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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package pe

import (
    v2 ""

// ParsePresentationSubmission validates the given JSON and parses it into a PresentationSubmission.
// It returns an error if the JSON is invalid or doesn't match the JSON schema for a PresentationSubmission.
func ParsePresentationSubmission(raw []byte) (*PresentationSubmission, error) {
    enveloped := `{"presentation_submission":` + string(raw) + `}`
    if err := v2.Validate([]byte(enveloped), v2.PresentationSubmission); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var result PresentationSubmission
    err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &result)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &result, nil

// PresentationSubmissionBuilder is a builder for PresentationSubmissions.
// Multiple presentation definitions can be added to the builder.
type PresentationSubmissionBuilder struct {
    holders                []did.DID
    presentationDefinition PresentationDefinition
    wallets                [][]vc.VerifiableCredential

// PresentationSubmissionBuilder returns a new PresentationSubmissionBuilder.
// A PresentationSubmissionBuilder can be used to create a PresentationSubmission with multiple wallets as input.
func (presentationDefinition PresentationDefinition) PresentationSubmissionBuilder() PresentationSubmissionBuilder {
    return PresentationSubmissionBuilder{
        presentationDefinition: presentationDefinition,

// AddWallet adds credentials from a wallet that may be used to create the PresentationSubmission.
func (b *PresentationSubmissionBuilder) AddWallet(holder did.DID, vcs []vc.VerifiableCredential) *PresentationSubmissionBuilder {
    b.holders = append(b.holders, holder)
    b.wallets = append(b.wallets, vcs)
    return b

// SignInstruction is a list of Holder/VCs combinations that can be used to create a VerifiablePresentation.
// When using multiple wallets, the outcome of a PresentationSubmission might require multiple VPs.
type SignInstruction struct {
    // Holder contains the DID of the holder that should sign the VP.
    Holder did.DID
    // VerifiableCredentials contains the VCs that should be included in the VP.
    VerifiableCredentials []vc.VerifiableCredential
    // Mappings contains the Input Descriptor that are mapped by this SignInstruction.
    Mappings []InputDescriptorMappingObject

// Empty returns true if there are no VCs in the SignInstruction.
func (signInstruction SignInstruction) Empty() bool {
    return len(signInstruction.VerifiableCredentials) == 0

// SignInstructions is a list of SignInstruction.
type SignInstructions []SignInstruction

// Empty returns true if all SignInstructions are empty.
func (signInstructions SignInstructions) Empty() bool {
    for _, signInstruction := range []SignInstruction(signInstructions) {
        if !signInstruction.Empty() {
            return false
    return true

// Build creates a PresentationSubmission from the added wallets.
// The VP format is determined by the given format.
func (b *PresentationSubmissionBuilder) Build(format string) (PresentationSubmission, SignInstructions, error) {
    presentationSubmission := PresentationSubmission{
        Id:           uuid.New().String(),
        DefinitionId: b.presentationDefinition.Id,

    // first we need to select the VCs from all wallets that match the presentation definition
    allVCs := make([]vc.VerifiableCredential, 0)
    for _, vcs := range b.wallets {
        allVCs = append(allVCs, vcs...)

    selectedVCs, inputDescriptorMappingObjects, err := b.presentationDefinition.Match(allVCs)
    if err != nil {
        return presentationSubmission, nil, err

    // next we need to map the selected VCs to the correct wallet
    // loop over all selected VCs and find the wallet that contains the VC
    signInstructions := make([]SignInstruction, len(b.wallets))
    walletCredentialIndex := map[did.DID]int{}
    for j := range selectedVCs {
        for i, walletVCs := range b.wallets {
            for _, walletVC := range walletVCs {
                // do a JSON equality check
                if selectedVCs[j].Raw() == walletVC.Raw() {
                    signInstructions[i].Holder = b.holders[i]
                    signInstructions[i].VerifiableCredentials = append(signInstructions[i].VerifiableCredentials, selectedVCs[j])
                    // remap the path to the correct wallet index
                    mapping := inputDescriptorMappingObjects[j]
                    mapping.Format = selectedVCs[j].Format()
                    mapping.Path = fmt.Sprintf("$.verifiableCredential[%d]", walletCredentialIndex[b.holders[i]])
                    signInstructions[i].Mappings = append(signInstructions[i].Mappings, mapping)

    // filter out empty sign instructions
    nonEmptySignInstructions := make([]SignInstruction, 0)
    for _, signInstruction := range signInstructions {
        if !signInstruction.Empty() {
            nonEmptySignInstructions = append(nonEmptySignInstructions, signInstruction)

    // the verifiableCredential property in Verifiable Presentations can be a single VC or an array of VCs when represented in JSON.
    // go-did always marshals a single VC as a single VC for JSON-LD VPs. So we might need to fix the mapping paths.

    // todo the check below actually depends on the format of the credential and not the format of the VP
    for _, signInstruction := range nonEmptySignInstructions {
        if len(signInstruction.Mappings) == 1 {
            signInstruction.Mappings[0].Path = "$.verifiableCredential"

    index := 0
    // last we create the descriptor map for the presentation submission
    // If there's only one sign instruction the Path will be $.
    // If there are multiple sign instructions (each yielding a VP) the Path will be $[0], $[1], etc.
    for _, signInstruction := range nonEmptySignInstructions {
        if len(signInstruction.Mappings) > 0 {
            for _, inputDescriptorMapping := range signInstruction.Mappings {
                // If we have multiple VPs in the resulting submission, wrap each in a nested descriptor map (see path_nested in PEX specification).
                if len(nonEmptySignInstructions) > 1 {
                    presentationSubmission.DescriptorMap = append(presentationSubmission.DescriptorMap, InputDescriptorMappingObject{
                        Id:         inputDescriptorMapping.Id,
                        Format:     format,
                        Path:       fmt.Sprintf("$[%d]", index),
                        PathNested: &inputDescriptorMapping,
                } else {
                    // Just 1 VP, no nesting needed
                    presentationSubmission.DescriptorMap = append(presentationSubmission.DescriptorMap, inputDescriptorMapping)

    return presentationSubmission, nonEmptySignInstructions, nil

// Resolve returns a map where each of the input descriptors is mapped to the corresponding VerifiableCredential.
// If an input descriptor can't be mapped to a VC, an error is returned.
// This function is specified by
func (s PresentationSubmission) Resolve(envelope Envelope) (map[string]vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    result := make(map[string]vc.VerifiableCredential)
    for _, inputDescriptor := range s.DescriptorMap {
        resolvedCredential, err := resolveCredential(nil, inputDescriptor, envelope.asInterface)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve credential for input descriptor '%s': %w", inputDescriptor.Id, err)
        result[inputDescriptor.Id] = *resolvedCredential
    return result, nil

func resolveCredential(path []string, mapping InputDescriptorMappingObject, value interface{}) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    fullPath := append(path, mapping.Path)
    fullPathString := strings.Join(fullPath, "/")

    targetValueRaw, err := jsonpath.Get(mapping.Path, value)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get value for path %s: %w", fullPathString, err)

    var decodedTargetValue interface{}
    switch targetValue := targetValueRaw.(type) {
    case string:
        // must be JWT VC or VP
        if mapping.Format == vc.JWTCredentialProofFormat {
            decodedTargetValue, err = vc.ParseVerifiableCredential(targetValue)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid JWT credential at path '%s': %w", fullPathString, err)
        } else if mapping.Format == vc.JWTPresentationProofFormat {
            decodedTargetValue, err = vc.ParseVerifiablePresentation(targetValue)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid JWT presentation at path '%s': %w", fullPathString, err)
    case map[string]interface{}:
        // must be JSON-LD
        targetValueAsJSON, _ := json.Marshal(targetValue)
        if mapping.Format == vc.JSONLDCredentialProofFormat {
            decodedTargetValue, err = vc.ParseVerifiableCredential(string(targetValueAsJSON))
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid JSON-LD credential at path '%s': %w", fullPathString, err)
        } else if mapping.Format == vc.JSONLDPresentationProofFormat {
            decodedTargetValue, err = vc.ParseVerifiablePresentation(string(targetValueAsJSON))
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid JSON-LD presentation at path '%s': %w", fullPathString, err)
    if decodedTargetValue == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("value of Go type '%T' at path '%s' can't be decoded using format '%s'", targetValueRaw, fullPathString, mapping.Format)
    if mapping.PathNested == nil {
        if decodedCredential, ok := decodedTargetValue.(*vc.VerifiableCredential); ok {
            return decodedCredential, nil
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("path '%s' does not reference a credential", fullPathString)
    // path_nested implies the credential is not found at the evaluated JSON path, but further down.
    // We need to decode the value at the path (could be a credential or presentation in JWT or VP format) and evaluate the nested path.
    decodedValueJSON, _ := json.Marshal(decodedTargetValue)
    var decodedValueMap map[string]interface{}
    _ = json.Unmarshal(decodedValueJSON, &decodedValueMap)
    return resolveCredential(fullPath, *mapping.PathNested, decodedValueMap)

// Validate validates the Presentation Submission to the Verifiable Presentations and Presentation Definitions and returns the mapped credentials.
// The credentials will be returned as map with the InputDescriptor.Id as key.
// The Presentation Definitions are passed in the envelope, as specified by the PEX specification.
// It assumes credentials of the presentations only map in 1 way to the input descriptors.
func (s PresentationSubmission) Validate(envelope Envelope, definition PresentationDefinition) (map[string]vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    actualCredentials, err := s.Resolve(envelope)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("resolve credentials from presentation submission: %w", err)

    // Create a new presentation submission: the submission being validated should have the same input descriptor mapping.
    submissionBuilder := definition.PresentationSubmissionBuilder()
    for _, presentation := range envelope.Presentations {
        signer, err := credential.PresentationSigner(presentation)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to derive presentation signer: %w", err)
        submissionBuilder.AddWallet(*signer, presentation.VerifiableCredential)
    _, signInstructions, err := submissionBuilder.Build("")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if len(signInstructions) == 0 && definition.CredentialsRequired() {
        return nil, errors.New("presentation submission doesn't match presentation definition")
    // Build a input descriptor -> credential map for comparison
    expectedCredentials := make(map[string]vc.VerifiableCredential)
    for _, signInstruction := range signInstructions {
        for i, mapping := range signInstruction.Mappings {
            expectedCredentials[mapping.Id] = signInstruction.VerifiableCredentials[i]
    if len(actualCredentials) != len(expectedCredentials) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected %d credentials, got %d", len(expectedCredentials), len(actualCredentials))
    for inputDescriptorID, expectedCredential := range expectedCredentials {
        if actualCredentials[inputDescriptorID].Raw() != expectedCredential.Raw() {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("incorrect mapping for input descriptor: %s", inputDescriptorID)
    return expectedCredentials, nil