[@oceanprotocol/lib](../ / [Exports](../ / Provider
# Class: Provider
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](
### Methods
- [checkDidFiles](
- [computeDelete](
- [computeStart](
- [computeStatus](
- [computeStop](
- [encrypt](
- [getComputeEnvironments](
- [getComputeResultUrl](
- [getData](
- [getDownloadUrl](
- [getEndpointURL](
- [getEndpoints](
- [getFileInfo](
- [getNonce](
- [getServiceEndpoints](
- [initialize](
- [initializeCompute](
- [inputMatch](
- [isValidProvider](
- [noZeroX](
- [signProviderRequest](
- [zeroXTransformer](
## Constructors
### constructor
• **new Provider**()
## Methods
### checkDidFiles
▸ **checkDidFiles**(`did`, `serviceId`, `providerUri`, `withChecksum?`, `signal?`): `Promise`<[`FileInfo`](../interfaces/[]\>
Get file details for a given DID and service ID.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `did` | `string` | `undefined` | The DID to check. |
| `serviceId` | `string` | `undefined` | The service ID to check. |
| `providerUri` | `string` | `undefined` | The URI of the provider. |
| `withChecksum?` | `boolean` | `false` | Whether or not to include a checksum. |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | `undefined` | An optional abort signal. |
#### Returns
A promise that resolves with an array of file info objects.
#### Defined in
### computeDelete
▸ **computeDelete**(`did`, `consumer`, `jobId`, `providerUri`, `signal?`): `Promise`<[`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/ \| [`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/[]\>
Deletes a compute job.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `did` | `string` | asset did |
| `consumer` | `Signer` | consumer Signer wallet object |
| `jobId` | `string` | the compute job ID |
| `providerUri` | `string` | The URI of the provider we want to query |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | abort signal |
#### Returns
`Promise`<[`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/ \| [`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/[]\>
#### Defined in
### computeStart
▸ **computeStart**(`providerUri`, `consumer`, `computeEnv`, `dataset`, `algorithm`, `signal?`, `additionalDatasets?`, `output?`): `Promise`<[`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/ \| [`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/[]\>
Instruct the provider to start a compute job
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `providerUri` | `string` | The provider URI. |
| `consumer` | `Signer` | - |
| `computeEnv` | `string` | The compute environment. |
| `dataset` | [`ComputeAsset`](../interfaces/ | The dataset to start compute on |
| `algorithm` | [`ComputeAlgorithm`](../interfaces/ | The algorithm to start compute with. |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | abort signal |
| `additionalDatasets?` | [`ComputeAsset`](../interfaces/[] | The additional datasets if that is the case. |
| `output?` | [`ComputeOutput`](../interfaces/ | The compute job output settings. |
#### Returns
`Promise`<[`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/ \| [`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/[]\>
The compute job or jobs.
#### Defined in
### computeStatus
▸ **computeStatus**(`providerUri`, `consumerAddress`, `jobId?`, `agreementId?`, `signal?`): `Promise`<[`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/ \| [`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/[]\>
Get compute status for a specific jobId/agreementId/owner.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `providerUri` | `string` | The URI of the provider we want to query |
| `consumerAddress` | `string` | The consumer ethereum address |
| `jobId?` | `string` | The ID of a compute job. |
| `agreementId?` | `string` | The ID of service agreement |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | abort signal |
#### Returns
`Promise`<[`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/ \| [`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/[]\>
#### Defined in
### computeStop
▸ **computeStop**(`did`, `consumerAddress`, `jobId`, `providerUri`, `signer`, `signal?`, `agreementId?`): `Promise`<[`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/ \| [`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/[]\>
Instruct the provider to Stop the execution of a to stop a compute job.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `did` | `string` | the asset did |
| `consumerAddress` | `string` | The consumer address. |
| `jobId` | `string` | the compute job id |
| `providerUri` | `string` | The provider URI. |
| `signer` | `Signer` | The consumer signer object. |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | abort signal |
| `agreementId?` | `string` | service agreement id |
#### Returns
`Promise`<[`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/ \| [`ComputeJob`](../interfaces/[]\>
#### Defined in
### encrypt
▸ **encrypt**(`data`, `chainId`, `providerUri`, `signal?`): `Promise`<`string`\>
Encrypt data using the Provider's own symmetric key
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `data` | `any` | data in json format that needs to be sent , it can either be a DDO or a File array |
| `chainId` | `number` | network's id so provider can choose the corresponding Signer object |
| `providerUri` | `string` | provider uri address |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | abort signal |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### getComputeEnvironments
▸ **getComputeEnvironments**(`providerUri`, `signal?`): `Promise`<{ `[chainId: number]`: [`ComputeEnvironment`](../interfaces/[]; }\>
Returns compute environments from a provider.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `providerUri` | `string` | The URI of the provider. |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | An optional abort signal. |
#### Returns
`Promise`<{ `[chainId: number]`: [`ComputeEnvironment`](../interfaces/[]; }\>
A promise that resolves with an object containing compute environments for each chain ID.
#### Defined in
### getComputeResultUrl
▸ **getComputeResultUrl**(`providerUri`, `consumer`, `jobId`, `index`): `Promise`<`string`\>
Get compute result url
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `providerUri` | `string` | The URI of the provider we want to query |
| `consumer` | `Signer` | consumer Signer wallet object |
| `jobId` | `string` | The ID of a compute job. |
| `index` | `number` | Result index |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### getData
▸ `Private` **getData**(`url`): `Promise`<`Response`\>
Private method that fetches data from a URL using the GET method.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `url` | `string` | The URL to fetch data from. |
#### Returns
A Promise that resolves to a Response object.
#### Defined in
### getDownloadUrl
▸ **getDownloadUrl**(`did`, `serviceId`, `fileIndex`, `transferTxId`, `providerUri`, `signer`, `userCustomParameters?`): `Promise`<`any`\>
Gets the download URL.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `did` | `string` | The DID. |
| `serviceId` | `string` | The service ID. |
| `fileIndex` | `number` | The file index. |
| `transferTxId` | `string` | The transfer transaction ID. |
| `providerUri` | `string` | The provider URI. |
| `signer` | `Signer` | The signer. |
| `userCustomParameters?` | [`UserCustomParameters`](../interfaces/ | The user custom parameters. |
#### Returns
The download URL.
#### Defined in
### getEndpointURL
▸ **getEndpointURL**(`servicesEndpoints`, `serviceName`): [`ServiceEndpoint`](../interfaces/
This function returns the endpoint URL for a given service name.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `servicesEndpoints` | [`ServiceEndpoint`](../interfaces/[] | The array of service endpoints |
| `serviceName` | `string` | The name of the service |
#### Returns
The endpoint URL for the given service name
#### Defined in
### getEndpoints
▸ **getEndpoints**(`providerUri`): `Promise`<`any`\>
Returns the provider endpoints
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `providerUri` | `string` | the provider url |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### getFileInfo
▸ **getFileInfo**(`file`, `providerUri`, `withChecksum?`, `signal?`): `Promise`<[`FileInfo`](../interfaces/[]\>
Get File details (if possible)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `file` | [`UrlFile`](../interfaces/ \| [`GraphqlQuery`](../interfaces/ \| [`Arweave`](../interfaces/ \| [`Ipfs`](../interfaces/ \| [`Smartcontract`](../interfaces/ | `undefined` | one of the supported file structures |
| `providerUri` | `string` | `undefined` | uri of the provider that will be used to check the file |
| `withChecksum?` | `boolean` | `false` | Whether or not to include a checksum. |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | `undefined` | An optional abort signal. |
#### Returns
A promise that resolves with an array of file info objects.
#### Defined in
### getNonce
▸ **getNonce**(`providerUri`, `consumerAddress`, `signal?`, `providerEndpoints?`, `serviceEndpoints?`): `Promise`<`string`\>
Get current nonce from the provider.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `providerUri` | `string` | provider uri address |
| `consumerAddress` | `string` | Publisher address |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | abort signal |
| `providerEndpoints?` | `any` | Identifier of the asset to be registered in ocean |
| `serviceEndpoints?` | [`ServiceEndpoint`](../interfaces/[] | document description object (DDO)= |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### getServiceEndpoints
▸ **getServiceEndpoints**(`providerEndpoint`, `endpoints`): `Promise`<[`ServiceEndpoint`](../interfaces/[]\>
This function returns an array of service endpoints for a given provider endpoint.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `providerEndpoint` | `string` | The provider endpoint |
| `endpoints` | `any` | The endpoints object |
#### Returns
An array of service endpoints
#### Defined in
### initialize
▸ **initialize**(`did`, `serviceId`, `fileIndex`, `consumerAddress`, `providerUri`, `signal?`, `userCustomParameters?`, `computeEnv?`, `validUntil?`): `Promise`<[`ProviderInitialize`](../interfaces/\>
Initializes the provider for a service request.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `did` | `string` | The asset DID . |
| `serviceId` | `string` | The asset service ID. |
| `fileIndex` | `number` | The file index. |
| `consumerAddress` | `string` | The consumer address. |
| `providerUri` | `string` | The URI of the provider. |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | The abort signal if any. |
| `userCustomParameters?` | [`UserCustomParameters`](../interfaces/ | The custom parameters if any. |
| `computeEnv?` | `string` | The compute environment if any. |
| `validUntil?` | `number` | The validity time if any. |
#### Returns
A promise that resolves with ProviderInitialize response.
#### Defined in
### initializeCompute
▸ **initializeCompute**(`assets`, `algorithm`, `computeEnv`, `validUntil`, `providerUri`, `accountId`, `signal?`): `Promise`<[`ProviderComputeInitializeResults`](../interfaces/\>
Initializes the provider for a compute request.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `assets` | [`ComputeAsset`](../interfaces/[] | The datasets array to initialize compute request. |
| `algorithm` | [`ComputeAlgorithm`](../interfaces/ | The algorithm to use. |
| `computeEnv` | `string` | The compute environment. |
| `validUntil` | `number` | The job expiration date. |
| `providerUri` | `string` | The provider URI. |
| `accountId` | `string` | caller address |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | abort signal |
#### Returns
ProviderComputeInitialize data
#### Defined in
### inputMatch
▸ `Private` **inputMatch**(`input`, `regexp`, `conversorName`): `Object`
Private method that matches an input string against a regular expression and returns the first capture group.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `input` | `string` | The input string to match. |
| `regexp` | `RegExp` | The regular expression to match against. |
| `conversorName` | `string` | The name of the method calling this function. |
#### Returns
An object with two properties: `valid` (a boolean indicating whether the input matched the regular expression) and `output` (the first capture group of the match, or the original input if there was no match).
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `output` | `string` |
| `valid` | `boolean` |
#### Defined in
### isValidProvider
▸ **isValidProvider**(`url`, `signal?`): `Promise`<`boolean`\>
Check for a valid provider at URL
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `url` | `string` | provider uri address |
| `signal?` | `AbortSignal` | abort signal |
#### Returns
valid or not
#### Defined in
### noZeroX
▸ `Private` **noZeroX**(`input`): `string`
Private method that removes the leading 0x from a string.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `input` | `string` | The input string. |
#### Returns
The transformed string.
#### Defined in
### signProviderRequest
▸ **signProviderRequest**(`signer`, `message`): `Promise`<`string`\>
Sign a provider request with a signer.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `signer` | `Signer` | The signer to use. |
| `message` | `string` | The message to sign. |
#### Returns
A promise that resolves with the signature.
#### Defined in
### zeroXTransformer
▸ `Private` **zeroXTransformer**(`input?`, `zeroOutput`): `string`
Private method that removes the leading 0x from a string.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `input` | `string` | `''` | The input string. |
| `zeroOutput` | `boolean` | `undefined` | Whether to include 0x in the output if the input is valid and zeroOutput is true. |
#### Returns
The transformed string.
#### Defined in