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package validation

import (

    internaloidc "github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy/v7/pkg/providers/oidc"

// Validate checks that required options are set and validates those that they
// are of the correct format
func Validate(o *options.Options) error {
    msgs := validateCookie(o.Cookie)
    msgs = append(msgs, validateSessionCookieMinimal(o)...)
    msgs = append(msgs, validateRedisSessionStore(o)...)
    msgs = append(msgs, prefixValues("injectRequestHeaders: ", validateHeaders(o.InjectRequestHeaders)...)...)
    msgs = append(msgs, prefixValues("injectResponseHeaders: ", validateHeaders(o.InjectResponseHeaders)...)...)
    msgs = append(msgs, validateProviders(o)...)
    msgs = append(msgs, validateAPIRoutes(o)...)
    msgs = configureLogger(o.Logging, msgs)
    msgs = parseSignatureKey(o, msgs)

    if o.SSLInsecureSkipVerify {
        insecureTransport := &http.Transport{
            TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}, // #nosec G402 -- InsecureSkipVerify is a configurable option we allow
        http.DefaultClient = &http.Client{Transport: insecureTransport}
    } else if len(o.Providers[0].CAFiles) > 0 {
        pool, err := util.GetCertPool(o.Providers[0].CAFiles, o.Providers[0].UseSystemTrustStore)
        if err == nil {
            transport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
            transport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{
                RootCAs:    pool,
                MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,

            http.DefaultClient = &http.Client{Transport: transport}
        } else {
            msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("unable to load provider CA file(s): %v", err))

    if o.AuthenticatedEmailsFile == "" && len(o.EmailDomains) == 0 && o.HtpasswdFile == "" {
        msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting for email validation: email-domain or authenticated-emails-file required."+
            "\n      use email-domain=* to authorize all email addresses")

    if o.SkipJwtBearerTokens {
        // Configure extra issuers
        if len(o.ExtraJwtIssuers) > 0 {
            var jwtIssuers []jwtIssuer
            jwtIssuers, msgs = parseJwtIssuers(o.ExtraJwtIssuers, msgs)
            for _, jwtIssuer := range jwtIssuers {
                verifier, err := newVerifierFromJwtIssuer(
                if err != nil {
                    msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("error building verifiers: %s", err))
                o.SetJWTBearerVerifiers(append(o.GetJWTBearerVerifiers(), verifier))

    var redirectURL *url.URL
    redirectURL, msgs = parseURL(o.RawRedirectURL, "redirect", msgs)
    if o.RawRedirectURL == "" && !o.Cookie.Secure && !o.ReverseProxy {
        logger.Print("WARNING: no explicit redirect URL: redirects will default to insecure HTTP")

    msgs = append(msgs, validateUpstreams(o.UpstreamServers)...)

    if o.ReverseProxy {
        parser, err := ip.GetRealClientIPParser(o.RealClientIPHeader)
        if err != nil {
            msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("real_client_ip_header (%s) not accepted parameter value: %v", o.RealClientIPHeader, err))

        // Allow the logger to get client IPs
        logger.SetGetClientFunc(func(r *http.Request) string {
            return ip.GetClientString(o.GetRealClientIPParser(), r, false)

    // Do this after ReverseProxy validation for TrustedIP coordinated checks
    msgs = append(msgs, validateAllowlists(o)...)

    if len(msgs) != 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("invalid configuration:\n  %s",
            strings.Join(msgs, "\n  "))
    return nil

func parseSignatureKey(o *options.Options, msgs []string) []string {
    if o.SignatureKey == "" {
        return msgs

    logger.Print("WARNING: `--signature-key` is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release")

    components := strings.Split(o.SignatureKey, ":")
    if len(components) != 2 {
        return append(msgs, "invalid signature hash:key spec: "+

    algorithm, secretKey := components[0], components[1]
    hash, err := hmacauth.DigestNameToCryptoHash(algorithm)
    if err != nil {
        return append(msgs, "unsupported signature hash algorithm: "+o.SignatureKey)
    o.SetSignatureData(&options.SignatureData{Hash: hash, Key: secretKey})
    return msgs

// parseJwtIssuers takes in an array of strings in the form of issuer=audience
// and parses to an array of jwtIssuer structs.
func parseJwtIssuers(issuers []string, msgs []string) ([]jwtIssuer, []string) {
    parsedIssuers := make([]jwtIssuer, 0, len(issuers))
    for _, jwtVerifier := range issuers {
        components := strings.Split(jwtVerifier, "=")
        if len(components) < 2 {
            msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("invalid jwt verifier uri=audience spec: %s", jwtVerifier))
        uri, audience := components[0], strings.Join(components[1:], "=")
        parsedIssuers = append(parsedIssuers, jwtIssuer{issuerURI: uri, audience: audience})
    return parsedIssuers, msgs

// newVerifierFromJwtIssuer takes in issuer information in jwtIssuer info and returns
// a verifier for that issuer.
func newVerifierFromJwtIssuer(audienceClaims []string, extraAudiences []string, jwtIssuer jwtIssuer) (internaloidc.IDTokenVerifier, error) {
    pvOpts := internaloidc.ProviderVerifierOptions{
        AudienceClaims: audienceClaims,
        ClientID:       jwtIssuer.audience,
        ExtraAudiences: extraAudiences,
        IssuerURL:      jwtIssuer.issuerURI,

    pv, err := internaloidc.NewProviderVerifier(context.TODO(), pvOpts)
    if err != nil {
        // If the discovery didn't work, try again without discovery
        pvOpts.JWKsURL = strings.TrimSuffix(jwtIssuer.issuerURI, "/") + "/.well-known/jwks.json"
        pvOpts.SkipDiscovery = true

        pv, err = internaloidc.NewProviderVerifier(context.TODO(), pvOpts)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not construct provider verifier for JWT Issuer: %v", err)

    return pv.Verifier(), nil

// jwtIssuer hold parsed JWT issuer info that's used to construct a verifier.
type jwtIssuer struct {
    issuerURI string
    audience  string

func parseURL(toParse string, urltype string, msgs []string) (*url.URL, []string) {
    parsed, err := url.Parse(toParse)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf(
            "error parsing %s-url=%q %s", urltype, toParse, err))
    return parsed, msgs