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<div #translations style="display: none">
  <div i18n="@@componentIsDecorator" id="componentIsDecorator">
    @Component is an Angular decorator
  <div i18n="@@noSemicolon" id="noSemicolon">
    No semicolon here (as it attaches itself to the class below
  <div i18n="@@decoratorGoesAboveEntity" id="decoratorGoesAboveEntity">
    The Decorator goes directly above the decorated entity (class in this case)
  <div i18n="@@componentNameIsClassName" id="componentNameIsClassName">
    Component name is the class name (AppComponent).
  <div i18n="@@createClassAppComponent" id="createClassAppComponent">
    Create a class called 'AppComponent'
  <div i18n="@@createClassAppModule" id="createClassAppModule">
    Create a class called 'AppModule'
  <div i18n="@@allSetBootstrapApp" id="allSetBootstrapApp">
    All set! Bootstrap your application

  <div i18n="@@exportClass" id="exportClass">Export the class</div>
  <div i18n="@@addComponentDecorator" id="addComponentDecorator">
    Add a Component decorator for the class
  <div i18n="@@addSelectorMyApp" id="addSelectorMyApp">
    Add a selector to the component decorator and set it to 'my-app'
  <div i18n="@@addTemplateHelloMewTube" id="addTemplateHelloMewTube">
    Add a template that contains: h1 with a text "Hello MewTube!"
  <div i18n="@@addNgModuleDecorator" id="addNgModuleDecorator">
    Add a NgModule decorator for the class
  <div i18n="@@addBrowserModuleToNgModule" id="addBrowserModuleToNgModule">
    Add 'BrowserModule' to the NgModule decorator imports
    Add 'AppComponent' to the 'declarations' property of the decorator
  <div i18n="@@addAppComponentToBootstrap" id="addAppComponentToBootstrap">
    Add 'AppComponent' to the 'bootstrap' property of the decorator
<slide-deck slideShortcuts slidesRouting slides-tracking>

  <div *slide id="intro" no-padding>
      title="Create your first Angular app"
      description="You will learn how to create your first Angular component, put it in a module, and bootstrap the app."
      prereqs="Knowing TypeScript basics would help a lot"

  <div *slide id="angular-description" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>What is Angular?</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <div class="centered-vertically">
      <h2 i18n>
        Angular is a <b>development platform</b> for building mobile and desktop
        applications. Angular lets you <b>extend HTML's syntax</b> to express
        your application's components clearly and succinctly. Angular's binding
        and Dependency Injection <b>eliminate much of the code</b> you would
        otherwise have to write.

  <div *slide id="index-html" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Intro</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>Given an HTML file:</h2>
    <h2 i18n style="margin-top: 20px;">
      Let's create an Angular app which replaces the <b>hello-world</b> HTML
      element with the app's contents.
    <h2 i18n>This can be done with 3 simple steps.</h2>

  <!--Steps to create an Angular app-->
  <div *slide id="angular-app" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Intro</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>The 3 steps are:</h2>
      <li i18n>Create an Angular component</li>
      <li i18n>Create an Angular module</li>
      <li i18n>Bootstrap the module</li>

  <div *slide id="component" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Step 1</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      Start by creating an Angular <b>Component</b>. Components in Angular are
      responsible for the visual part of the app
    <h2 i18n>
      An Angular component is just a class. Properties and behavior can be added

  <div *slide id="component-decorator" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Decorators</codelab-breadcrumb>


    <h2 i18n>The class is adorned with a <b>@Component</b> decorator</h2>
    <div class="info" i18n>
      Decorators attach <b>Angular</b> specific information to the class.

  <div *slide id="decorator" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Decorators</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      Decorators are a new feature of TypeScript. They attach metadata to a
      class, function, property or variable

    <div class="info" i18n>
      TypeScript decorators are inspired by a similar feature in the Python

  <div *slide id="selector" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Selector</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      Selectors define the location of the component. When Angular renders this
      component, it'll find a <b>hello-world</b> HTML element in the document
      and render the component inside of it


  <div *slide id="template" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Inline Template</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>Template defines the HTML code that the component generates</h2>

    <div class="info" i18n>
      If the amount of HTML grows out of hand, it's possible (and recommended)
      to use a <b>templateUrl</b> instead and provide a path to the HTML file.

  <div *slide id="exercise-component-pre" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Exercise</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      In the next slide you'll create your first <b>Angular</b> component! We'll
      do all the wiring for you. The result will look like this:


  <!--Angular app exercise-->
  <div *slide no-padding id="exercise-component">
      <div class="description"><p i18n>Create first Angular component!</p></div>

  <!--ngModule intro-->
  <div *slide id="module" milestone="Bootstrap2">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Step 2</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>Next step is to declare the component in an <b>NgModule</b>.</h2>
    <h2 i18n>
      <b>NgModule</b> does not have any visual representation and is used
      exclusively for grouping Angular building blocks together
    <div class="info" i18n>
      We will learn more about NgModules in the future milestones

  <div *slide id="module-exercise" milestone="Bootstrap2">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Module Class</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>Like a component, <b>Angular</b> module is just a class</h2>


  <div *slide id="module-decorator" milestone="Bootstrap2">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>NgModule Decorator</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      Like a component, <b>Angular</b> module is adorned with a decorator
      providing metadata


  <div *slide id="imports" milestone="Bootstrap2">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Browser Module</codelab-breadcrumb>

  <div *slide id="declarations" milestone="Bootstrap2">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Declarations</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      The <b>declarations</b> array specifies components belonging to the

  <div *slide id="bootstrap" milestone="Bootstrap2">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Bootstrap</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      The component passed into the <b>bootstrap</b> array will be created and
      displayed in your <b>index.html</b> file

  <div *slide id="exercise-module-pre" milestone="Bootstrap2">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Exercise</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      In the next slide you'll create your first <b>Angular</b> module! We'll
      use the component from the previous exercises and do all the wiring for
      you. The result will look like this:

  <!--DESCRIPTION 1-->
  <div *slide id="exercise-module" no-padding>
      <div class="description"><p i18n>Create first NgModule.</p></div>

  <div *slide id="bootstrapping" milestone="Bootstrap3">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Bootstrapping</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      We have everything ready, so now it's time to start (bootstrap) the app!
    <h2 i18n>
      Passing your <b>AppModule</b> to the <b>bootstrapModule</b> method will
      start up all the components from that module's bootstrap section
    <div class="info" i18n>
      For most simple apps, you can just copy/paste the code above "as is"

  <div *slide id="bootstrapping-more" milestone="Bootstrap">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Bootstrapping 1</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>How does bootstrapping work in Angular?</h2>
    <br />
    <h2 i18n>
      1. Kicks off execution environment. <b>platformBrowserDynamic()</b> tells
      Angular that we are operating in the browser

    <div class="info">
      <a href="" target="_blank" i18n
        >Read more about root module and bootstrapping in Angular

  <div *slide id="bootstrapping-more-2" milestone="Bootstrap3">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Bootstrapping 2</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      2. Angular initializes the component from the <b>bootstrap</b> array in
      <b>app.module.ts</b> (<b>HelloWorldComponent</b> in this case)

    <div class="info">
      <a href="" target="_blank" i18n
        >Read more about root module and bootstrapping in Angular

  <div *slide id="bootstrapping-more-3" milestone="Bootstrap3">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Bootstrapping 3</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      3. Angular looks in the document for an element matching the selector
      defined in <b>HelloWorldComponent</b> (<b>'hello-world'</b> in our case)
      and inserts the component inside that element

    <div class="info">
      <a href="" target="_blank" i18n
        >Read more about root module and bootstrapping in Angular

  <div *slide id="exercise-bootstrap-pre" milestone="Bootstrap3">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Exercise</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>
      All set! In the next page you'll bootstrap your first <b>Angular</b> app!

  <!--DESCRIPTION 2-->
  <div *slide id="exercise-bootstrap" no-padding>
      <div class="description">
        <p i18n>
          Now that we've got both NgModule and the component ready, let's
          bootstrap the app!
    <!--TODO: check the result area - it's shown if the test passed for the first time, but doesn't disappear in case if to broke the test-->

  <!--Whole picture-->
  <div *slide id="overview">
    <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>Review</codelab-breadcrumb>
    <h2 i18n>Loading order: index -> main -> app.module -> app.component</h2>

    <div row>
      <div class="col-6">
        <code-demo-file-path path="index.html"></code-demo-file-path>

          style="height: 50vh"
      <div class="col-6">
        <code-demo-file-path path="bootstrap.ts"></code-demo-file-path>

          style="height: 50vh"
    <div row>
      <div class="col-6">
        <code-demo-file-path path="app.module.ts"></code-demo-file-path>

          style="height: 50vh"
      <div class="col-6">
        <code-demo-file-path path="app.component.ts"></code-demo-file-path>

          style="height: 50vh"

    <div class="info" i18n>
      While Angular is loading, the contents of the element will stay the same
      (<b>Loading...</b>) in this case

  <div *slide id="end">
      <div class="header" header>
        <codelab-breadcrumb i18n>End of Bootstrap Section</codelab-breadcrumb>
      <div class="body" body>
        <h2 i18n>Well done! This is the end of the milestone!</h2>
      <div class="footer" footer>
          <ng-container i18n>Next:</ng-container>
          <a routerLink="../../templates/0" i18n>
            Go to the templates Milestone
        <feedback-rating lesson="FirstAngularApp"></feedback-rating>