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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2022 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package didstore

import (

func writeEventList(tx stoabs.WriteTx, newEventList eventList, id did.DID) error {
    // update MetaRefs
    for i := range newEventList.Events {
        newEventList.Events[i].MetaRef = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", id.String(), i)

    nelBytes, _ := json.Marshal(newEventList)
    eventShelf := tx.GetShelfWriter(eventShelf)
    err := eventShelf.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(id.String()), nelBytes)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func writeDocument(tx stoabs.WriteTx, didDocument did.Document, transaction Transaction) error {
    // transaction
    transactionWriter := tx.GetShelfWriter(transactionIndexShelf)
    err := transactionWriter.Put(stoabs.HashKey(transaction.Ref), transaction.PayloadHash.Slice())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // document
    documentWriter := tx.GetShelfWriter(documentShelf)
    documentBytes, err := json.Marshal(didDocument)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("marshalling DID Document: %w", err)
    err = documentWriter.Put(stoabs.HashKey(transaction.PayloadHash), documentBytes)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func writeLatest(tx stoabs.WriteTx, id did.DID, metadata documentMetadata) error {
    // store latest
    latestWriter := tx.GetShelfWriter(latestShelf)

    // store updated eventList (return new list?)
    mdID := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", id, metadata.Version)
    err := latestWriter.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(id.String()), []byte(mdID))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// applyFrom takes a base Event as a reference point and applies all events from applyList.
// The reference point is the latest DID Document and metadata that were updated before the new event that has been received.
// Because all other updates may depend on the newly received event, all have to be re-added as if just received.
// This is needed because the newly received event might resolve a conflict (or causes one) which will probably
// propagate to the latest state.
// The conflicted count and total number of documents statistic is updated here as well.
// These need to be updated here since all reading of current stats have to happen before any writing is done.
// This ensures the same behaviour between bbolt and redis.
func (tl *store) applyFrom(tx stoabs.WriteTx, base *event, applyList []event) error {
    var document *did.Document
    var metadata *documentMetadata
    var err error

    // for updating conflicted stats
    var conflicted bool
    var conflictedCount uint32
    statsWriter := tx.GetShelfWriter(statsShelf)
    conflictedWriter := tx.GetShelfWriter(conflictedShelf)
    cBytes, err := statsWriter.Get(stoabs.BytesKey(conflictedCountKey))
    if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
        return err
    if len(cBytes) > 0 {
        conflictedCount = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(cBytes)

    if base != nil {
        // get DID Document and documentMetadata for base
        d, err := readDocument(tx, base.PayloadHash)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("read document failed: %w", err)
        document = &d
        // get documentMetadata for base
        m, err := readMetadata(tx, []byte(base.MetaRef))
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("read metadata failed: %w", err)
        metadata = &m
        b, err := conflictedWriter.Get(stoabs.BytesKey(document.ID.String()))
        if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
            return err
        if len(b) > 0 {
            // it was already conflicted
            conflicted = true

    for _, nextEvent := range applyList {
        document, metadata, err = applyEvent(tx, metadata, nextEvent)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("applying event failed: %w", err)

    if metadata.isConflicted() {
        if !conflicted {
        tl.addCachedConflict(*document, *metadata)
        err = conflictedWriter.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(document.ID.String()), []byte{0})
    } else {
        if conflicted {
        err = conflictedWriter.Delete(stoabs.BytesKey(document.ID.String()))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    cBytes = make([]byte, 4)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(cBytes, conflictedCount)
    err = statsWriter.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(conflictedCountKey), cBytes)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // new document
    if metadata.Version == 0 {
        if err = incrementDocumentCount(tx); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("increment document count failed: %w", err)

    return writeLatest(tx, document.ID, *metadata)

func incrementDocumentCount(tx stoabs.WriteTx) error {
    docCount := uint32(0)
    statsWriter := tx.GetShelfWriter(statsShelf)
    cBytes, err := statsWriter.Get(stoabs.BytesKey(documentCountKey))
    if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
        return err
    if len(cBytes) > 0 {
        docCount = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(cBytes)

    cBytes = make([]byte, 4)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(cBytes, docCount+1)
    err = statsWriter.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(documentCountKey), cBytes)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func applyEvent(tx stoabs.WriteTx, latestMetadata *documentMetadata, nextEvent event) (*did.Document, *documentMetadata, error) {
    nextDocument, err := readDocumentFromEvent(tx, nextEvent)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("read document failed: %w", err)
    nextMetadata := documentMetadata{
        Created:             nextEvent.SigningTime,
        Updated:             nextEvent.SigningTime,
        Hash:                nextEvent.PayloadHash,
        PreviousTransaction: nextEvent.Previous,
        SourceTransactions:  []hash.SHA256Hash{nextEvent.Ref},
        Deactivated:         isDeactivated(nextDocument),

    nextDocument, nextMetadata, err = applyDocument(tx, latestMetadata, nextDocument, nextMetadata)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply next document: %w", err)
    metadataBytes, _ := json.Marshal(nextMetadata)
    metadataWriter := tx.GetShelfWriter(metadataShelf)
    if err = metadataWriter.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", nextDocument.ID.String(), nextMetadata.Version)), metadataBytes); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // if conflicted write nextDocument
    if nextMetadata.isConflicted() {
        docBytes, _ := json.Marshal(nextDocument)
        documentWriter := tx.GetShelfWriter(documentShelf)
        if err = documentWriter.Put(stoabs.HashKey(nextMetadata.Hash), docBytes); err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

    return &nextDocument, &nextMetadata, nil

func applyDocument(tx stoabs.ReadTx, currentMeta *documentMetadata, newDoc did.Document, newMeta documentMetadata) (did.Document, documentMetadata, error) {
    if currentMeta == nil {
        return newDoc, newMeta, nil

    // these can already be updated
    newMeta.Version = currentMeta.Version + 1
    newMeta.Created = currentMeta.Created
    newMeta.PreviousHash = &currentMeta.Hash

    unconsumed := map[string]struct{}{}
    for _, st := range currentMeta.SourceTransactions {
        for _, ref := range newMeta.PreviousTransaction {
            if st.Equals(ref) {
                continue outer
        unconsumed[st.String()] = struct{}{}
    // if new document consumes all the old TXs, just return the new one
    if len(unconsumed) == 0 {
        return newDoc, newMeta, nil

    txRefReader := tx.GetShelfReader(transactionIndexShelf)
    for k := range unconsumed {
        st, _ := hash.ParseHex(k)
        newMeta.SourceTransactions = append(newMeta.SourceTransactions, st)
        // get old doc by txRef ...
        payloadHashBytes, err := txRefReader.Get(stoabs.HashKey(st))
        if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
            return did.Document{}, documentMetadata{}, fmt.Errorf("error on reading transactionIndexShelf: %w", err)
        if len(payloadHashBytes) == 0 {
            return did.Document{}, documentMetadata{}, fmt.Errorf("transaction reference %s not found on transactionIndexShelf: %w", k, err)
        oldDoc, err := readDocument(tx, hash.FromSlice(payloadHashBytes))
        if err != nil {
            return did.Document{}, documentMetadata{}, fmt.Errorf("read document failed: %w", err)
        newDoc = mergeDocuments(oldDoc, newDoc)
    newDocBytes, _ := json.Marshal(newDoc)

    newMeta.Hash = hash.SHA256Sum(newDocBytes)
    newMeta.Deactivated = isDeactivated(newDoc)

    return newDoc, newMeta, nil

func isDeactivated(document did.Document) bool {
    return len(document.Controller) == 0 && len(document.CapabilityInvocation) == 0