, for looking it up later.
    // This is used for finding a flow given a secret, e.g. pre-authorized code, authorization code or nonce.
    // like a database index. The reference must be unique for all flows.
    // The expiry is the time-to-live for the reference. After this time, the reference is automatically deleted.
    // If the flow does not exist, or the reference does already exist, it returns an error.
    StoreReference(ctx context.Context, flowID string, refType string, reference string) error
    // FindByReference finds a Flow by its reference.
    // If the flow does not exist, it returns nil.
    FindByReference(ctx context.Context, refType string, reference string) (*Flow, error)
    // DeleteReference deletes the reference from the store.
    // It does not return an error if it doesn't exist anymore.
    DeleteReference(ctx context.Context, refType string, reference string) error

var _ OpenIDStore = (*openidMemoryStore)(nil)

type openidMemoryStore struct {
    sessionDatabase storage.SessionDatabase

// NewOpenIDMemoryStore creates a new in-memory OpenIDStore.
func NewOpenIDMemoryStore(sessionDatabase storage.SessionDatabase) OpenIDStore {
    return &openidMemoryStore{
        sessionDatabase: sessionDatabase,

func (o *openidMemoryStore) Store(_ context.Context, flow Flow) error {
    if len(flow.ID) == 0 {
        return errors.New("invalid flow ID")
    store := o.sessionDatabase.GetStore(TokenTTL, "openid4vci", "flow")
    if store.Exists(flow.ID) {
        return errors.New("OAuth2 flow with this ID already exists")
    return store.Put(flow.ID, flow)

func (o *openidMemoryStore) StoreReference(_ context.Context, flowID string, refType string, reference string) error {
    if len(reference) == 0 {
        return errors.New("invalid reference")
    refStore := o.sessionDatabase.GetStore(TokenTTL, "openid4vci", refType)
    flowStore := o.sessionDatabase.GetStore(TokenTTL, "openid4vci", "flow")
    if !flowStore.Exists(flowID) {
        return errors.New("OAuth2 flow with this ID does not exist")
    if refStore.Exists(reference) {
        return errors.New("reference already exists")
    return refStore.Put(reference, flowID)

func (o *openidMemoryStore) FindByReference(_ context.Context, refType string, reference string) (*Flow, error) {
    refStore := o.sessionDatabase.GetStore(TokenTTL, "openid4vci", refType)
    flowStore := o.sessionDatabase.GetStore(TokenTTL, "openid4vci", "flow")
    if !refStore.Exists(reference) {
        return nil, nil
    var flowID string
    err := refStore.Get(reference, &flowID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var flow Flow
    err = flowStore.Get(flowID, &flow)
    return &flow, err

func (o *openidMemoryStore) DeleteReference(_ context.Context, refType string, reference string) error {
    refStore := o.sessionDatabase.GetStore(TokenTTL, "openid4vci", refType)
    return refStore.Delete(reference)