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package options

import "time"

const (
    // DefaultUpstreamFlushInterval is the default value for the Upstream FlushInterval.
    DefaultUpstreamFlushInterval = 1 * time.Second

    // DefaultUpstreamTimeout is the maximum duration a network dial to a upstream server for a response.
    DefaultUpstreamTimeout = 30 * time.Second

// UpstreamConfig is a collection of definitions for upstream servers.
type UpstreamConfig struct {
    // ProxyRawPath will pass the raw url path to upstream allowing for urls
    // like: "/%2F/" which would otherwise be redirected to "/"
    ProxyRawPath bool `json:"proxyRawPath,omitempty"`

    // Upstreams represents the configuration for the upstream servers.
    // Requests will be proxied to this upstream if the path matches the request path.
    Upstreams []Upstream `json:"upstreams,omitempty"`

// Upstream represents the configuration for an upstream server.
// Requests will be proxied to this upstream if the path matches the request path.
type Upstream struct {
    // ID should be a unique identifier for the upstream.
    // This value is required for all upstreams.
    ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`

    // Path is used to map requests to the upstream server.
    // The closest match will take precedence and all Paths must be unique.
    // Path can also take a pattern when used with RewriteTarget.
    // Path segments can be captured and matched using regular experessions.
    // Eg:
    // - `^/foo$`: Match only the explicit path `/foo`
    // - `^/bar/$`: Match any path prefixed with `/bar/`
    // - `^/baz/(.*)$`: Match any path prefixed with `/baz` and capture the remaining path for use with RewriteTarget
    Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`

    // RewriteTarget allows users to rewrite the request path before it is sent to
    // the upstream server.
    // Use the Path to capture segments for reuse within the rewrite target.
    // Eg: With a Path of `^/baz/(.*)`, a RewriteTarget of `/foo/$1` would rewrite
    // the request `/baz/abc/123` to `/foo/abc/123` before proxying to the
    // upstream server.
    RewriteTarget string `json:"rewriteTarget,omitempty"`

    // The URI of the upstream server. This may be an HTTP(S) server of a File
    // based URL. It may include a path, in which case all requests will be served
    // under that path.
    // Eg:
    // - http://localhost:8080
    // - https://service.localhost
    // - https://service.localhost/path
    // - file://host/path
    // If the URI's path is "/base" and the incoming request was for "/dir",
    // the upstream request will be for "/base/dir".
    URI string `json:"uri,omitempty"`

    // InsecureSkipTLSVerify will skip TLS verification of upstream HTTPS hosts.
    // This option is insecure and will allow potential Man-In-The-Middle attacks
    // between OAuth2 Proxy and the upstream server.
    // Defaults to false.
    InsecureSkipTLSVerify bool `json:"insecureSkipTLSVerify,omitempty"`

    // Static will make all requests to this upstream have a static response.
    // The response will have a body of "Authenticated" and a response code
    // matching StaticCode.
    // If StaticCode is not set, the response will return a 200 response.
    Static bool `json:"static,omitempty"`

    // StaticCode determines the response code for the Static response.
    // This option can only be used with Static enabled.
    StaticCode *int `json:"staticCode,omitempty"`

    // FlushInterval is the period between flushing the response buffer when
    // streaming response from the upstream.
    // Defaults to 1 second.
    FlushInterval *Duration `json:"flushInterval,omitempty"`

    // PassHostHeader determines whether the request host header should be proxied
    // to the upstream server.
    // Defaults to true.
    PassHostHeader *bool `json:"passHostHeader,omitempty"`

    // ProxyWebSockets enables proxying of websockets to upstream servers
    // Defaults to true.
    ProxyWebSockets *bool `json:"proxyWebSockets,omitempty"`

    // Timeout is the maximum duration the server will wait for a response from the upstream server.
    // Defaults to 30 seconds.
    Timeout *Duration `json:"timeout,omitempty"`