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Test Coverage
Copyright 2021 Ocean Protocol Foundation
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# Possible errors returned by Provider

This document reflects couple of the possible errors returned by Provider.

## Main types of errors

#### 503 - Service Unavailable

It occurs when the Provider server is not responding.
This is most likely an error with Provider or its configuration, and not related to particular input.

#### 405 - Method Not Allowed
It occurs when Provider server receives `HEAD`, `OPTIONS` requests and
unsupported methods for that route.

#### Basic validation with multiple errors: 400 - Bad Request

These errors happen when the payload sent to provider is missing some attributes,
or those attributes are not valid (per their type or values).
The response returned will have the `errors` key and a list of key, value pairs
where the key is the erroneous request field and the value is the error message.

E.g. for initialize:
{'errors': {'documentId': ['The documentId field is required.']}, 'message': 'Validation error', 'success': False}

#### Breaking error: 400 - Bad Request
If the payload passes initial validation for presence, typing and basic rules, Provider tries fulfilling your request.
However, if it encounters an error where it can not continue, it will respond with:

{"error": "Some Error message"}

Each endpoint has specific breaking errors, which are detailed below.

## Consume endpoints

### nonce
Returns last-used nonce value. Only handles basic validation for userAddress, e.g.

{'errors': {'userAddress': ['The userAddress field is required.']}, 'message': 'Validation error', 'success': False}

### fileinfo
Retrieves Content-Type and Content-Length from the given URL or asset.

#### Basic validation
The endpoint requires either:
- `did` and `serviceId` for published assets
- a combination of `type` + an allowed file type + file type specifics, i.e.
    - type `ipfs` requires the `hash` key
    - type `url` requires the `url` key
    - type `arwave` requires the `transactionId` key

#### Breaking validation
The following errors are displayed in JSON format:

{"error": "Some Error message"}

Possible error messages and their meaning:

- "Cannot resolve DID":* The dataset `DID` does not exist in the Metadata store.
- "Invalid serviceId": The `serviceId` of that dataset is not correct.
- "Unable to get dataset files":* The `files` of that dataset could not be decrypted or retrieved
due to the following issues:
    - `Key <key> not found in files.` - `datatokenAddress` or `nftAddress` or `files` is missing
the decrypted files object
    - `Mismatch of datatoken.` - mismatch between service datatoken & decrypted files datatoken;
    - `Mismatch of dataNft.` - mismatch between asset data NFT address & the one from the decrypted files;
    - `Expected a files list` - `files` is not a list;
    - `Error decrypting service files` - other errors for decrypting the file.
- "cannot decrypt files for this service.": The `files` of that dataset could not be decrypted due to the fact that
`file object`, which contains the structure and the type of specific file, is missing
from the validation part.
- "Invalid file name format. It was not possible to get the file name." - filename contains relative path format (with many slashes)
- "It was not possible to get the file name." - due to invalid format of the file

- Other breaking errors may come from the file structure sent to fileinfo. Those are detailed below, under [File Structure Errors](#file-structure-errors)

### initialize

#### Basic validation
The endpoint requires: `documentId`, `serviceId`, `consumerAddress`.
Optional parameters are:
- `fileIndex`: a positive integer
- `transferTxId`

#### Breaking validation
Possible values for the error key in this case are:
- "Error: Asset URL not found, not available or invalid. Payload was: ...": It is possible the published asset itself is broken on-chain, or its url is broken.
- "Cannot resolve DID": asset is not available in the metadata cache
- "Invalid serviceId": when the serviceId provided is not found on the asset
- "Use the initializeCompute endpoint to initialize compute jobs.": you incorrectly request the initialize endpoint for a "compute" service.
- "Error: Access to asset `<did>` was denied with code: `<code>`.": the access to the asset is denied with various reasons. Consult the ConsumableCodes class for a list of codes.

### download

#### Basic validation
The endpoint requires: `documentId`, `serviceId`, `consumerAddress`, `transferTxId`, `fileIndex`, `nonce` and `signature`.
The nonce must be numeric and the signature must match the expected download signature based on consumerAddress, documentId and nonce. Otherwise, you will get a response like:

{'errors': {'download_signature': ['Invalid signature provided.']}, 'message': 'Validation error', 'success': False}

#### Breaking validation
Possible values for the error key in this case are:
- "Service with index=`<serviceId>` is not an access service."
- "Order with tx_id `<tx_id>` could not be validated due to error: `<error message>`": on-chain validation fails
- "No such fileIndex `<file index>`": the file index in the payload does not exist on the asset
- direct errors pertaining to downloads e.g. connection errors:
    - "Error preparing file download response: `<exception message>`"
    - "Unsafe url `<url>`"

Other breaking errors may come from the file structure of the published asset in question. Those are detailed below, under [File Structure Errors](#file-structure-errors)

## Compute endpoints

### initializeCompute

In order to consume a data service the user is required to send
one datatoken to the provider, as well as provider fees for the compute job.

#### Basic validation
The endpoint requires:
- `datasets`: list containing json objects with `documentId`, `serviceId`, `transferTxId`
- `algorithm`: json object with EITHER:
    - `documentId` + `serviceId` + `transferTxId`
    - OR `meta` (for raw algorithms)
- `compute`: json object with `env` (id of the compute environment) and `validUntil` (integer timestamp)
- `consumerAddress`

#### Breaking validation
Breaking validation is more complex for `initializeCompute` and `compute` endpoints.
Alongside the 400 status code, it will output a key, value pair where the key is the erroneous input item and the value is the error message itself. E.g.

{"datasets": "invalid" }

The tables below shows some possible keys, errors and the reason why they happen.

##### Payload validation issues
| error key | message | reason |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| datasets | invalid | `datasets` is not a list, as expected |
| algorithm.documentId | missing | The `documentId` key is missing from the algorithm's DDO. |
| algorithm.serviceId | missing | The `serviceId` key is missing from the algorithm's DDO. |
| algorithm.transferTxId | missing | The `transferTxId` key is missing from the algorithm's DDO. |
| datasets[0].documentId | missing | The `documentId` key is missing from the first dataset. |
| datasets[`i`].`missingItem`| | Similar for all dataset indices, for documentId, serviceId and transferTxId. |
| algorithm.documentId | did_not_found | The algorithm's `DID` could not be retrieved from the metadata store, because the algorithm asset does not exist. |
| algorithm.serviceId | not_found | The provided `serviceId` does not exist. |
| algorithm.serviceId | service_not_access_compute | Service type is neither `access`, nor `compute`. |
| algorithm.serviceId | main_service_compute | If the main service is not `compute` for this asset when calling `initialize` endpoint. |
| algorithm.serviceId | compute_services_not_in_same_provider | Files attached to the compute service are not decrypted by the correct provider. This occurs when both `asset` and `algorithm` are requested by their compute service which cannot be decrypted by a single provider as how it is supposed to be. |
| algorithm.container | mising_entrypoint_image_checksum | Either `entrypoint`, either `image`, or either `checksum` are missing from the container dictionary from the algorithm's DDO. |
| algorithm.container | checksum_prefix | Container checksum does not start with the prefix `sha256:`. |
| algorithm | missing_meta_documentId | Either algorithm metadata, or algorithm DID are missing. |
| algorithm | did_not_found | *Algorithm's DID does not exist in the Metadata store. Also, `url` or `remote` are missing from algorithm's DDO. |
| algorithm | not_algo | The `type` from the algorithm's metadata from the algorithm DDO is not specified as `algorithm`. |
| algorithm | in_use_or_not_on_chain | Validation order for the algorithm failed due to the fact that the algorithm has already an order in use, or it does not exist on the chain. |
| algorithm | meta_oneof_url_rawcode_remote | The raw algorithm provided does not contain one of the required keys: `url`, `rawcode` and `remote` |
| error | The validUntil value is not correct. | `validUntil` value is most probably expired.
| error | Compute environment does not exist. | The compute environment provided by the user does not exist, it is not served by our compute-to-data feature. The user can use `get_c2d_environments` to check the list of available compute environments. |
| error | DID is not a valid algorithm. | Either the algorithm asset's DID is incorrectly typed, either the algorithm timeout expired. |

##### Connection/availability errors
| error key | message | reason |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| algorithm | file_unavailable | One possibility is that the asset could not be retrieved from Aquarius's database. Otherwise, there are issues related to `services` (1) |
| error | Asset malformed | The asset published on chain is malformed, missing some required keys or not compliant with our schemas. |
| error | Asset is not consumable. | Asset's metadata status is not in the range of valid status codes for assets. The recognized states for the metadata are defined on our [docs](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/core-concepts/did-ddo#state). |
| error | Error: Access to asset `<DID>` was denied with code: `<code>`. | Asset cannot be accessed due to error status code. |
| output | invalid | The algorithm's validation after the build stage has not been decoded properly as a dictionary. |

(1) Possible issues related to service:
- particular `service` is not found
- `Key <key> not found in files.`: `datatokenAddress` or `nftAddress` or `files` is missing the decrypted files object
- `Mismatch of datatoken.`: mismatch between service datatoken & decrypted files datatoken
- `Mismatch of dataNft.`: mismatch between asset data NFT address & the one from the decrypted files
- `Expected a files list`: `files` is not a list
- `Error decrypting service files`: other errors for decrypting the file.

##### Security enforcement errors
| error key | message | reason |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| error | not_trusted_algo_publisher | The owner of the algorithm's DDO is not a trusted algorithms publishers list. |
| error | not_trusted_algo | The algorithm's DID is not in the asset's trusted algorithms dictionary. |
| error | no_publisherTrustedAlgorithms | The algorithm's key `publisherTrustedAlgorithms` does not exist in the algorithm's DDO. |
| error | algorithm_file_checksum_mismatch | `filesChecksum` from the algorithm's DDO is invalid. |
| error | algorithm_container_checksum_mismatch | The `containerChecksum` from the algorithm's DDO is invalid. |
| error | no_raw_algo_allowed | The asset does not allow raw algorithms to be run on it |

### startCompute

Starts the execution of the workflow and runs the provided algorithm.

#### Basic validation
The endpoint requires:
- `dataset`: json object containing `documentId`, `serviceId`, `transferTxId`
- `algorithm`: json object with EITHER:
    - `documentId` + `serviceId` + `transferTxId`
    - OR `meta` (for raw algorithms)
- `nonce`
- `consumerAddress`

The nonce must be numeric and the signature must match the expected consume signature based on consumerAddress, documentId, jobId and nonce.
Otherwise, you will get a response like:

{'errors': {'signature': ['Invalid signature provided.']}, 'message': 'Validation error', 'success': False}

Optional parameters:
- `additional_inputs`: list containing json objects with `documentId`, `serviceId`, `transferTxId`

#### Breaking validation
The errors are the same as for [initializeCompute](#initializecompute), with one principal difference: the error keys are not offset based on the `datasets` list, but on `dataset` and `additional_input[index]`.
i.e. instead of `{"datasets": "invalid" }`, `{"additional_input": "invalid" }` if the additional input is not a valid list.

The errors for the main dataset will have the `dataset` key, NOT `datasets[0]`.
Additional inputs will have the `additional_inputs[index]` key, basically treating the additional inputs list just like `/initializeCompute` treats the datasets inputs list.

In addition to the same errors as in `/initializeCompute`, there is one extra error posible

{"order": "fees_not_paid"}

**Reason** Provider fees are not paid.

### computeStatus

#### Basic validation
The endpoint requires just the `consumerAddress`.

#### Breaking validation
These status codes come from Operator service repository which is a microservice
for Compute-to-Data feature.

- 400 - Validation errors: One or more of the required attributes are missing or invalid to the payload that is sent
to the Operator Service.
- 401 - Consumer signature is invalid: Consumer signature is invalid or failed verification when the job was submitted to
Operator Service.
- 503 - Service Unavailable: It shows up when Provider or Operator Service server is not responding.

### computeStop
#### Basic validation
This endpoint requires `consumerAddress`, `nonce` and signature.
The nonce must be numeric and the signature must match the expected consume signature based on consumerAddress, documentId, jobId and nonce.

#### Breaking validation
same as for [computeStatus](#computeStatus).

### computeDelete

#### Basic validation
same requirements as for [computeStop](#computestop).

#### Breaking validation
same as for [computeStatus](#computeStatus).

### computeResult

#### Basic validation
Requires `jobId`, `index`, `consumerAddress`, `nonce`.
The nonce must be numeric and the signature must match the expected consume signature based on consumerAddress, index, jobId and nonce.

#### Breaking validation
same as for [computeStatus](#computeStatus).

### computeEnvironments

#### Basic validation
none required

#### Breaking validation
same as for [computeStatus](#computeStatus).

## Authentication endpoints

### createAuthToken
Creates an AuthToken for the given address, that can replace signature in API calls.

#### Basic validation
Requires `address`, `expiration`, `nonce` and signature.
The expiration must be an integer and the signature is formed using the address and nonce.

#### Breaking validation

{"error": "Token is invalid"}

if any problems with the input are detected.
If the token already exists and has been deleted, it will restore that token resulting in a 200 success code and the expected response.

### deleteAuthToken
Revokes a given AuthToken if it is still valid.

#### Basic validation
Requires `address`, `token`, `nonce` and signature.
The expiration must be an integer and the signature is formed using the address and nonce.

#### Breaking validation
Returns either

{"error": "<message>"}

where the message can be either "Token is invalid." or "Token is expired.", in which case it can not be deleted.

### File structure errors
These errors are common to all endpoints that accept a file type structure or handle checking of an already-published asset.

Generic errors:
- "Unsupported type <type>": The `file object` type is not supported by Provider. Accepted file types are:
    - `url`;
    - `arweave`;
    - `ipfs`;
    - `graphql`;
    - `smartcontract`
- "malformed file object": The `file object` structure is invalid and does not contain the wanted information for the specific file.

The following table shows the keys inside a file structure:

| key | required | applicable to type | error message | comments |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
| url | YES | `url` | malformed service files, missing required keys. | |
| method | NO | `url` | Unsafe method `<method>`. | must be "get" or "post", default to "get" if empty |
| hash | YES | `ipfs` | malformed service files, missing required keys. | |
| transactionId | YES | `arwave` | malformed service files, missing transactionId | |
| url | YES | `graphql` | missing graphql endpoint | |
| query | YES | `graphql` | missing graphql query | |

If no ARWEAVE_GATEWAY is defined in Provider, downloads of arweave files will fail with a 503 status code.
Similar for IPFS_GATEWAY and ipfs file types.