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package cookie

import (

    pkgcookies "github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy/v7/pkg/cookies"

const (
    // Cookies are limited to 4kb for all parts
    // including the cookie name, value, attributes; IE (http.cookie).String()
    // Most browsers' max is 4096 -- but we give ourselves some leeway
    maxCookieLength = 4000

// Ensure CookieSessionStore implements the interface
var _ sessions.SessionStore = &SessionStore{}

// SessionStore is an implementation of the sessions.SessionStore
// interface that stores sessions in client side cookies
type SessionStore struct {
    Cookie       *options.Cookie
    CookieCipher encryption.Cipher
    Minimal      bool

// Save takes a sessions.SessionState and stores the information from it
// within Cookies set on the HTTP response writer
func (s *SessionStore) Save(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ss *sessions.SessionState) error {
    if ss.CreatedAt == nil || ss.CreatedAt.IsZero() {
    value, err := s.cookieForSession(ss)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return s.setSessionCookie(rw, req, value, *ss.CreatedAt)

// Load reads sessions.SessionState information from Cookies within the
// HTTP request object
func (s *SessionStore) Load(req *http.Request) (*sessions.SessionState, error) {
    c, err := loadCookie(req, s.Cookie.Name)
    if err != nil {
        // always http.ErrNoCookie
        return nil, err
    val, _, ok := encryption.Validate(c, s.Cookie.Secret, s.Cookie.Expire)
    if !ok {
        return nil, errors.New("cookie signature not valid")

    session, err := sessions.DecodeSessionState(val, s.CookieCipher, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return session, nil

// Clear clears any saved session information by writing a cookie to
// clear the session
func (s *SessionStore) Clear(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
    // matches CookieName, CookieName_<number>
    var cookieNameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s(_\\d+)?$", s.Cookie.Name))

    for _, c := range req.Cookies() {
        if cookieNameRegex.MatchString(c.Name) {
            clearCookie := s.makeCookie(req, c.Name, "", time.Hour*-1, time.Now())

            http.SetCookie(rw, clearCookie)

    return nil

// VerifyConnection always return no-error, as there's no connection
// in this store
func (s *SessionStore) VerifyConnection(_ context.Context) error {
    return nil

// cookieForSession serializes a session state for storage in a cookie
func (s *SessionStore) cookieForSession(ss *sessions.SessionState) ([]byte, error) {
    if s.Minimal && (ss.AccessToken != "" || ss.IDToken != "" || ss.RefreshToken != "") {
        minimal := *ss
        minimal.AccessToken = ""
        minimal.IDToken = ""
        minimal.RefreshToken = ""

        return minimal.EncodeSessionState(s.CookieCipher, true)

    return ss.EncodeSessionState(s.CookieCipher, true)

// setSessionCookie adds the user's session cookie to the response
func (s *SessionStore) setSessionCookie(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, val []byte, created time.Time) error {
    cookies, err := s.makeSessionCookie(req, val, created)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for _, c := range cookies {
        http.SetCookie(rw, c)
    return nil

// makeSessionCookie creates an http.Cookie containing the authenticated user's
// authentication details
func (s *SessionStore) makeSessionCookie(req *http.Request, value []byte, now time.Time) ([]*http.Cookie, error) {
    strValue := string(value)
    if strValue != "" {
        var err error
        strValue, err = encryption.SignedValue(s.Cookie.Secret, s.Cookie.Name, value, now)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    c := s.makeCookie(req, s.Cookie.Name, strValue, s.Cookie.Expire, now)
    if len(c.String()) > maxCookieLength {
        return splitCookie(c), nil
    return []*http.Cookie{c}, nil

func (s *SessionStore) makeCookie(req *http.Request, name string, value string, expiration time.Duration, now time.Time) *http.Cookie {
    return pkgcookies.MakeCookieFromOptions(

// NewCookieSessionStore initialises a new instance of the SessionStore from
// the configuration given
func NewCookieSessionStore(opts *options.SessionOptions, cookieOpts *options.Cookie) (sessions.SessionStore, error) {
    cipher, err := encryption.NewCFBCipher(encryption.SecretBytes(cookieOpts.Secret))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error initialising cipher: %v", err)

    return &SessionStore{
        CookieCipher: cipher,
        Cookie:       cookieOpts,
        Minimal:      opts.Cookie.Minimal,
    }, nil

// splitCookie reads the full cookie generated to store the session and splits
// it into a slice of cookies which fit within the 4kb cookie limit indexing
// the cookies from 0
func splitCookie(c *http.Cookie) []*http.Cookie {
    if len(c.String()) < maxCookieLength {
        return []*http.Cookie{c}

    logger.Errorf("WARNING: Multiple cookies are required for this session as it exceeds the 4kb cookie limit. Please use server side session storage (eg. Redis) instead.")

    cookies := []*http.Cookie{}
    valueBytes := []byte(c.Value)
    count := 0
    for len(valueBytes) > 0 {
        newCookie := copyCookie(c)
        newCookie.Name = splitCookieName(c.Name, count)

        newCookie.Value = string(valueBytes)
        cookieLength := len(newCookie.String())
        if cookieLength <= maxCookieLength {
            valueBytes = []byte{}
        } else {
            overflow := cookieLength - maxCookieLength
            valueSize := len(valueBytes) - overflow

            newValue := valueBytes[:valueSize]
            valueBytes = valueBytes[valueSize:]
            newCookie.Value = string(newValue)
        cookies = append(cookies, newCookie)
    return cookies

func splitCookieName(name string, count int) string {
    splitName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", name, count)
    overflow := len(splitName) - 256
    if overflow > 0 {
        splitName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", name[:len(name)-overflow], count)
    return splitName

// loadCookie retreieves the sessions state cookie from the http request.
// If a single cookie is present this will be returned, otherwise it attempts
// to reconstruct a cookie split up by splitCookie
func loadCookie(req *http.Request, cookieName string) (*http.Cookie, error) {
    c, err := req.Cookie(cookieName)
    if err == nil {
        return c, nil
    cookies := []*http.Cookie{}
    err = nil
    count := 0
    for err == nil {
        var c *http.Cookie
        c, err = req.Cookie(splitCookieName(cookieName, count))
        if err == nil {
            cookies = append(cookies, c)
    if len(cookies) == 0 {
        return nil, http.ErrNoCookie
    return joinCookies(cookies, cookieName)

// joinCookies takes a slice of cookies from the request and reconstructs the
// full session cookie
func joinCookies(cookies []*http.Cookie, cookieName string) (*http.Cookie, error) {
    if len(cookies) == 0 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("list of cookies must be > 0")
    if len(cookies) == 1 {
        return cookies[0], nil
    c := copyCookie(cookies[0])
    for i := 1; i < len(cookies); i++ {
        c.Value += cookies[i].Value
    c.Name = cookieName
    return c, nil

func copyCookie(c *http.Cookie) *http.Cookie {
    return &http.Cookie{
        Name:       c.Name,
        Value:      c.Value,
        Path:       c.Path,
        Domain:     c.Domain,
        Expires:    c.Expires,
        RawExpires: c.RawExpires,
        MaxAge:     c.MaxAge,
        Secure:     c.Secure,
        HttpOnly:   c.HttpOnly,
        Raw:        c.Raw,
        Unparsed:   c.Unparsed,
        SameSite:   c.SameSite,