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# PHP Chain
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An implementation of the _chain-of-responsibility pattern_ in PHP.

## Installation
composer require marcopetersen/php-chain

## Usage

use MarcoPetersen\Chain\Chain;
use MarcoPetersen\Chain\Link;

// First we define the links that will be part of our chain...
class AddOne extends Link
    public function execute($number)
        return $this->next($number + 1);

class EndChain extends Link
    public function execute($payload)
        return $payload;

// ...after which we chain them up together.
$chain = (new Chain())
    ->then(new AddOne()) // you can pass in instances...
    ->then(AddOne::class) // ...or just the FQCN, if you prefer.
    ->then(EndChain::class) // To end the chain, just don't call `next`.
    ->then(AddOne::class) // This won't get called.

$chain->execute(1); // 3