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3 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Implements Dan Weber's ssim-specific logic.
 * @namespace weberSsim
import { ImageMatrix, MSSIMMatrix, Options } from './types'

function edgeHandler(w: number, h: number, sumArray: any, matrixWidth: number) {
  const rightEdge = sumArray[h * matrixWidth + w + 1]
  const bottomEdge = sumArray[(h + 1) * matrixWidth + w]
  const bottomRightEdge = sumArray[(h + 1) * matrixWidth + w + 1]
  return { rightEdge, bottomEdge, bottomRightEdge }

export function partialSumMatrix1(
  pixels: ImageMatrix,
  f: (v: number, x: number, y: number) => number
) {
  const { width, height, data } = pixels
  const matrixWidth = width + 1
  const matrixHeight = height + 1
  const sumArray = new Int32Array(matrixWidth * matrixHeight)
  for (let h = height - 1; h >= 0; --h) {
    for (let w = width - 1; w >= 0; --w) {
      const { rightEdge, bottomEdge, bottomRightEdge } = edgeHandler(

      sumArray[h * matrixWidth + w] =
        f(data[h * width + w], w, h) + rightEdge + bottomEdge - bottomRightEdge
  return { data: sumArray, height: matrixHeight, width: matrixWidth }

export function partialSumMatrix2(
  pixels1: ImageMatrix,
  pixels2: ImageMatrix,
  f: (a: number, b: number, x: number, y: number) => number
) {
  const { width, height, data: data1 } = pixels1
  const { data: data2 } = pixels2
  const matrixWidth = width + 1
  const matrixHeight = height + 1
  const sumArray = new Int32Array(matrixWidth * matrixHeight)
  for (let h = height - 1; h >= 0; --h) {
    for (let w = width - 1; w >= 0; --w) {
      const { rightEdge, bottomEdge, bottomRightEdge } = edgeHandler(
      const offset = h * width + w
      sumArray[h * matrixWidth + w] =
        f(data1[offset], data2[offset], w, h) +
        rightEdge +
        bottomEdge -
  return { data: sumArray, height: matrixHeight, width: matrixWidth }

export function windowMatrix(
  sumMatrix: any,
  windowSize: number,
  divisor: number
) {
  const { width: matrixWidth, height: matrixHeight, data: sumArray } = sumMatrix
  const imageWidth = matrixWidth - 1
  const imageHeight = matrixHeight - 1
  const windowWidth = imageWidth - windowSize + 1
  const windowHeight = imageHeight - windowSize + 1
  const windows = new Int32Array(windowWidth * windowHeight)
  for (let h = 0; h < imageHeight; ++h) {
    for (let w = 0; w < imageWidth; ++w) {
      if (w < windowWidth && h < windowHeight) {
        const sum =
          // value at (w,h)
          sumArray[matrixWidth * h + w] -
          // value at (w+windowSize,h) == right side
          sumArray[matrixWidth * h + w + windowSize] -
          // value at (w,h+windowSize) == bottom side
          sumArray[matrixWidth * (h + windowSize) + w] +
          // value at (w+windowSize, h+windowSize) == bottomRight corner
          sumArray[matrixWidth * (h + windowSize) + w + windowSize]

        windows[h * windowWidth + w] = sum / divisor
  return { height: windowHeight, width: windowWidth, data: windows }

export function windowSums(pixels: ImageMatrix, windowSize: number) {
  return windowMatrix(
    partialSumMatrix1(pixels, (a) => a),

export function windowVariance(
  pixels: ImageMatrix,
  sums: any,
  windowSize: number
) {
  const varianceCalculation = (v: number) => v * v
  const windowSquared = windowSize * windowSize
  const varX = windowMatrix(
    partialSumMatrix1(pixels, varianceCalculation),
  for (let i = 0; i < sums.data.length; ++i) {
    const mean = sums.data[i] / windowSquared
    const sumSquares = varX.data[i] / windowSquared

    const squareMeans = mean * mean
    varX.data[i] = 1024 * (sumSquares - squareMeans)
  return varX

export function windowCovariance(
  pixels1: ImageMatrix,
  pixels2: ImageMatrix,
  sums1: any,
  sums2: any,
  windowSize: number
) {
  const covarianceCalculation = (a: number, b: number) => a * b
  const windowSquared = windowSize * windowSize
  const covXY = windowMatrix(
    partialSumMatrix2(pixels1, pixels2, covarianceCalculation),
  for (let i = 0; i < sums1.data.length; ++i) {
    covXY.data[i] =
      1024 *
      (covXY.data[i] / windowSquared -
        (sums1.data[i] / windowSquared) * (sums2.data[i] / windowSquared))
  return covXY

 * Generates a SSIM map based on two input image matrices.
 * Weber SSIM is an SSIM algorithm that operates in linear time by building
 * partial sum arrays of values, variances, and covariances, making each lookup
 * performable in constant time and each variance calculation, only performed
 * once.
 * Images must be a 2-Dimensional grayscale image.
 * @method weberSsim
 * @param {ImageMatrix} pixels1 - The reference matrix
 * @param {ImageMatrix} pixels2 - The second matrix to compare against
 * @param {Options} options - The input options parameter
 * @returns {ImageMatrix} ssim_map - A matrix containing the map of computed
 * SSIMs
 * @public
 * @memberOf weberSsim
export function weberSsim(
  pixels1: ImageMatrix,
  pixels2: ImageMatrix,
  options: Options
): MSSIMMatrix {
  const { bitDepth, k1, k2, windowSize } = options
  const L = 2 ** bitDepth - 1
  const c1 = k1 * L * (k1 * L)
  const c2 = k2 * L * (k2 * L)
  const windowSquared = windowSize * windowSize
  const pixels1Rounded = {
    data: Int32Array.from(pixels1.data, (v) => v + 0.5),
  const pixels2Rounded = {
    data: Int32Array.from(pixels2.data, (v) => v + 0.5),
  const sums1 = windowSums(pixels1Rounded, windowSize)
  const variance1 = windowVariance(pixels1Rounded, sums1, windowSize)

  const sums2 = windowSums(pixels2Rounded, windowSize)
  const variance2 = windowVariance(pixels2Rounded, sums2, windowSize)
  const covariance = windowCovariance(
  const size = sums1.data.length

  let mssim = 0
  const ssims = new Array(size)
  for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    const meanx = sums1.data[i] / windowSquared
    const meany = sums2.data[i] / windowSquared
    const varx = variance1.data[i] / 1024
    const vary = variance2.data[i] / 1024
    const cov = covariance.data[i] / 1024
    const na = 2 * meanx * meany + c1
    const nb = 2 * cov + c2
    const da = meanx * meanx + meany * meany + c1
    const db = varx + vary + c2
    const ssim = (na * nb) / da / db
    ssims[i] = ssim
    if (i == 0) {
      mssim = ssim
    } else {
      mssim = mssim + (ssim - mssim) / (i + 1)

  return { data: ssims, width: sums1.width, height: sums1.height, mssim }