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<?php namespace Lovata\Shopaholic\Models;

use Backend\Models\ImportModel;

use October\Rain\Database\Traits\Sortable;
use October\Rain\Database\Traits\Validation;
use October\Rain\Database\Traits\SoftDelete;
use October\Rain\Database\Traits\Purgeable;
use System\Models\SiteDefinition;

use Kharanenka\Scope\ActiveField;
use Kharanenka\Scope\CodeField;
use Kharanenka\Scope\ExternalIDField;
use Kharanenka\Scope\NameField;

use Lovata\Toolbox\Traits\Models\MultisiteHelperTrait;
use Lovata\Toolbox\Classes\Helper\PriceHelper;
use Lovata\Toolbox\Traits\Helpers\TraitCached;
use Lovata\Toolbox\Traits\Helpers\PriceHelperTrait;

use Lovata\Shopaholic\Classes\Item\OfferItem;
use Lovata\Shopaholic\Classes\Helper\CurrencyHelper;
use Lovata\Shopaholic\Classes\Import\ImportOfferModelFromCSV;

 * Class Offer
 * @package Lovata\Shopaholic\Models
 * @author  Andrey Kharanenka, a.khoronenko@lovata.com, LOVATA Group
 * @mixin \October\Rain\Database\Builder
 * @mixin \Eloquent
 * @property                                                                                               $id
 * @property bool                                                                                          $active
 * @property string                                                                                        $name
 * @property string                                                                                        $code
 * @property string                                                                                        $external_id
 * @property string                                                                                        $preview_text
 * @property string                                                                                        $description
 * @property string                                                                                        $price
 * @property float                                                                                         $price_value
 * @property string                                                                                        $discount_price
 * @property float                                                                                         $discount_price_value
 * @property string                                                                                        $old_price
 * @property float                                                                                         $old_price_value
 * @property integer                                                                                       $quantity
 * @property double                                                                                        $weight
 * @property double                                                                                        $height
 * @property double                                                                                        $length
 * @property double                                                                                        $width
 * @property double                                                                                        $quantity_in_unit
 * @property int                                                                                           $measure_id
 * @property int                                                                                           $measure_of_unit_id
 * @property int                                                                                           $product_id
 * @property array                                                                                         $site_list
 * @property \October\Rain\Argon\Argon                                                                     $created_at
 * @property \October\Rain\Argon\Argon                                                                     $updated_at
 * @property \October\Rain\Argon\Argon                                                                     $deleted_at
 * @property float                                                                                         $tax_percent
 * Relations
 * @property \System\Models\File                                                                           $preview_image
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\System\Models\File[]                                       $images
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\Lovata\Shopaholic\Models\Price[]                           $price_link
 * @method \October\Rain\Database\Relations\MorphMany|Price price_link()
 * @property \Lovata\Shopaholic\Models\Price                                                               $main_price
 * @method \October\Rain\Database\Relations\MorphOne|Price main_price()
 * @property \Lovata\Shopaholic\Models\Product                                                             $product
 * @method \October\Rain\Database\Relations\BelongsTo|Product product()
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|SiteDefinition[]                                            $site
 * @method \October\Rain\Database\Relations\BelongsToMany|SiteDefinition site()
 * @property Measure                                                                                       $measure_of_unit
 * @method static \October\Rain\Database\Relations\BelongsTo|Measure measure_of_unit()
 * @property Measure                                                                                       $measure
 * @method static \October\Rain\Database\Relations\BelongsTo|Measure measure()
 * @method static $this getByProduct(int $iProductID)
 * @method static $this getByQuantity(int $iCount, string $sCondition = '=')
 * @method static $this getByPrice(int $fPrice, string $sCondition = '=')
 * @method static $this getByOldPrice(int $fPrice, string $sCondition = '=')
 * Properties for Shopaholic
 * @see     \Lovata\PropertiesShopaholic\Classes\Event\OfferModelHandler::addPropertyMethods
 * @property array                                                                                         $property
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\Lovata\PropertiesShopaholic\Models\PropertyValueLink[]     $property_value
 * @method static \October\Rain\Database\Relations\MorphMany|\Lovata\PropertiesShopaholic\Models\PropertyValueLink property_value()
 * Discounts for Shopaholic
 * @property int                                                                                           $discount_id
 * @property float                                                                                         $discount_value
 * @property string                                                                                        $discount_type
 * Discounts for Shopaholic
 * @property \Lovata\DiscountsShopaholic\Models\Discount                                                   $active_discount
 * @method \October\Rain\Database\Relations\BelongsTo|\Lovata\DiscountsShopaholic\Models\Discount active_discount()
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\Lovata\DiscountsShopaholic\Models\Discount[]               $discount
 * @method static \October\Rain\Database\Relations\BelongsToMany|\Lovata\DiscountsShopaholic\Models\Discount discount()
 * Coupons for Shopaholic
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\Lovata\CouponsShopaholic\Models\CouponGroup[]              $coupon_group
 * @method static \October\Rain\Database\Relations\BelongsToMany|\Lovata\CouponsShopaholic\Models\CouponGroup coupon_group()
 * Campaign for Shopaholic
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\Lovata\CampaignsShopaholic\Models\Campaign[]               $campaign
 * @method static \October\Rain\Database\Relations\BelongsToMany|\Lovata\CampaignsShopaholic\Models\Campaign campaign()
 * Subscriptions for Shopaholic
 * @property int                                                                                           $subscription_period_id
 * @property \Lovata\SubscriptionsShopaholic\Models\SubscriptionPeriod                                     $subscription_period
 * @method static \October\Rain\Database\Relations\BelongsTo|\Lovata\SubscriptionsShopaholic\Models\SubscriptionPeriod subscription_period()
 * YandexMarket for Shopaholic
 * @property \System\Models\File                                                                           $preview_image_yandex
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\System\Models\File[]                                       $images_yandex
 * Facebook for Shopaholic
 * @property \System\Models\File                                                                           $preview_image_facebook
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\System\Models\File[]                                       $images_facebook
 * VKontakte for Shopaholic
 * @property \System\Models\File                                                                           $preview_image_vkontakte
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\System\Models\File[]                                       $images_vkontakte
 * Downloadable file for Shopaholic
 * @property \October\Rain\Database\Collection|\System\Models\File[]                                       $downloadable_file
class Offer extends ImportModel
    use Validation;
    use SoftDelete;
    use Purgeable;
    use ActiveField;
    use NameField;
    use CodeField;
    use ExternalIDField;
    use PriceHelperTrait;
    use TraitCached;
    use MultisiteHelperTrait;
    use Sortable;

    public $table = 'lovata_shopaholic_offers';

    public $implement = [

    public $translatable = ['name', 'preview_text', 'description'];

    public $rules = ['name' => 'required'];

    public $attributeNames = [
        'name' => 'lovata.toolbox::lang.field.name',

    public $attachOne = [
        'preview_image' => 'System\Models\File',
        'import_file'   => [\System\Models\File::class, 'public' => false],
    public $attachMany = ['images' => 'System\Models\File'];
    public $belongsTo = [
        'product'         => [Product::class],
        'measure_of_unit' => [Measure::class, 'key' => 'measure_of_unit_id', 'order' => 'name asc'],
        'measure'         => [Measure::class, 'order' => 'name asc'],
    public $morphMany = [
        'price_link' => [
            'name'       => 'item',
            'conditions' => 'price_type_id is NOT NULL',
    public $morphOne = [
        'main_price' => [
            'name'       => 'item',
            'conditions' => 'price_type_id is NULL',
    public $belongsToMany = [
        'site' => [
            'table'    => 'lovata_shopaholic_offer_site_relation',
            'otherKey' => 'site_id',

    public $fillable = [

    public $cached = [

    public $dates = ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at'];
    public $appends = [
    public $purgeable = [];
    public $casts = [];

    public $arPriceField = ['price', 'old_price', 'discount_price'];

    public $visible = [];
    public $hidden = [];

    protected $fSavedPrice = null;
    protected $fSavedOldPrice = null;
    protected $arSavedPriceList = [];
    protected $iActivePriceType = null;
    protected $sActiveCurrency = null;

     * Set active price type
     * @param int $iPriceTypeID
     * @return Offer
    public function setActivePriceType($iPriceTypeID)
        $this->iActivePriceType = $iPriceTypeID;

        return $this;

     * Set active currency code
     * @param string $sActiveCurrencyCode
     * @return Offer
    public function setActiveCurrency($sActiveCurrencyCode)
        $this->sActiveCurrency = $sActiveCurrencyCode;

        return $this;

     * Get price object
     * @param int $iPriceTypeID
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|Price|null
    public function getPriceObject($iPriceTypeID = null)
        if (empty($iPriceTypeID)) {
            $obPriceModel = $this->main_price;
        } else {
            $obPriceModel = $this->price_link->where('price_type_id', $iPriceTypeID)->first();

        return $obPriceModel;

     * After save model event
    public function afterSave()
        $this->savePriceValue(null, $this->fSavedPrice, $this->fSavedOldPrice);

        //Clear relations with old prices and saved values
        $this->fSavedPrice = null;
        $this->fSavedOldPrice = null;

     * Get element by product ID
     * @param Offer  $obQuery
     * @param string $sData
     * @return Offer
    public function scopeGetByProduct($obQuery, $sData)
        if (!empty($sData)) {
            $obQuery->where('product_id', $sData);

        return $obQuery;

     * Get by quantity
     * @param Offer  $obQuery
     * @param string $sData
     * @param string $sCondition
     * @return Offer
    public function scopeGetByQuantity($obQuery, $sData, $sCondition = '=')
        if (empty($sData)) {
            $sData = 0;

        if (!empty($sCondition)) {
            $obQuery->where('quantity', $sCondition, $sData);

        return $obQuery;

     * Import item list from CSV file
     * @param array $arElementList
     * @param null  $sSessionKey
     * @throws \Throwable
    public function importData($arElementList, $sSessionKey = null)
        if (empty($arElementList)) {

        $obImport = new ImportOfferModelFromCSV();

        foreach ($arElementList as $iKey => $arImportData) {
            $sResultMethod = $obImport->getResultMethod();
            if (in_array($sResultMethod, ['logUpdated', 'logCreated'])) {
            } else {
                $sErrorMessage = $obImport->getResultError();
                $this->$sResultMethod($iKey, $sErrorMessage);


     * Get active price type
     * @return int|null
    public function getActivePriceType()
        return $this->iActivePriceType;

     * Get active currency code
     * @return int|null
    public function getActiveCurrency()
        return $this->sActiveCurrency;

     * Get price_value attribute
     * @return float
    protected function getPriceValueAttribute()
        if ($this->fSavedPrice !== null) {
            $fPrice = $this->fSavedPrice;
        } else {
            $obPriceModel = $this->getPriceObject($this->getActivePriceType());

            if (empty($obPriceModel)) {
                return 0;

            $fPrice = $obPriceModel->price_value;

        $fPrice = CurrencyHelper::instance()->convert($fPrice, $this->getActiveCurrency());

        return $fPrice;

     * Get old_price_value attribute
     * @return float
    protected function getOldPriceValueAttribute()
        if ($this->fSavedOldPrice !== null) {
            $fPrice = $this->fSavedOldPrice;
        } else {
            $obPriceModel = $this->getPriceObject($this->getActivePriceType());

            if (empty($obPriceModel)) {
                return 0;

            $fPrice = $obPriceModel->old_price_value;

        $fPrice = CurrencyHelper::instance()->convert($fPrice, $this->getActiveCurrency());

        return $fPrice;

     * Get discount_price_value attribute
     * @return float
    protected function getDiscountPriceValueAttribute()
        $obPriceModel = $this->getPriceObject($this->getActivePriceType());

        if (empty($obPriceModel)) {
            return 0;

        $fPrice = $obPriceModel->discount_price_value;
        $fPrice = CurrencyHelper::instance()->convert($fPrice, $this->getActiveCurrency());

        return $fPrice;

     * Get price_list attribute
     * @return array
    protected function getPriceListAttribute()
        $arResult = [];

        foreach ($this->price_link as $obPrice) {
            $arResult[$obPrice->price_type_id] = [
                'price'     => $obPrice->price_value,
                'old_price' => $obPrice->old_price_value,

        return $arResult;

     * Set price attribute
     * Create or update Price model object
     * @param string|float $sValue
    protected function setPriceAttribute($sValue)
        $this->fSavedPrice = PriceHelper::toFloat($sValue);

     * Set old price attribute
     * Create or update Price model object
     * @param string|float $sValue
    protected function setOldPriceAttribute($sValue)
        $this->fSavedOldPrice = PriceHelper::toFloat($sValue);

     * Set price list attribute
     * Create or update Price model object
     * @param string|float $arPriceList
    protected function setPriceListAttribute($arPriceList)
        if (empty($arPriceList) || !is_array($arPriceList)) {

        if (isset($arPriceList[0])) {
            $this->fSavedPrice = PriceHelper::toFloat(array_get($arPriceList[0], 'price'));
            $this->fSavedOldPrice = PriceHelper::toFloat(array_get($arPriceList[0], 'old_price'));

        $this->arSavedPriceList = $arPriceList;

     * Get tax_percent attribute value
     * @return float
    protected function getTaxPercentAttribute()
        $obOfferItem = OfferItem::make($this->id, $this);

        return $obOfferItem->tax_percent;

     * Set quantity attribute value
     * @param int $iQuantity
    protected function setQuantityAttribute($iQuantity)
        $bAllowNegativeOfferQuantity = (bool) Settings::getValue('allow_negative_offer_quantity');

        $iQuantity = (int) $iQuantity;
        if (empty($iQuantity) || ($iQuantity < 0 && !$bAllowNegativeOfferQuantity)) {
            $iQuantity = 0;

        $this->attributes['quantity'] = $iQuantity;

     * Set quantity_in_unit attribute value
     * @param int $iQuantity
    protected function setQuantityInUnitAttribute($sQuantity)
        $fQuantity = (float) PriceHelper::toFloat($sQuantity);
        if (empty($fQuantity) || $fQuantity < 0) {
            $fQuantity = 0;

        $this->attributes['quantity_in_unit'] = $fQuantity;

     * Create or update main price object
     * @param int|null $iPriceTypeID
     * @param float    $fPrice
     * @param float    $fOldPrice
    protected function savePriceValue($iPriceTypeID, $fPrice, $fOldPrice)
        $obPriceModel = $this->getPriceObject($iPriceTypeID);
        if (empty($obPriceModel)) {
            $obPriceModel = Price::create([
                'item_id'       => $this->id,
                'item_type'     => static::class,
                'price'         => $fPrice,
                'old_price'     => $fOldPrice,
                'price_type_id' => $iPriceTypeID,

            if (empty($iPriceTypeID)) {
                $this->main_price = $obPriceModel;
            } else {
        } else {
            $obPriceModel->price = $fPrice !== null ? $fPrice : $obPriceModel->price;
            $obPriceModel->old_price = $fOldPrice !== null ? $fOldPrice : $obPriceModel->old_price;

     * Save additional price list
    protected function savePriceListValue()
        if (empty($this->arSavedPriceList)) {

        foreach ($this->arSavedPriceList as $iPriceTypeID => $arPriceData) {
            if (empty($iPriceTypeID)) {

            $this->savePriceValue($iPriceTypeID, array_get($arPriceData, 'price'), array_get($arPriceData, 'old_price'));