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 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package management

import (
    ssi ""

// ErrInvalidService is returned when a service is invalid, e.g. invalid field values, duplicate ID, not found, etc.
var ErrInvalidService = errors.New("invalid DID document service")

// ErrUnsupportedDIDMethod is returned when a DID method is not supported.
var ErrUnsupportedDIDMethod = errors.New("unsupported DID method")

// ErrDIDAlreadyExists is returned when a DID already exists.
var ErrDIDAlreadyExists = errors.New("DID already exists")

// DocumentManager is the interface that groups several higher level methods to create and update DID documents.
type DocumentManager interface {

    // Deactivate deactivates a DID document, making it unusable for future interactions.
    Deactivate(ctx context.Context, id did.DID) error

    // CreateService creates a new service in the DID document identified by subjectDID.
    // If the service DID is not provided, it will be generated.
    CreateService(ctx context.Context, subjectDID did.DID, service did.Service) (*did.Service, error)

    // UpdateService updates a service in the DID document identified by subjectDID.
    UpdateService(ctx context.Context, subjectDID did.DID, serviceID ssi.URI, service did.Service) (*did.Service, error)

    // DeleteService deletes a service in the DID document identified by subjectDID.
    // It returns an error if the DID or service isn't found.
    DeleteService(ctx context.Context, subjectDID did.DID, serviceID ssi.URI) error

// DocCreator is the interface that wraps the Create method
type DocCreator interface {
    // Create creates a new DID document and returns it.
    // The ID in the provided DID document will be ignored and a new one will be generated.
    // If something goes wrong an error is returned.
    // Implementors should generate private key and store it in a secure backend
    Create(ctx context.Context, options CreationOptions) (*did.Document, crypto.Key, error)

// DocUpdater is the interface that defines functions that alter the state of a DID document
// Deprecated: only did:nuts implements it, new methods should implement DocumentManager
type DocUpdater interface {
    // Update replaces the DID document identified by DID with the nextVersion
    // If the DID Document is not found, ErrNotFound is returned
    // If the DID Document is not managed by this node, ErrDIDNotManagedByThisNode is returned
    Update(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, next did.Document) error

// DocManipulator groups several higher level methods to alter the state of a DID document.
type DocManipulator interface {
    // Deactivate deactivates a DID document
    // Deactivation will be done in such a way that a DID doc cannot be used / activated anymore.
    // Since the deactivation is definitive, no version is required
    // If the DID Document is not found ErrNotFound is returned
    // If the DID Document is not managed by this node, ErrDIDNotManagedByThisNode is returned
    // If the DID Document is already deactivated ErrDeactivated is returned
    Deactivate(ctx context.Context, id did.DID) error

    // RemoveVerificationMethod removes a VerificationMethod from a DID document.
    // It accepts the id DID as identifier for the DID document.
    // It accepts the kid DID as identifier for the VerificationMethod.
    // It returns an ErrNotFound when the DID document could not be found.
    // It returns an ErrNotFound when there is no VerificationMethod with the provided kid in the document.
    // It returns an ErrDeactivated when the DID document has the deactivated state.
    // It returns an ErrDIDNotManagedByThisNode if the DID document is not managed by this node.
    RemoveVerificationMethod(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, keyID did.DIDURL) error

    // AddVerificationMethod generates a new key and adds it, wrapped as a VerificationMethod, to a DID document.
    // It accepts a DID as identifier for the DID document.
    // It returns an ErrNotFound when the DID document could not be found.
    // It returns an ErrDeactivated when the DID document has the deactivated state.
    // It returns an ErrDIDNotManagedByThisNode if the DID document is not managed by this node.
    AddVerificationMethod(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, keyUsage DIDKeyFlags) (*did.VerificationMethod, error)

    // CreateService creates a new service in the DID document identified by subjectDID.
    // If the service DID is not provided, it will be generated.
    CreateService(ctx context.Context, subjectDID did.DID, service did.Service) (*did.Service, error)

    // UpdateService updates a service in the DID document identified by subjectDID.
    UpdateService(ctx context.Context, subjectDID did.DID, serviceID ssi.URI, service did.Service) (*did.Service, error)

    // DeleteService deletes a service in the DID document identified by subjectDID.
    // It returns an error if the DID or service isn't found.
    DeleteService(ctx context.Context, subjectDID did.DID, serviceID ssi.URI) error

// Create returns empty CreationOptions with the given method set.
func Create(method string) CreationOptions {
    return defaultDIDCreationOptions{
        method: method,

// CreationOptions defines options for creating a DID Document.
type CreationOptions interface {
    // Method returns the DID method name.
    Method() string
    // With adds an option to the CreationOptions.
    // It returns a new CreationOptions instance.
    // If the same option is specified multiple times, the last instance will be used.
    With(option CreationOption) CreationOptions
    // All returns all the options.
    All() []CreationOption

type defaultDIDCreationOptions struct {
    method string
    opts   []CreationOption

func (d defaultDIDCreationOptions) All() []CreationOption {
    return append([]CreationOption{}, d.opts...)

func (d defaultDIDCreationOptions) With(opt CreationOption) CreationOptions {
    d.opts = append(d.opts, opt)
    return &d

func (d defaultDIDCreationOptions) Method() string {
    return d.method

type CreationOption interface {

// DIDKeyFlags is a bitmask used for specifying for what purposes a key in a DID document can be used (a.k.a. Verification Method relationships).
type DIDKeyFlags uint

// Is returns whether the specified DIDKeyFlags is enabled.
func (k DIDKeyFlags) Is(other DIDKeyFlags) bool {
    return k&other == other

const (
    // AssertionMethodUsage indicates if the generated key pair can be used for assertions.
    AssertionMethodUsage DIDKeyFlags = 1 << iota
    // AuthenticationUsage indicates if the generated key pair can be used for authentication.
    // CapabilityDelegationUsage indicates if the generated key pair can be used for altering DID Documents.
    // CapabilityInvocationUsage indicates if the generated key pair can be used for capability invocations.
    // KeyAgreementUsage indicates if the generated key pair can be used for Key agreements.

// DocumentOwner is the interface for checking DID document ownership (presence of private keys).
type DocumentOwner interface {
    // IsOwner returns true if the DID Document is owned by the node, meaning there are private keys present for the DID Document.
    IsOwner(context.Context, did.DID) (bool, error)
    // ListOwned returns all the DIDs owned by the node.
    ListOwned(ctx context.Context) ([]did.DID, error)