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45 mins
Test Coverage
# Copyright 2023 Ocean Protocol Foundation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from eth_utils import remove_0x_prefix
from eth_utils.address import to_checksum_address, is_address
import artifacts
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import time
from pathlib import Path

from web3 import Web3
from web3.exceptions import ExtraDataLengthError

import addresses
from aquarius.events.http_provider import get_web3_connection_provider
from web3.logs import DISCARD

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def get_network_name():
    :return str: network name
    network_name = os.getenv("NETWORK_NAME", None)

    if not network_name:
        network = os.getenv("EVENTS_RPC")
        if network.startswith("wss://"):
            network_name = network[len("wss://") :].split(".")[0]
        elif network.startswith("https"):
            network_name = network[len("https://") :].split(".")[0]
        elif network.startswith("http"):
            network_name = network[len("http://") :].split(".")[0]
            network_name = network

        if not network_name:
            raise AssertionError("Cannot figure out the network name.")

    return network_name

def get_start_block_by_chain_id(chain_id: int) -> str:
    """Return the contract address with the given name and chain id"""
    with open(get_address_file(), "r") as address_json:
        addresses = json.load(address_json)

    return next(
        for network_values in addresses.values()
        if network_values["chainId"] == chain_id

def get_defined_block(chain_id: int):
    """Retrieves the block either from envvar, either from address.json file."""
    if "BFACTORY_BLOCK" in os.environ:
        return int(os.getenv("BFACTORY_BLOCK"))

    return get_start_block_by_chain_id(chain_id)

def sign_tx(web3, tx, private_key):
    :param web3: Web3 object instance
    :param tx: transaction
    :param private_key: Private key of the account
    :return: rawTransaction (str)
    account = web3.eth.account.from_key(private_key)
    nonce = web3.eth.get_transaction_count(account.address)
    gas_price = int(web3.eth.gas_price / 100)
    tx["gasPrice"] = gas_price
    tx["nonce"] = nonce
    signed_tx = web3.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx, private_key)
    return signed_tx.rawTransaction

def deploy_datatoken(w3, account, name, symbol):
    :param web3: Web3 object instance
    :param private_key: Private key of the account
    :param name: Name of the datatoken to be deployed
    :param symbol: Symbol of the datatoken to be deployed
    :param minter_address: Account address
    :return: Address of the deployed contract
    dt_factory = get_dt_factory(w3)

    built_tx = dt_factory.functions.deployERC721Contract(
    ).build_transaction({"from": account.address, "gasPrice": w3.eth.gas_price})

    raw_tx = sign_tx(w3, built_tx, account.key)
    tx_hash = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(raw_tx)

        receipt = w3.eth.get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)

        return (
            .process_receipt(receipt, errors=DISCARD)[0]
    except Exception:
        print(f"tx not found: {tx_hash.hex()}")
        raise Exception(f"tx not found: {tx_hash.hex()}")

def get_address_of_type(web3, chain_id=None, address_type=None):
    chain_id = chain_id if chain_id else web3.eth.chain_id
    address_file = get_address_file()

    with open(address_file) as f:
        address_json = json.load(f)

    correspondence = {
        elem["chainId"]: elem[address_type]
        for elem in address_json.values()
        if "chainId" in elem and address_type in elem

    if chain_id not in correspondence:
        raise Exception(b"No {address_type} factory configured for chain id")

    return correspondence[chain_id]

def get_contract(web3, contract_name, address):
    abi = get_contract_definition(contract_name)["abi"]

    return web3.eth.contract(address=to_checksum_address(address), abi=abi)

def get_contract_definition(contract_name: str):
    """Returns the abi JSON for a contract name."""
    path = os.path.join(artifacts.__file__, "..", f"{contract_name}.json")
    path = Path(path).expanduser().resolve()

    if not path.exists():
        raise TypeError("Contract name does not exist in artifacts.")

    with open(path) as f:
        return json.load(f)

def get_dt_factory(web3, chain_id=None):
    chain_id = chain_id if chain_id else web3.eth.chain_id
    address = get_address_of_type(web3, chain_id, "ERC721Factory")

    return get_contract(web3, "ERC721Factory", address)

def get_fre(web3, chain_id=None, address=None):
    chain_id = chain_id if chain_id else web3.eth.chain_id
    if not address:
        address = get_address_of_type(web3, chain_id, "FixedPrice")

    return get_contract(web3, "FixedRateExchange", address)

def get_dispenser(web3, chain_id=None, address=None):
    chain_id = chain_id if chain_id else web3.eth.chain_id
    if not address:
        address = get_address_of_type(web3, chain_id, "Dispenser")

    return get_contract(web3, "Dispenser", address)

def get_factory_contract(web3, chain_id=None):
    chain_id = chain_id if chain_id else web3.eth.chain_id
    address = get_address_of_type(web3, chain_id, "Router")

    return get_contract(web3, "FactoryRouter", address)

def get_nft_contract(web3, address):
    address = to_checksum_address(address)
    return get_contract(web3, "ERC721Template", address)

def get_erc20_contract(web3, address):
    address = to_checksum_address(address)
    return get_contract(web3, "ERC20Template", address)

def is_approved_fre(web3, address, chain_id=None):
    """Returns True if a fre is approved by Factory"""
    valid = False
        router = get_factory_contract(web3, chain_id)
        valid = router.caller.isFixedRateContract(address)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warning(f"Failed to check is {address} is an approved fre:  {e}")
    return valid

def is_approved_dispenser(web3, address, chain_id=None):
    """Returns True if a dispenser is approved by Factory"""
    valid = False
        router = get_factory_contract(web3, chain_id)
        valid = router.caller.isDispenserContract(address)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warning(f"Failed to check is {address} is an approved dispenser:  {e}")
    return valid

def get_address_file():
    """Returns Path to the address.json file
    Checks envvar first, fallback to address.json included with ocean-contracts.
    env_file = os.getenv(ENV_ADDRESS_FILE)
    return (
        if env_file
        else Path(os.path.join(addresses.__file__, "..", "address.json"))

def get_config_chain_id():
    config_rpc = os.getenv("PUBLIC_RPC")
    provider = get_web3_connection_provider(config_rpc)
    web3 = Web3(provider)

    return web3.eth.chain_id

def get_metadata_start_block():
    """Returns the block number to use as start"""
    block_number = int(os.getenv("METADATA_CONTRACT_BLOCK", 0))
    if not block_number:
        address_file = get_address_file()
        with open(address_file) as f:
            address_json = json.load(f)
        network = get_network_name()
        block_number = (
            if "startBlock" in address_json[network]
            else 0

    return block_number

def setup_web3(_logger=None):
    :param _logger: Logger instance
    :return: web3 instance
    network_rpc = os.environ.get("EVENTS_RPC", "http:")
    if _logger:
            f"EventsMonitor: starting with the following values: rpc={network_rpc}"

    provider = get_web3_connection_provider(network_rpc)
    web3 = Web3(provider)

    except ExtraDataLengthError:
        from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware

        web3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0)

    if "PUBLIC_RPC" in os.environ:
        config_chain_id = get_config_chain_id()

        if config_chain_id != web3.eth.chain_id:
            raise Exception(
                f"Mismatch of chain IDs between configuration and events RPC! Config chain ID: {config_chain_id} and events chain ID: {web3.eth.chain_id}"

    return web3

def make_did(data_nft_address, chain_id):
    if not is_address(data_nft_address.lower()):
        return None
    return "did:op:" + remove_0x_prefix(
                (to_checksum_address(data_nft_address) + str(chain_id)).encode("utf-8")

def update_did_state(es_instance, nft_address, chain_id, txid, valid, error):
    if not es_instance:
    es_instance.update_did_state(nft_address, chain_id, txid, valid, error)