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# meshblu-encryption
A library for common encryption functions in Meshblu.

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# Usage
### Install:
npm install --save meshblu-encryption

### Use:
var MeshbluEncryption = require('meshblu-encryption');

var meshbluEncryption = new MeshbluEncryption();

meshbluEncryption.register({}, function(error, response) {
  // code goes here

# Functions
### Constructor
| Parameter | Type    | Required | Description                          |
| ----------| --------| ---------| -------------------------------------|
| nodeRsa   | NodeRSA | yes      | NodeRSA instance |
NodeRSA = require('node-rsa')
nodeRsa = new NodeRSA pem
var meshbluEncryption = new MeshbluEncryption({ nodeRsa })

### fromPem
| Parameter | Type    | Required | Description                          |
| ----------| --------| ---------| -------------------------------------|
| pem       | string  | yes      | text of a private key in pem format  |
var meshbluEncryption = MeshbluEncryption.fromPem('--pem-data--')

### fromJustGuess
Will try to guess the format of the provided string and convert it to a nodeRSA object.

| Parameter | Type    | Required | Description                          |
| ----------| --------| ---------| -------------------------------------|
| thing     | string  | yes      | text of a private key in some format  |
var meshbluEncryption = MeshbluEncryption.fromJustGuess('--pem-data--')

### decrypt
Will decrypt the given data and return the unencrypted value, expects stringified JSON in base64.

| Parameter | Type   | Required| Description                          |
| ----------| -------| --------| -------------------------------------|
| data      |string  | yes     | the string to decrypt |
var decryptedData = meshbluEncryption.decrypt('encrypted-string')

### encrypt
Will convert the given data to a JSON string, encrypt, and return a base64 encoded encrypted string

| Parameter | Type   | Required| Description                          |
| ----------| -------| --------| -------------------------------------|
| data      |string  | yes     | the string to encrypt |
var encryptedData = meshbluEncryption.encrypt('string')

### sign
Will convert the given data to a JSON string, and return a signature for that data

| Parameter | Type   | Required| Description                          |
| ----------| -------| --------| -------------------------------------|
| data      |string  | yes     | the string to sign |
var signature = meshbluEncryption.sign('string')

### verify
Will verify a signature for the given data

| Parameter | Type   | Required| Description                          |
| ----------| -------| --------| -------------------------------------|
| data      |string  | yes     | the string to verify |
| signature |string  | yes     | the signature to verify |
var isValid = meshbluEncryption.verify('encrypted-string', 'signature')