* Implements downsampling logic
* @namespace downsample
import { divide2d, sum2d } from './math'
import { imfilter, ones, skip2d } from './matlab'
import { Matrix, Options } from './types'
* For a given 2D filter `filter`, downsize image `pixels` by a factor of `f`.
* @method imageDownsample
* @param {Matrix} pixels - The matrix to downsample
* @param {Matrix} filter - The filter to convolve the image with
* @param {number} f - The downsampling factor (`image size / f`)
* @returns {Matrix} imdown - The downsampled, filtered image
* @private
* @memberOf downsample
function imageDownsample(pixels: Matrix, filter: Matrix, f: number): Matrix {
const imdown = imfilter(pixels, filter, 'symmetric', 'same')
return skip2d(imdown, [0, f, imdown.height], [0, f, imdown.width])
* Downsamples images greater than `maxSize` pixels on the smallest direction. If neither image
* exceeds these dimensions they are returned as they are.
* It replicates the same logic than the original matlab scripts
* @method originalDownsample
* @param {Matrix} pixels1 - The first matrix to downsample
* @param {Matrix} pixels2 - The second matrix to downsample
* @param {number} [maxSize=256] - The maximum size on the smallest dimension
* @returns {[Matrix, Matrix]} ssim_map - A matrix containing the map of computed SSIMs
* @private
* @memberOf downsample
function originalDownsample(
pixels1: Matrix,
pixels2: Matrix,
maxSize = 256
): [Matrix, Matrix] {
const factor = Math.min(pixels1.width, pixels2.height) / maxSize
const f = Math.round(factor)
if (f > 1) {
let lpf = ones(f)
lpf = divide2d(lpf, sum2d(lpf))
pixels1 = imageDownsample(pixels1, lpf, f)
pixels2 = imageDownsample(pixels2, lpf, f)
return [pixels1, pixels2]
* Determines the downsizing algorithm to implement (if any) to the reference and target images
* @method downsample
* @param {[Matrix, Matrix]} pixels - The first and second matrices to downsample
* @param {Object} options - The inputs options object
* @returns {[Matrix, Matrix]} pixels - An array containing the 2 downsized images
* @public
* @memberOf downsample
export function downsample(
pixels: [Matrix, Matrix],
options: Options
): [Matrix, Matrix] {
if (options.downsample === 'original') {
return originalDownsample(pixels[0], pixels[1], options.maxSize)
// else if options.downsample === 'fast' -> the image is downsampled when read (readpixels.js)
// else do not downsample
return pixels