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4 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2021 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package vcr

import (

    ssi ""

const credentialsBackupShelf = "credentials"

// NewVCRInstance creates a new vcr instance with default config and empty concept registry
func NewVCRInstance(keyStore crypto.KeyStore, vdrInstance vdr.VDR,
    network network.Transactions, jsonldManager jsonld.JSONLD, eventManager events.Event, storageClient storage.Engine,
    pkiProvider pki.Provider) VCR {
    r := &vcr{
        config:        DefaultConfig(),
        vdrInstance:   vdrInstance,
        keyStore:      keyStore,
        network:       network,
        jsonldManager: jsonldManager,
        eventManager:  eventManager,
        storageClient: storageClient,
        pkiProvider:   pkiProvider,
    return r

type vcr struct {
    // datadir holds the location the VCR files are stored
    datadir string
    // strictmode holds a copy of the core.ServerConfig.Strictmode value
    strictmode          bool
    config              Config
    store               storage.KVBackedLeiaStore
    keyStore            crypto.KeyStore
    keyResolver         resolver.KeyResolver
    serviceResolver     resolver.ServiceResolver
    ambassador          Ambassador
    network             network.Transactions
    trustConfig         *trust.Config
    issuer              issuer.Issuer
    verifier            verifier.Verifier
    wallet              holder.Wallet
    issuerStore         issuer.Store
    verifierStore       verifier.Store
    jsonldManager       jsonld.JSONLD
    eventManager        events.Event
    storageClient       storage.Engine
    openidSessionStore  storage.SessionDatabase
    localWalletResolver openid4vci.IdentifierResolver
    issuerHttpClient    core.HTTPRequestDoer
    walletHttpClient    core.HTTPRequestDoer
    pkiProvider         pki.Provider
    vdrInstance         vdr.VDR

func (c *vcr) GetOpenIDIssuer(ctx context.Context, id did.DID) (issuer.OpenIDHandler, error) {
    identifier, err := c.resolveOpenID4VCIIdentifier(ctx, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return issuer.NewOpenIDHandler(id, identifier, c.config.OpenID4VCI.DefinitionsDIR, c.issuerHttpClient, c.keyResolver, c.openidSessionStore)

func (c *vcr) GetOpenIDHolder(ctx context.Context, id did.DID) (holder.OpenIDHandler, error) {
    identifier, err := c.resolveOpenID4VCIIdentifier(ctx, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return holder.NewOpenIDHandler(id, identifier, c.walletHttpClient, c, c.keyStore, c.keyResolver), nil

func (c *vcr) resolveOpenID4VCIIdentifier(ctx context.Context, id did.DID) (string, error) {
    identifier, err := c.localWalletResolver.Resolve(id)
    if err != nil {
        return "", openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        fmt.Errorf("error resolving OpenID4VCI identifier: %w", err),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidRequest,
            StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
    isOwner, err := c.vdrInstance.IsOwner(ctx, id)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    if !isOwner {
        return "", openid4vci.Error{
            Err:        errors.New("DID is not owned by this node"),
            Code:       openid4vci.InvalidRequest,
            StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
    return identifier, nil

func (c *vcr) Issuer() issuer.Issuer {
    return c.issuer

func (c *vcr) Wallet() holder.Wallet {
    return c.wallet

func (c *vcr) Verifier() verifier.Verifier {
    return c.verifier

func (c *vcr) Configure(config core.ServerConfig) error {
    var err error

    // store config parameters for use in Start()
    c.datadir = config.Datadir

    // copy strictmode for openid4vci usage
    c.strictmode = config.Strictmode

    // create issuer store (to revoke)
    issuerStorePath := path.Join(c.datadir, "vcr", "issued-credentials.db")
    issuerBackupStore, err := c.storageClient.GetProvider(ModuleName).GetKVStore("backup-issued-credentials", storage.PersistentStorageClass)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    c.issuerStore, err = issuer.NewStore(c.storageClient.GetSQLDatabase(), issuerStorePath, issuerBackupStore)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // create verifier store (for revocations)
    verifierStorePath := path.Join(c.datadir, "vcr", "verifier-store.db")
    verifierBackupStore, err := c.storageClient.GetProvider(ModuleName).GetKVStore("backup-revoked-credentials", storage.PersistentStorageClass)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    c.verifierStore, err = verifier.NewLeiaVerifierStore(verifierStorePath, verifierBackupStore)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // create credentials store (for public credentials)
    if err = c.createCredentialsStore(); err != nil {
        return err

    // create trust config
    tcPath := path.Join(config.Datadir, "vcr", "trusted_issuers.yaml")
    c.trustConfig = trust.NewConfig(tcPath)

    // default to nil openidHandlerFn when OpenID4VCI.Enabled==false
    var openidHandlerFn func(ctx context.Context, id did.DID) (issuer.OpenIDHandler, error)

    didResolver := c.vdrInstance.Resolver()
    c.keyResolver = resolver.DIDKeyResolver{Resolver: didResolver}
    c.serviceResolver = resolver.DIDServiceResolver{Resolver: didResolver}

    networkPublisher := issuer.NewNetworkPublisher(, didResolver, c.keyStore)
    tlsConfig, err := c.pkiProvider.CreateTLSConfig(config.TLS) // returns nil if TLS is disabled
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if c.config.OpenID4VCI.Enabled {
        c.localWalletResolver = openid4vci.NewTLSIdentifierResolver(
            openid4vci.DIDIdentifierResolver{ServiceResolver: c.serviceResolver},
        openidHandlerFn = c.GetOpenIDIssuer
        // Issuer and wallet don't share the same http.Client and underlying transport,
        // since that leads to (temporary) deadlocks under high load, when the http.Transport pool is exhausted.
        // This is because the credential is requested by the wallet synchronously during the offer handling,
        // meaning while the issuer allocated an HTTP connection the wallet will try to allocate one as well.
        // This moved back to 1 http.Client when the credential is requested asynchronously.
        // Should be fixed as part of (also fix core.NewStrictHTTPClient)
        c.issuerHttpClient = client.NewWithTLSConfig(c.config.OpenID4VCI.Timeout, tlsConfig)
        c.walletHttpClient = client.NewWithTLSConfig(c.config.OpenID4VCI.Timeout, tlsConfig)
        c.openidSessionStore = c.storageClient.GetSessionDatabase()

    status := revocation.NewStatusList2021(c.storageClient.GetSQLDatabase(), client.NewWithCache(config.HTTPClient.Timeout))
    c.issuer = issuer.NewIssuer(c.issuerStore, c, networkPublisher, openidHandlerFn, didResolver, c.keyStore, c.jsonldManager, c.trustConfig, status)
    c.verifier = verifier.NewVerifier(c.verifierStore, didResolver, c.keyResolver, c.jsonldManager, c.trustConfig, status)

    c.ambassador = NewAmbassador(, c, c.verifier, c.eventManager)

    // Create holder/wallet
    c.wallet = holder.NewSQLWallet(c.keyResolver, c.keyStore, c.verifier, c.jsonldManager, c.storageClient)

    if err =; err != nil {
        return err

    return c.trustConfig.Load()

func (c *vcr) createCredentialsStore() error {
    credentialsStorePath := path.Join(c.datadir, "vcr", "credentials.db")
    credentialsBackupStore, err := c.storageClient.GetProvider(ModuleName).GetKVStore("backup-credentials", storage.PersistentStorageClass)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    credentialsStore, err := leia.NewStore(credentialsStorePath, leia.WithDocumentLoader(c.jsonldManager.DocumentLoader()))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    }, err = storage.NewKVBackedLeiaStore(credentialsStore, credentialsBackupStore)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // set backup config{
        CollectionName: "credentials",
        CollectionType: leia.JSONLDCollection,
        BackupShelf:    credentialsBackupShelf,
        SearchQuery:    leia.NewIRIPath(),

    // init indices
    return c.initJSONLDIndices()

func (c *vcr) Start() error {
    // start listening for new credentials
    _ = c.ambassador.Configure()

    return c.ambassador.Start()

func (c *vcr) Shutdown() error {
    err := c.issuerStore.Close()
    if err != nil {
            Error("Unable to close issuer store")
    err = c.verifierStore.Close()
    if err != nil {
            Error("Unable to close verifier store")

func whitespaceOrExactTokenizer(text string) (tokens []string) {
    tokens = leia.WhiteSpaceTokenizer(text)
    tokens = append(tokens, text)


func (c *vcr) credentialCollection() leia.Collection {
    return, "credentials")

func (c *vcr) loadJSONLDConfig() ([]indexConfig, error) {
    list, err := fs.Glob(assets.Assets, "**/*.index.yaml")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    configs := make([]indexConfig, 0)
    for _, f := range list {
        bytes, err := assets.Assets.ReadFile(f)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        config := indexConfig{}
        err = yaml.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        configs = append(configs, config)

    return configs, nil

func (c *vcr) initJSONLDIndices() error {
    collection := c.credentialCollection()

    configs, err := c.loadJSONLDConfig()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, config := range configs {
        for _, index := range config.Indices {
            var leiaParts []leia.FieldIndexer

            for _, iParts := range index.Parts {
                options := make([]leia.IndexOption, 0)
                if iParts.Tokenizer != nil {
                    tokenizer := strings.ToLower(*iParts.Tokenizer)
                    switch tokenizer {
                    case "whitespaceorexact":
                        options = append(options, leia.TokenizerOption(whitespaceOrExactTokenizer))
                    case "whitespace":
                        options = append(options, leia.TokenizerOption(leia.WhiteSpaceTokenizer))
                        return fmt.Errorf("unknown tokenizer %s for %s", *iParts.Tokenizer, index.Name)
                if iParts.Transformer != nil {
                    transformer := strings.ToLower(*iParts.Transformer)
                    switch transformer {
                    case "cologne":
                        options = append(options, leia.TransformerOption(CologneTransformer))
                    case "lowercase":
                        options = append(options, leia.TransformerOption(leia.ToLower))
                        return fmt.Errorf("unknown transformer %s for %s", *iParts.Transformer, index.Name)

                leiaParts = append(leiaParts, leia.NewFieldIndexer(leia.NewIRIPath(iParts.IRIPath...), options...))

            leiaIndex := collection.NewIndex(index.Name, leiaParts...)
            log.Logger().Debugf("Adding index %s", index.Name)

            if err := collection.AddIndex(leiaIndex); err != nil {
                return err
    return nil

func (c *vcr) Name() string {
    return ModuleName

func (c *vcr) Config() interface{} {
    return &c.config

func (c *vcr) OpenID4VCIEnabled() bool {
    return c.config.OpenID4VCI.Enabled

func (c *vcr) Resolve(ID ssi.URI, resolveTime *time.Time) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    credential, err := c.find(ID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // we don't have to check the signature, it's coming from our own store.
    if err = c.verifier.Verify(credential, false, false, resolveTime); err != nil {
        switch err {
        case types.ErrRevoked:
            return &credential, types.ErrRevoked
        case types.ErrUntrusted:
            return &credential, types.ErrUntrusted
            return nil, err
    return &credential, nil

// find only returns a VC from storage, it does not tell anything about validity
func (c *vcr) find(ID ssi.URI) (vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    credential := vc.VerifiableCredential{}
    qp := leia.Eq(leia.NewIRIPath(), leia.MustParseScalar(ID.String()))
    q := leia.New(qp)

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), maxFindExecutionTime)
    defer cancel()

    docs, err := c.credentialCollection().Find(ctx, q)
    if err != nil {
        return credential, err
    if len(docs) > 0 {
        // there can be only one
        err = json.Unmarshal(docs[0], &credential)
        if err != nil {
            return credential, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse credential from db: %w", err)

        return credential, nil

    return credential, types.ErrNotFound

func (c *vcr) Trust(credentialType ssi.URI, issuer ssi.URI) error {
    err := c.trustConfig.AddTrust(credentialType, issuer)
    if err != nil {
            WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialType, credentialType).
            WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialIssuer, issuer).
            Info("Added trust for Verifiable Credential issuer")
    return err

func (c *vcr) Untrust(credentialType ssi.URI, issuer ssi.URI) error {
    err := c.trustConfig.RemoveTrust(credentialType, issuer)
    if err != nil {
            WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialType, credentialType).
            WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialIssuer, issuer).
            Info("Untrusted for Verifiable Credential issuer")
    return err

func (c *vcr) Trusted(credentialType ssi.URI) ([]ssi.URI, error) {
    return c.trustConfig.List(credentialType), nil

func (c *vcr) Untrusted(credentialType ssi.URI) ([]ssi.URI, error) {
    didResolver := c.vdrInstance.Resolver()
    trustMap := make(map[string]bool)
    untrusted := make([]ssi.URI, 0)
    for _, trusted := range c.trustConfig.List(credentialType) {
        trustMap[trusted.String()] = true

    // check all issued VCs
    query := leia.New(leia.NotNil(leia.NewIRIPath(jsonld.CredentialIssuerPath...)))

    // use type specific collection
    collection := c.credentialCollection()

    // for each key: add to untrusted if not present in trusted
    err := collection.IndexIterate(query, func(key []byte, value []byte) error {
        // we iterate over all issuers->reference pairs
        issuer := string(key)
        if _, ok := trustMap[issuer]; !ok {
            u, err := ssi.ParseURI(issuer)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            trustMap[issuer] = true

            // only add to untrusted if issuer is not deactivated or has active controllers
            issuerDid, err := did.ParseDIDURL(issuer)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            _, _, err = didResolver.Resolve(issuerDid.DID, nil)
            if err != nil {
                if !(errors.Is(err, did.DeactivatedErr) || errors.Is(err, resolver.ErrNoActiveController)) {
                    return err
            } else {
                untrusted = append(untrusted, *u)
        return nil
    if err != nil {
        if errors.Is(err, leia.ErrNoIndex) {
                WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialType, credentialType).
                Warn("No index with field 'issuer' found for credential")

            return nil, types.ErrInvalidCredential
        return nil, err

    return untrusted, nil

func (c *vcr) Diagnostics() []core.DiagnosticResult {
    var credentialCount int
    var err error
    credentialCount, err = c.credentialCollection().DocumentCount()
    if err != nil {
        credentialCount = -1
            Warn("unable to retrieve credential document count")
    return []core.DiagnosticResult{
            Title: "issuer",
            Items: c.issuerStore.Diagnostics(),
            Title: "verifier",
            Items: c.verifierStore.Diagnostics(),
            Title:   "credential_count",
            Outcome: credentialCount,
            Title: "wallet_credential_count",
            Items: c.wallet.Diagnostics(),

// writeCredentialToWallet writes a credential to the wallet if the subject is owned by this node.
// If it's not written to the wallet (because it's not owned by this node), it returns false.
// If it's written to the wallet, it returns true.
// If an error occurs, it returns false and the error.
func (c *vcr) writeCredentialToWallet(cred vc.VerifiableCredential) (bool, error) {
    put, err := c.canWalletHoldCredential(cred)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    if put {
        return true, c.wallet.Put(context.TODO(), cred)
    return false, nil

// canWalletHoldCredential returns true if the credential is subject to the wallet of the node, meaning:
// - It is of a type that can be stored in the wallet
// - The subject of the credential is owned by this node
// If these conditions are met, it returns true.
// If an error occurs, it returns false and the error.
func (c *vcr) canWalletHoldCredential(cred vc.VerifiableCredential) (bool, error) {
    if cred.IsType(*credential.NutsAuthorizationCredentialTypeURI) {
        return false, nil
    subjectDID, _ := cred.SubjectDID()
    if subjectDID == nil {
        return false, nil
    return c.vdrInstance.IsOwner(context.Background(), *subjectDID)