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Test Coverage
# Copyright 2023 Ocean Protocol Foundation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import copy
from datetime import datetime
import json
import logging
import rdflib
from pathlib import Path
import pkg_resources
from pyshacl import validate
from eth_utils.address import is_address

from aquarius.events.util import make_did

logger = logging.getLogger("aquarius")

ALLOWED_VERSIONS = ["4.0.0", "4.1.0", "4.3.0", "4.5.0"]

def get_schema(version=CURRENT_VERSION):
    """Gets the schema file corresponding to the version."""
    assert version in ALLOWED_VERSIONS, "Can't find schema {}".format(version)

    path = "ddo_checker/shacl_schemas/v4/remote_" + version + ".ttl"

    schema_file = Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename("aquarius", path))
    assert schema_file.exists(), "Can't find schema {}".format(version)

    return schema_file.read_text()

def parse_report_to_errors(results_graph):
    """Iterates throgh results graph to create a dictionary of key: validation message."""
    paths = [
        str(x[2]).replace("http://schema.org/", "")
        for x in results_graph.triples(
            (None, rdflib.term.URIRef("http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#resultPath"), None)
    messages = [
        for x in results_graph.triples(
            (None, rdflib.term.URIRef("http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#resultMessage"), None)

    return dict(zip(paths, messages))

def beautify_message(message):
    """Make the message more readable by removing some SHACL-specific formatting."""
    if message.startswith("Less than 1 values on"):
        index = message.find("->") + 2
        message = "Less than 1 value on " + message[index:]

    return message

def is_iso_format(date_string):
    """Checks if a datetime is in ISO format."""
    date_string = date_string.rstrip("Z")
        return False

    return True

def validate_dict(dict_orig, chain_id, nft_address):
    """Performs shacl validation on a dict. Returns a tuple of conforms, error messages."""
    dictionary = copy.deepcopy(dict_orig)
    dictionary["@type"] = "DDO"
    extra_errors = {}

    if "@context" not in dict_orig or not isinstance(
        dict_orig["@context"], (list, dict)
        extra_errors["@context"] = "Context is missing or invalid."

    if "metadata" not in dict_orig:
        extra_errors["metadata"] = "Metadata is missing or invalid."

    for attr in ["created", "updated"]:
        if "metadata" not in dict_orig or attr not in dict_orig["metadata"]:

        if not is_iso_format(dict_orig["metadata"][attr]):
            extra_errors["metadata"] = attr + " is not in iso format."

    if not chain_id:
        extra_errors["chainId"] = "chainId is missing or invalid."
    if not nft_address or nft_address == "" or not is_address(nft_address.lower()):
        extra_errors["nftAddress"] = "nftAddress is missing or invalid."

    if not make_did(nft_address, str(chain_id)) == dict_orig.get("id"):
        extra_errors["id"] = "did is not valid for chain Id and nft address"
    # @context key is reserved in JSON-LD format
    dictionary["@context"] = {"@vocab": "http://schema.org/"}
    dictionary_as_string = json.dumps(dictionary)

    version = dictionary.get("version", CURRENT_VERSION)
    schema_file = get_schema(version)
    dataGraph = rdflib.Graph().parse(data=dictionary_as_string, format="json-ld")

    conforms, results_graph, _ = validate(dataGraph, shacl_graph=schema_file)
    errors = parse_report_to_errors(results_graph)

    if extra_errors:
        conforms = False

    return conforms, errors