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 * Copyright (C) 2022 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package didnuts

import (

    ssi ""


    nutsCrypto ""

// MethodName is the DID method name used by Nuts
const MethodName = "nuts"

// NutsDIDContextV1 contains the Nuts specific JSON-LD context for a DID Document
const NutsDIDContextV1 = ""

// JWS2020ContextV1 contains the JSON-LD context for JWS and JWK
const JWS2020ContextV1 = ""

// NutsDIDContextV1URI returns NutsDIDContextV1 as a URI
func NutsDIDContextV1URI() ssi.URI {
    return ssi.MustParseURI(NutsDIDContextV1)

// JWS2020ContextV1URI returns JWS2020ContextV1 as a URI
func JWS2020ContextV1URI() ssi.URI {
    return ssi.MustParseURI(JWS2020ContextV1)

// CreateDocument creates an empty DID document with baseline properties set.
func CreateDocument() did.Document {
    return did.Document{
        Context: []interface{}{NutsDIDContextV1URI(), JWS2020ContextV1URI(), did.DIDContextV1URI()},

// Creator implements the DocCreator interface and can create Nuts DID Documents.
type Creator struct {
    // KeyStore is used for getting a fresh key and use it to generate the Nuts DID
    KeyStore nutsCrypto.KeyCreator

    // NetworkClient is used for publishing the newly created DID Document
    NetworkClient network.Transactions

    // DIDResolver is used for resolving the controllers of the newly created DID Document
    DIDResolver resolver.DIDResolver

// DefaultCreationOptions returns the default CreationOptions when creating DID Documents.
func DefaultCreationOptions() management.CreationOptions {
    return management.Create(MethodName).

// DefaultKeyFlags returns the default DIDKeyFlags when creating did:nuts DIDs.
func DefaultKeyFlags() management.DIDKeyFlags {
    return management.AssertionMethodUsage | management.CapabilityInvocationUsage | management.KeyAgreementUsage

type keyFlagCreationOption management.DIDKeyFlags

// KeyFlag specifies for what purposes the generated key can be used
func KeyFlag(flags management.DIDKeyFlags) management.CreationOption {
    return keyFlagCreationOption(flags)

// didKIDNamingFunc is a function used to name a key used in newly generated DID Documents.
func didKIDNamingFunc(pKey crypto.PublicKey) (string, error) {
    return getKIDName(pKey, nutsCrypto.Thumbprint)

// didSubKIDNamingFunc returns a KIDNamingFunc that can be used as param in the KeyStore.New function.
// It wraps the KIDNamingFunc with the context of the DID of the document.
// It returns a keyID in the form of the documents DID with the new keys thumbprint as fragment.
// E.g. for a assertionMethod key that differs from the key the DID document was created with.
func didSubKIDNamingFunc(owningDID did.DID) nutsCrypto.KIDNamingFunc {
    return func(pKey crypto.PublicKey) (string, error) {
        return getKIDName(pKey, func(_ jwk.Key) (string, error) {
            return owningDID.ID, nil

func getKIDName(pKey crypto.PublicKey, idFunc func(key jwk.Key) (string, error)) (string, error) {
    // according to RFC006:
    // --------------------

    // generate idString
    jwKey, err := jwk.FromRaw(pKey)
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("could not generate kid: %w", err)

    idString, err := idFunc(jwKey)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    // generate kid fragment
    err = jwk.AssignKeyID(jwKey)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    // assemble
    kid := &did.DIDURL{}
    kid.Method = MethodName
    kid.ID = idString
    kid.Fragment = jwKey.KeyID()

    return kid.String(), nil

// ErrInvalidOptions is returned when the given options have an invalid combination
var ErrInvalidOptions = errors.New("create request has invalid combination of options: SelfControl = true and CapabilityInvocation = false")

// Create creates a Nuts DID Document with a valid DID id based on a freshly generated keypair.
// The key is added to the verificationMethod list and referred to from the Authentication list
// It also publishes the DID Document to the network.
func (n Creator) Create(ctx context.Context, options management.CreationOptions) (*did.Document, nutsCrypto.Key, error) {
    keyFlags, err := parseOptions(options)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    if !keyFlags.Is(management.CapabilityInvocationUsage) {
        return nil, nil, ErrInvalidOptions

    doc, key, err := n.create(ctx, keyFlags)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    if err := n.publish(ctx, *doc, key); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // return the doc and the keyCreator that created the private key
    return doc, key, nil

func parseOptions(options management.CreationOptions) (keyFlags management.DIDKeyFlags, err error) {
    for _, opt := range options.All() {
        switch o := opt.(type) {
        case keyFlagCreationOption:
            keyFlags = management.DIDKeyFlags(o)
            return 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown option: %T", opt)

func (n Creator) create(ctx context.Context, flags management.DIDKeyFlags) (*did.Document, nutsCrypto.Key, error) {
    // First, generate a new keyPair with the correct kid
    // Currently, always keep the key in the keystore. This allows us to change the transaction format and regenerate transactions at a later moment.
    // Relevant issue:
    key, err := n.KeyStore.New(ctx, didKIDNamingFunc)
    // } else {
    //     key, err = nutsCrypto.NewEphemeralKey(didKIDNamingFunc)
    // }
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    keyID, err := did.ParseDIDURL(key.KID())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Create the bare document. The Document DID will be the keyIDStr without the fragment.
    didID, _ := resolver.GetDIDFromURL(key.KID())
    doc := CreateDocument()
    doc.ID = didID

    var verificationMethod *did.VerificationMethod

    // Add VerificationMethod using generated key
    verificationMethod, err = did.NewVerificationMethod(*keyID, ssi.JsonWebKey2020, did.DID{}, key.Public())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    applyKeyUsage(&doc, verificationMethod, flags)
    return &doc, key, nil

func (n Creator) publish(ctx context.Context, doc did.Document, key nutsCrypto.Key) error {
    payload, err := json.Marshal(doc)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // extract the transaction refs from the controller metadata
    refs := make([]hash.SHA256Hash, 0)

    tx := network.TransactionTemplate(DIDDocumentType, payload, key).WithAttachKey().WithAdditionalPrevs(refs)
    _, err = n.NetworkClient.CreateTransaction(ctx, tx)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not store DID document in network: %w", err)
    return nil

// applyKeyUsage checks intendedKeyUsage and adds the given verificationMethod to every relationship specified as key usage.
func applyKeyUsage(document *did.Document, keyToAdd *did.VerificationMethod, intendedKeyUsage management.DIDKeyFlags) {
    if intendedKeyUsage.Is(management.CapabilityDelegationUsage) {
    if intendedKeyUsage.Is(management.CapabilityInvocationUsage) {
    if intendedKeyUsage.Is(management.AuthenticationUsage) {
    if intendedKeyUsage.Is(management.AssertionMethodUsage) {
    if intendedKeyUsage.Is(management.KeyAgreementUsage) {