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package options

const (
    // OIDCEmailClaim is the generic email claim used by the OIDC provider.
    OIDCEmailClaim = "email"

    // OIDCGroupsClaim is the generic groups claim used by the OIDC provider.
    OIDCGroupsClaim = "groups"

// OIDCAudienceClaims is the generic audience claim list used by the OIDC provider.
var OIDCAudienceClaims = []string{"aud"}

// Providers is a collection of definitions for providers.
type Providers []Provider

// Provider holds all configuration for a single provider
type Provider struct {
    // ClientID is the OAuth Client ID that is defined in the provider
    // This value is required for all providers.
    ClientID string `json:"clientID,omitempty"`
    // ClientSecret is the OAuth Client Secret that is defined in the provider
    // This value is required for all providers.
    ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"`
    // ClientSecretFile is the name of the file
    // containing the OAuth Client Secret, it will be used if ClientSecret is not set.
    ClientSecretFile string `json:"clientSecretFile,omitempty"`

    // KeycloakConfig holds all configurations for Keycloak provider.
    KeycloakConfig KeycloakOptions `json:"keycloakConfig,omitempty"`
    // AzureConfig holds all configurations for Azure provider.
    AzureConfig AzureOptions `json:"azureConfig,omitempty"`
    // ADFSConfig holds all configurations for ADFS provider.
    ADFSConfig ADFSOptions `json:"ADFSConfig,omitempty"`
    // BitbucketConfig holds all configurations for Bitbucket provider.
    BitbucketConfig BitbucketOptions `json:"bitbucketConfig,omitempty"`
    // GitHubConfig holds all configurations for GitHubC provider.
    GitHubConfig GitHubOptions `json:"githubConfig,omitempty"`
    // GitLabConfig holds all configurations for GitLab provider.
    GitLabConfig GitLabOptions `json:"gitlabConfig,omitempty"`
    // GoogleConfig holds all configurations for Google provider.
    GoogleConfig GoogleOptions `json:"googleConfig,omitempty"`
    // OIDCConfig holds all configurations for OIDC provider
    // or providers utilize OIDC configurations.
    OIDCConfig OIDCOptions `json:"oidcConfig,omitempty"`
    // LoginGovConfig holds all configurations for LoginGov provider.
    LoginGovConfig LoginGovOptions `json:"loginGovConfig,omitempty"`

    // ID should be a unique identifier for the provider.
    // This value is required for all providers.
    ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Type is the OAuth provider
    // must be set from the supported providers group,
    // otherwise 'Google' is set as default
    Type ProviderType `json:"provider,omitempty"`
    // Name is the providers display name
    // if set, it will be shown to the users in the login page.
    Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // CAFiles is a list of paths to CA certificates that should be used when connecting to the provider.
    // If not specified, the default Go trust sources are used instead
    CAFiles []string `json:"caFiles,omitempty"`
    // UseSystemTrustStore determines if your custom CA files and the system trust store are used
    // If set to true, your custom CA files and the system trust store are used otherwise only your custom CA files.
    UseSystemTrustStore bool `json:"useSystemTrustStore,omitempty"`
    // LoginURL is the authentication endpoint
    LoginURL string `json:"loginURL,omitempty"`
    // LoginURLParameters defines the parameters that can be passed from the start URL to the IdP login URL
    LoginURLParameters []LoginURLParameter `json:"loginURLParameters,omitempty"`
    // RedeemURL is the token redemption endpoint
    RedeemURL string `json:"redeemURL,omitempty"`
    // ProfileURL is the profile access endpoint
    ProfileURL string `json:"profileURL,omitempty"`
    // SkipClaimsFromProfileURL allows to skip request to Profile URL for resolving claims not present in id_token
    // default set to 'false'
    SkipClaimsFromProfileURL bool `json:"skipClaimsFromProfileURL,omitempty"`
    // ProtectedResource is the resource that is protected (Azure AD and ADFS only)
    ProtectedResource string `json:"resource,omitempty"`
    // ValidateURL is the access token validation endpoint
    ValidateURL string `json:"validateURL,omitempty"`
    // Scope is the OAuth scope specification
    Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
    // AllowedGroups is a list of restrict logins to members of this group
    AllowedGroups []string `json:"allowedGroups,omitempty"`
    // The code challenge method
    CodeChallengeMethod string `json:"code_challenge_method,omitempty"`

    // URL to call to perform backend logout, `{id_token}` would be replaced by the actual `id_token` if available in the session
    BackendLogoutURL string `json:"backendLogoutURL"`

// ProviderType is used to enumerate the different provider type options
// Valid options are: adfs, azure, bitbucket, digitalocean facebook, github,
// gitlab, google, keycloak, keycloak-oidc, linkedin, login.gov, nextcloud
// and oidc.
type ProviderType string

const (
    // ADFSProvider is the provider type for ADFS
    ADFSProvider ProviderType = "adfs"

    // AzureProvider is the provider type for Azure
    AzureProvider ProviderType = "azure"

    // BitbucketProvider is the provider type for Bitbucket
    BitbucketProvider ProviderType = "bitbucket"

    // DigitalOceanProvider is the provider type for DigitalOcean
    DigitalOceanProvider ProviderType = "digitalocean"

    // FacebookProvider is the provider type for Facebook
    FacebookProvider ProviderType = "facebook"

    // GitHubProvider is the provider type for GitHub
    GitHubProvider ProviderType = "github"

    // GitLabProvider is the provider type for GitLab
    GitLabProvider ProviderType = "gitlab"

    // GoogleProvider is the provider type for GoogleProvider
    GoogleProvider ProviderType = "google"

    // KeycloakProvider is the provider type for Keycloak
    KeycloakProvider ProviderType = "keycloak"

    // KeycloakOIDCProvider is the provider type for Keycloak OIDC
    KeycloakOIDCProvider ProviderType = "keycloak-oidc"

    // LinkedInProvider is the provider type for LinkedIn
    LinkedInProvider ProviderType = "linkedin"

    // LoginGovProvider is the provider type for LoginGov
    LoginGovProvider ProviderType = "login.gov"

    // NextCloudProvider is the provider type for NextCloud
    NextCloudProvider ProviderType = "nextcloud"

    // OIDCProvider is the provider type for OIDC
    OIDCProvider ProviderType = "oidc"

type KeycloakOptions struct {
    // Group enables to restrict login to members of indicated group
    Groups []string `json:"groups,omitempty"`

    // Role enables to restrict login to users with role (only available when using the keycloak-oidc provider)
    Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`

type AzureOptions struct {
    // Tenant directs to a tenant-specific or common (tenant-independent) endpoint
    // Default value is 'common'
    Tenant string `json:"tenant,omitempty"`
    // GraphGroupField configures the group field to be used when building the groups list from Microsoft Graph
    // Default value is 'id'
    GraphGroupField string `json:"graphGroupField,omitempty"`

type ADFSOptions struct {
    // Skip adding the scope parameter in login request
    // Default value is 'false'
    SkipScope bool `json:"skipScope,omitempty"`

type BitbucketOptions struct {
    // Team sets restrict logins to members of this team
    Team string `json:"team,omitempty"`
    // Repository sets restrict logins to user with access to this repository
    Repository string `json:"repository,omitempty"`

type GitHubOptions struct {
    // Org sets restrict logins to members of this organisation
    Org string `json:"org,omitempty"`
    // Team sets restrict logins to members of this team
    Team string `json:"team,omitempty"`
    // Repo sets restrict logins to collaborators of this repository
    Repo string `json:"repo,omitempty"`
    // Token is the token to use when verifying repository collaborators
    // it must have push access to the repository
    Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
    // Users allows users with these usernames to login
    // even if they do not belong to the specified org and team or collaborators
    Users []string `json:"users,omitempty"`

type GitLabOptions struct {
    // Group sets restrict logins to members of this group
    Group []string `json:"group,omitempty"`
    // Projects restricts logins to members of these projects
    Projects []string `json:"projects,omitempty"`

type GoogleOptions struct {
    // Groups sets restrict logins to members of this Google group
    Groups []string `json:"group,omitempty"`
    // AdminEmail is the Google admin to impersonate for api calls
    AdminEmail string `json:"adminEmail,omitempty"`
    // ServiceAccountJSON is the path to the service account json credentials
    ServiceAccountJSON string `json:"serviceAccountJson,omitempty"`
    // UseApplicationDefaultCredentials is a boolean whether to use Application Default Credentials instead of a ServiceAccountJSON
    UseApplicationDefaultCredentials bool `json:"useApplicationDefaultCredentials,omitempty"`
    // TargetPrincipal is the Google Service Account used for Application Default Credentials
    TargetPrincipal string `json:"targetPrincipal,omitempty"`

type OIDCOptions struct {
    // IssuerURL is the OpenID Connect issuer URL
    // eg: https://accounts.google.com
    IssuerURL string `json:"issuerURL,omitempty"`
    // InsecureAllowUnverifiedEmail prevents failures if an email address in an id_token is not verified
    // default set to 'false'
    InsecureAllowUnverifiedEmail bool `json:"insecureAllowUnverifiedEmail,omitempty"`
    // InsecureSkipIssuerVerification skips verification of ID token issuers. When false, ID Token Issuers must match the OIDC discovery URL
    // default set to 'false'
    InsecureSkipIssuerVerification bool `json:"insecureSkipIssuerVerification,omitempty"`
    // InsecureSkipNonce skips verifying the ID Token's nonce claim that must match
    // the random nonce sent in the initial OAuth flow. Otherwise, the nonce is checked
    // after the initial OAuth redeem & subsequent token refreshes.
    // default set to 'true'
    // Warning: In a future release, this will change to 'false' by default for enhanced security.
    InsecureSkipNonce bool `json:"insecureSkipNonce,omitempty"`
    // SkipDiscovery allows to skip OIDC discovery and use manually supplied Endpoints
    // default set to 'false'
    SkipDiscovery bool `json:"skipDiscovery,omitempty"`
    // JwksURL is the OpenID Connect JWKS URL
    // eg: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs
    JwksURL string `json:"jwksURL,omitempty"`
    // EmailClaim indicates which claim contains the user email,
    // default set to 'email'
    EmailClaim string `json:"emailClaim,omitempty"`
    // GroupsClaim indicates which claim contains the user groups
    // default set to 'groups'
    GroupsClaim string `json:"groupsClaim,omitempty"`
    // UserIDClaim indicates which claim contains the user ID
    // default set to 'email'
    UserIDClaim string `json:"userIDClaim,omitempty"`
    // AudienceClaim allows to define any claim that is verified against the client id
    // By default `aud` claim is used for verification.
    AudienceClaims []string `json:"audienceClaims,omitempty"`
    // ExtraAudiences is a list of additional audiences that are allowed
    // to pass verification in addition to the client id.
    ExtraAudiences []string `json:"extraAudiences,omitempty"`

type LoginGovOptions struct {
    // JWTKey is a private key in PEM format used to sign JWT,
    JWTKey string `json:"jwtKey,omitempty"`
    // JWTKeyFile is a path to the private key file in PEM format used to sign the JWT
    JWTKeyFile string `json:"jwtKeyFile,omitempty"`
    // PubJWKURL is the JWK pubkey access endpoint
    PubJWKURL string `json:"pubjwkURL,omitempty"`

func providerDefaults() Providers {
    providers := Providers{
            Type: "google",
            AzureConfig: AzureOptions{
                Tenant: "common",
            OIDCConfig: OIDCOptions{
                InsecureAllowUnverifiedEmail: false,
                InsecureSkipNonce:            true,
                SkipDiscovery:                false,
                UserIDClaim:                  OIDCEmailClaim, // Deprecated: Use OIDCEmailClaim
                EmailClaim:                   OIDCEmailClaim,
                GroupsClaim:                  OIDCGroupsClaim,
                AudienceClaims:               OIDCAudienceClaims,
                ExtraAudiences:               []string{},
    return providers