import { Matrix } from '../types'
* Generates a matrix based on input `mx` but excluding items based on their modulo and their
* position in the original matrix.
* It's a crude implementation of Matlab's `A(1:f:end,1:f:end)` syntax where the first parameter
* is the matrix, the next one is an array describing the rows to skip [start position, every `f`
* elements an end position] and the last one follows the same syntax for columns.
* @example
* ```
* img1(1:f:end,1:f:end)
* ```
* becomes:
* ```
* skip2d(img1, [0, f, img1.length], [0, f, img1[0].length])
* ```
* Note that the start index is 0 since, unlike Matlab's, arrays start at 0. Also, unlike in Matlab,
* `f` must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.
* @method skip2d
* @param {Matrix} A - The input matrix
* @param {Array<number>} - start row, every row, end row
* @param {Array<number>} - start col, every col, end col
* @returns {Matrix} B - The downsized matrix
* @public
* @memberOf matlab
* @since 0.0.2
export function skip2d(
A: Matrix,
[startRow, everyRow, endRow]: [number, number, number],
[startCol, everyCol, endCol]: [number, number, number]
): Matrix {
const width = Math.ceil((endCol - startCol) / everyCol)
const height = Math.ceil((endRow - startRow) / everyRow)
const data = new Array(width * height)
for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) {
const Ai = startRow + i * everyRow
const Aj = startCol + j * everyCol
data[i * width + j] =[Ai * A.width + Aj]
return {