
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
  "form": {
    "success": "🎉 Successfully updated. 🎉\n\nUpdates might not show up right away on your asset. In this case, wait some seconds and reload your asset details page in your browser.",
    "error": "Updating DDO failed.",
    "data": [
        "name": "name",
        "label": "New Title",
        "placeholder": "e.g. Shapes of Desert Plants",
        "help": "Enter a concise title.",
        "required": true
        "name": "description",
        "label": "New Description",
        "help": "Add a thorough description with as much detail as possible. You can use [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics).",
        "type": "textarea",
        "rows": 10,
        "required": true
        "name": "price",
        "label": "New Price",
        "type": "number",
        "min": "1",
        "placeholder": "0",
        "help": "Enter a new price.",
        "required": true
        "name": "files",
        "label": "File",
        "prominentHelp": false,
        "type": "tabs",
        "fields": [
            "value": "ipfs",
            "title": "IPFS",
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            "placeholder": "e.g. bafkreidgvpkjawlxz6sffxzwgooowe5yt7i6wsyg236mfoks77nywkptdq",
            "help": "This CID will be stored encrypted after publishing.",
            "computeHelp": "For a compute dataset, your file should match the file type required by the algorithm, and should not exceed 1 GB in file size. ",
            "prominentHelp": true,
            "type": "files",
            "required": true
            "value": "arweave",
            "title": "Arweave",
            "label": "Transaction ID",
            "placeholder": "e.g. DBRCL94j3QqdPaUtt4VWRen8rZfJZBb7Ey40iMpXfhtd",
            "help": "This Transaction ID will be stored encrypted after publishing.",
            "computeHelp": "For a compute dataset, your file should match the file type required by the algorithm, and should not exceed 1 GB in file size. ",
            "prominentHelp": true,
            "type": "files",
            "required": true
            "value": "url",
            "title": "URL",
            "label": "File",
            "placeholder": "e.g. https://file.com/file.json",
            "help": "This URL will be stored encrypted after publishing. **Please make sure that the endpoint is accessible over the internet and is not protected by a firewall or by credentials.**",
            "computeHelp": "For a compute dataset, your file should match the file type required by the algorithm, and should not exceed 1 GB in file size. ",
            "prominentHelp": true,
            "type": "files",
            "required": true,
            "innerFields": [
                "value": "headers",
                "title": "Headers",
                "label": "Headers",
                "placeholder_value": "Authorization",
                "help": "This HEADERS will be stored encrypted after publishing.",
                "type": "headers",
                "required": true
            "value": "graphql",
            "title": "Graphql",
            "label": "URL",
            "placeholder": "e.g.",
            "help": "This URL will be stored encrypted after publishing.",
            "computeHelp": "For a compute dataset, your file should match the file type required by the algorithm, and should not exceed 1 GB in file size. ",
            "prominentHelp": true,
            "type": "files",
            "required": true,
            "headers": true,
            "innerFields": [
                "value": "headers",
                "title": "Headers",
                "label": "Headers",
                "placeholder_value": "Authorization",
                "help": "This HEADERS will be stored encrypted after publishing.",
                "type": "headers",
                "required": true
                "value": "query",
                "title": "Query",
                "label": "Query",
                "placeholder": "query{\n    nfts(\n       orderBy: createdTimestamp,\n       orderDirection:desc\n   ){\n       id\n       symbol\n       createdTimestamp\n   }\n}",
                "help": "This QUERY will be stored encrypted after publishing.",
                "type": "codeeditor",
                "required": true
            "value": "smartcontract",
            "title": "Smart Contract",
            "label": "Address",
            "placeholder": "e.g. 0x8149276f275EEFAc110D74AFE8AFECEaeC7d1593",
            "help": "This ADDRESS will be stored encrypted after publishing. **Please make sure that the endpoint is accessible over the internet and is not protected by a firewall or by credentials.**",
            "computeHelp": "For a compute dataset, your file should match the file type required by the algorithm, and should not exceed 1 GB in file size. ",
            "prominentHelp": true,
            "type": "files",
            "required": true,
            "innerFields": [
                "value": "abi",
                "title": "ABI",
                "label": "ABI",
                "placeholder": "{\n  'inputs': [],\n  'name': 'swapOceanFee',\n  'outputs': [{'internalType': 'uint256', 'name': '', 'type': 'uint256'}],\n  'stateMutability': 'view',\n  'type': 'function'\n}",
                "help": "This ABI will be stored encrypted after publishing.",
                "type": "codeeditor",
                "required": true
        "sortOptions": false,
        "required": true
        "name": "links",
        "label": "Sample file",
        "prominentHelp": false,
        "type": "tabs",
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            "title": "URL",
            "label": "File",
            "placeholder": "e.g. https://file.com/file.json",
            "help": "This URL will be stored encrypted after publishing. **Please make sure that the endpoint is accessible over the internet and is not protected by a firewall or by credentials.**",
            "computeHelp": "For a compute dataset, your file should match the file type required by the algorithm, and should not exceed 1 GB in file size. ",
            "prominentHelp": true,
            "type": "files",
            "required": false
        "required": false

        "name": "timeout",
        "label": "Timeout",
        "help": "Define how long buyers should be able to download the dataset again after the initial purchase.",
        "type": "select",
        "options": ["Forever", "1 day", "1 week", "1 month", "1 year"],
        "sortOptions": false,
        "required": true
        "name": "author",
        "label": "New Author",
        "placeholder": "e.g. Mrs McJellyfish",
        "help": "Give proper attribution for your dataset.",
        "required": false
        "name": "tags",
        "label": "New Tags",
        "type": "tags",
        "placeholder": "e.g. logistics",
        "required": false
        "name": "usesConsumerParameters",
        "label": "Algorithm custom parameters",
        "help": "Algorithm custom parameters are used to define required consumer input before running the algorithm in a Compute-to-Data environment.",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "options": ["This asset uses algorithm custom parameters"],
        "required": false
        "name": "paymentCollector",
        "label": "Payment Collector Address",
        "placeholder": "e.g. 0X123ABC...",
        "help": "This address will receive the revenue from all sales. More info available in our [docs](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/core-concepts/datanft-and-datatoken#revenue).",
        "required": false
        "name": "assetState",
        "label": "Asset Status",
        "help": "This asset will no longer be visible to other users and it won't be possible to purchase it.  More info available in our [docs](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/core-concepts/did-ddo#state).",
        "type": "select",
        "options": [
          "Revoked by publisher",
          "Ordering is temporary disabled",
          "Asset unlisted"
        "sortOptions": false,
        "required": false
        "name": "usesServiceConsumerParameters",
        "label": "User defined parameters",
        "help": "User defined parameters are used to filter or query the published asset.",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "options": ["This asset uses user defined parameters"],
        "required": false