[@oceanprotocol/lib](../ / [Exports](../ / Config
# Class: Config
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](
### Properties
- [DFRewards](
- [DFStrategyV1](
- [authMessage](
- [authTokenExpiration](
- [chainId](
- [datatokensABI](
- [dispenserABI](
- [dispenserAddress](
- [explorerUri](
- [fixedRateExchangeAddress](
- [fixedRateExchangeAddressABI](
- [gasFeeMultiplier](
- [metadataCacheUri](
- [network](
- [nftFactoryAddress](
- [nodeUri](
- [oceanTokenAddress](
- [oceanTokenSymbol](
- [opfCommunityFeeCollector](
- [parityUri](
- [providerAddress](
- [providerUri](
- [sideStakingAddress](
- [startBlock](
- [subgraphUri](
- [threshold](
- [transactionBlockTimeout](
- [transactionConfirmationBlocks](
- [transactionPollingTimeout](
- [veAllocate](
- [veDelegation](
- [veDelegationProxy](
- [veFeeDistributor](
- [veFeeEstimate](
- [veOCEAN](
- [verbose](
- [web3Provider](
## Constructors
### constructor
• **new Config**()
## Properties
### DFRewards
• `Optional` **DFRewards**: `string`
#### Defined in
### DFStrategyV1
• `Optional` **DFStrategyV1**: `string`
#### Defined in
### authMessage
• `Optional` **authMessage**: `string`
Message shown when the user creates its own token.
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### authTokenExpiration
• `Optional` **authTokenExpiration**: `number`
Token expiration time in ms.
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### chainId
• **chainId**: `number`
Chain ID
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### datatokensABI
• `Optional` **datatokensABI**: [`AbiItem`](../interfaces/ \| [`AbiItem`](../interfaces/[]
datatokens ABI
#### Defined in
### dispenserABI
• `Optional` **dispenserABI**: [`AbiItem`](../interfaces/ \| [`AbiItem`](../interfaces/[]
#### Defined in
### dispenserAddress
• `Optional` **dispenserAddress**: `string`
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### explorerUri
• **explorerUri**: `string`
Url of the blockchain exporer ex:
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### fixedRateExchangeAddress
• `Optional` **fixedRateExchangeAddress**: `string`
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### fixedRateExchangeAddressABI
• `Optional` **fixedRateExchangeAddressABI**: [`AbiItem`](../interfaces/ \| [`AbiItem`](../interfaces/[]
#### Defined in
### gasFeeMultiplier
• **gasFeeMultiplier**: `number`
Specify the multiplier for the gas fee
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### metadataCacheUri
• `Optional` **metadataCacheUri**: `string`
Metadata Store URL.
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### network
• **network**: `string`
Network name ex: mainnet, goerli, polygon
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### nftFactoryAddress
• `Optional` **nftFactoryAddress**: `string`
Factory address
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### nodeUri
• `Optional` **nodeUri**: `string`
Ethereum node URL.
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### oceanTokenAddress
• `Optional` **oceanTokenAddress**: `string`
Ocean Token address
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### oceanTokenSymbol
• **oceanTokenSymbol**: `string`
Ocean toke symbol on the chain, it's used just for convenience to reduce number of calls
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### opfCommunityFeeCollector
• `Optional` **opfCommunityFeeCollector**: `string`
#### Defined in
### parityUri
• `Optional` **parityUri**: `string`
Parity config
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### providerAddress
• `Optional` **providerAddress**: `string`
Address of Provider.
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### providerUri
• `Optional` **providerUri**: `string`
Provider URL.
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### sideStakingAddress
• `Optional` **sideStakingAddress**: `string`
SideStaking address
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### startBlock
• `Optional` **startBlock**: `number`
block number of the deployment
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### subgraphUri
• **subgraphUri**: `string`
Url of the relevant subgraph instance ex:
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### threshold
• `Optional` **threshold**: `number`
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### transactionBlockTimeout
• **transactionBlockTimeout**: `number`
Specify the transaction Block Timeout
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### transactionConfirmationBlocks
• **transactionConfirmationBlocks**: `number`
Specify the transaction Confirmation Blocks
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### transactionPollingTimeout
• **transactionPollingTimeout**: `number`
Specify the transaction Polling Blocks Timeout
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### veAllocate
• `Optional` **veAllocate**: `string`
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### veDelegation
• `Optional` **veDelegation**: `string`
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### veDelegationProxy
• `Optional` **veDelegationProxy**: `string`
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### veFeeDistributor
• `Optional` **veFeeDistributor**: `string`
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### veFeeEstimate
• `Optional` **veFeeEstimate**: `string`
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### veOCEAN
• `Optional` **veOCEAN**: `string`
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### verbose
• `Optional` **verbose**: `boolean` \| [`LogLevel`](../enums/
Log level.
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### web3Provider
• `Optional` **web3Provider**: `any`
Web3 Provider.
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