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package options

import (


// Cookie contains configuration options relating to Cookie configuration
type Cookie struct {
    Name           string        `flag:"cookie-name" cfg:"cookie_name"`
    Secret         string        `flag:"cookie-secret" cfg:"cookie_secret"`
    Domains        []string      `flag:"cookie-domain" cfg:"cookie_domains"`
    Path           string        `flag:"cookie-path" cfg:"cookie_path"`
    Expire         time.Duration `flag:"cookie-expire" cfg:"cookie_expire"`
    Refresh        time.Duration `flag:"cookie-refresh" cfg:"cookie_refresh"`
    Secure         bool          `flag:"cookie-secure" cfg:"cookie_secure"`
    HTTPOnly       bool          `flag:"cookie-httponly" cfg:"cookie_httponly"`
    SameSite       string        `flag:"cookie-samesite" cfg:"cookie_samesite"`
    CSRFPerRequest bool          `flag:"cookie-csrf-per-request" cfg:"cookie_csrf_per_request"`
    CSRFExpire     time.Duration `flag:"cookie-csrf-expire" cfg:"cookie_csrf_expire"`

func cookieFlagSet() *pflag.FlagSet {
    flagSet := pflag.NewFlagSet("cookie", pflag.ExitOnError)

    flagSet.String("cookie-name", "_oauth2_proxy", "the name of the cookie that the oauth_proxy creates")
    flagSet.String("cookie-secret", "", "the seed string for secure cookies (optionally base64 encoded)")
    flagSet.StringSlice("cookie-domain", []string{}, "Optional cookie domains to force cookies to (ie: `.yourcompany.com`). The longest domain matching the request's host will be used (or the shortest cookie domain if there is no match).")
    flagSet.String("cookie-path", "/", "an optional cookie path to force cookies to (ie: /poc/)*")
    flagSet.Duration("cookie-expire", time.Duration(168)*time.Hour, "expire timeframe for cookie")
    flagSet.Duration("cookie-refresh", time.Duration(0), "refresh the cookie after this duration; 0 to disable")
    flagSet.Bool("cookie-secure", true, "set secure (HTTPS) cookie flag")
    flagSet.Bool("cookie-httponly", true, "set HttpOnly cookie flag")
    flagSet.String("cookie-samesite", "", "set SameSite cookie attribute (ie: \"lax\", \"strict\", \"none\", or \"\"). ")
    flagSet.Bool("cookie-csrf-per-request", false, "When this property is set to true, then the CSRF cookie name is built based on the state and varies per request. If property is set to false, then CSRF cookie has the same name for all requests.")
    flagSet.Duration("cookie-csrf-expire", time.Duration(15)*time.Minute, "expire timeframe for CSRF cookie")
    return flagSet

// cookieDefaults creates a Cookie populating each field with its default value
func cookieDefaults() Cookie {
    return Cookie{
        Name:           "_oauth2_proxy",
        Secret:         "",
        Domains:        nil,
        Path:           "/",
        Expire:         time.Duration(168) * time.Hour,
        Refresh:        time.Duration(0),
        Secure:         true,
        HTTPOnly:       true,
        SameSite:       "",
        CSRFPerRequest: false,
        CSRFExpire:     time.Duration(15) * time.Minute,