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 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

// This file defines types specified by

package openid4vci

import (
    ssi ""

// PreAuthorizedCodeGrant is the grant type used for pre-authorized code grant from the OpenID4VCI specification.
// Specified by
const PreAuthorizedCodeGrant = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code"

// WalletMetadataWellKnownPath defines the well-known path for OpenID4VCI Wallet Metadata.
// It is NOT specified by the OpenID4VCI specification, we just use it to be consistent with the other well-known paths.
const WalletMetadataWellKnownPath = "/.well-known/openid-credential-wallet"

// ProviderMetadataWellKnownPath defines the well-known path for retrieving OpenID ProviderMetadata
// Specified by
const ProviderMetadataWellKnownPath = "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server"

// CredentialIssuerMetadataWellKnownPath defines the well-known path for retrieving OpenID4VCI CredentialIssuerMetadata
// Specified by
const CredentialIssuerMetadataWellKnownPath = "/.well-known/openid-credential-issuer"

// JWTTypeOpenID4VCIProof defines the OpenID4VCI JWT-subtype (used as typ claim in the JWT).
const JWTTypeOpenID4VCIProof = "openid4vci-proof+jwt"

// ProofTypeJWT defines the Credential Request proof type for JWTs.
const ProofTypeJWT = "jwt"

// CredentialOfferStatus defines the status of a credential offer flow.
type CredentialOfferStatus string

// CredentialOfferStatusReceived indicates that the wallet has received the credential.
const CredentialOfferStatusReceived CredentialOfferStatus = "credential_received"

// CredentialIssuerMetadata defines the OpenID4VCI Credential Issuer Metadata.
// Specified by
type CredentialIssuerMetadata struct {
    // CredentialIssuer defines the identifier of the credential issuer.
    CredentialIssuer string `json:"credential_issuer"`

    // CredentialEndpoint defines where the wallet can send a request to retrieve a credential.
    CredentialEndpoint string `json:"credential_endpoint"`

    // CredentialsSupported defines metadata about which credential types the credential issuer can issue.
    CredentialsSupported []map[string]interface{} `json:"credentials_supported"`

// OAuth2ClientMetadata defines the OAuth2 Client Metadata, extended with OpenID4VCI parameters.
// Specified by
type OAuth2ClientMetadata struct {
    // CredentialOfferEndpoint defines URL of the verifiable credential wallet's offer endpoint
    CredentialOfferEndpoint string `json:"credential_offer_endpoint"`

// ProviderMetadata defines the OpenID Connect Provider metadata.
// Specified by
type ProviderMetadata struct {
    // Issuer defines the authorization server's identifier, which is a URL that uses the "https" scheme and has no query or fragment components.
    Issuer string `json:"issuer"`

    // TokenEndpoint defines the URL of the authorization server's token endpoint [RFC6749].
    TokenEndpoint string `json:"token_endpoint"`

    // PreAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported indicates whether anonymous access (requests without client_id)
    // for pre-authorized code grant flows.
    // See
    PreAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported bool `json:"pre-authorized_grant_anonymous_access_supported"`

// CredentialOffer defines credentials offered by the issuer to the wallet.
// Specified by
type CredentialOffer struct {
    // CredentialIssuer defines the identifier of the credential issuer.
    CredentialIssuer string `json:"credential_issuer"`
    // Credentials defines the credentials offered by the issuer to the wallet.
    Credentials []OfferedCredential `json:"credentials"`
    // Grants defines the grants offered by the issuer to the wallet.
    Grants map[string]interface{} `json:"grants"`

// OfferedCredential defines a single entry in the credentials array of a CredentialOffer. We currently do not support 'JSON string' offers.
// Specified by
// and
type OfferedCredential struct {
    // Format specifies the credential format.
    Format string `json:"format"`
    // CredentialDefinition contains the 'credential_definition' for the Verifiable Credential Format flows.
    CredentialDefinition *CredentialDefinition `json:"credential_definition,omitempty"`

// CredentialDefinition defines the 'credential_definition' for Format VerifiableCredentialJSONLDFormat
// Specified by
type CredentialDefinition struct {
    Context           []ssi.URI               `json:"@context"`
    Type              []ssi.URI               `json:"type"`
    CredentialSubject *map[string]interface{} `json:"credentialSubject,omitempty"` // optional and currently not used

// CredentialOfferResponse defines the response for credential offer requests.
// It is an extension to the OpenID4VCI specification to better support server-to-server issuance.
type CredentialOfferResponse struct {
    // Status defines the status of the credential offer.
    Status CredentialOfferStatus `json:"status"`

// CredentialRequest defines the credential request sent by the wallet to the issuer.
// Specified by
type CredentialRequest struct {
    Format               string                  `json:"format"`
    CredentialDefinition *CredentialDefinition   `json:"credential_definition,omitempty"`
    Proof                *CredentialRequestProof `json:"proof,omitempty"`

// CredentialRequestProof defines the proof of possession of key material when requesting a Credential.
// Specified by
type CredentialRequestProof struct {
    Jwt       string `json:"jwt"`
    ProofType string `json:"proof_type"`

// CredentialResponse defines the response for credential requests.
// Specified by
type CredentialResponse struct {
    Format     string                  `json:"format,omitempty"`
    Credential *map[string]interface{} `json:"credential,omitempty"`
    CNonce     *string                 `json:"c_nonce,omitempty"`

// Config holds the config for the OpenID4VCI credential issuer and wallet
type Config struct {
    // DefinitionsDIR defines the directory where the additional credential definitions are stored
    DefinitionsDIR string `koanf:"definitionsdir"`
    // Enabled indicates if issuing and receiving credentials over OpenID4VCI is enabled
    Enabled bool `koanf:"enabled"`
    // Timeout defines the timeout for HTTP client operations
    Timeout time.Duration `koanf:"timeout"`