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Test Coverage
v0.1.0 (November 1, 2016)

The framework provides the basis for a great range of different energy
system model types, ranging from LP bottom-up (power and heat) economic dispatch
models with optional investment to MILP operational unit commitment models.

With v0.1.0 we refactored oemof (not backward compatible!) to bring the
implementation in line with the general concept. Hence, the API of components
has changed significantly and we introduced the new 'Flow' component. Besides
an extensive grouping functionality for automatic creation of constraints based
on component input data the documentation has been revised.

We provide examples to show the broad range of possible applications and the
frameworks flexibility.

API changes

 * The demandlib is no longer part of the oemof package. It has its own
   package now: (`demandlib <https://github.com/oemof/demandlib>`_)

New features

 * Solph's `EnergySystem <oemof.solph.network.EnergySystem>` now
   automatically uses solph's `GROUPINGS
   <oemof.solph.groupings.GROUPINGS>` in addition to any user supplied
   See the API documentation for more information.

 * The `groupings <oemof.groupings.Grouping>` introduced in version
   0.0.5 now have more features, more documentation and should generally be
   pretty usable:

    * They moved to their own module: `oemof.groupings` and deprecated
      constructs ensuring compatibility with prior versions have been removed.

    * It's possible to assign a node to multiple groups from one
      `Grouping <oemof.groupings.Grouping>` by returning a list of group
      keys from `key <oemof.groupings.Grouping.key>`.

    * If you use a non callable object as the `key
      <oemof.groupings.Grouping.key>` parameter to `Groupings
      <oemof.groupings.Grouping>`, the constructor will not make an attempt to
      call them, but use the object directly as a key.

    * There's now a `filter <oemof.groupings.Grouping.filter>` parameter,
      enabling a more concise way of filtering group contents than using
      `value <oemof.groupings.Grouping.value>`.


 * Complete revision of the documentation. We hope it is now more intuitive and easier to understand.


 * Create a structure to use examples as system tests (`issue #160 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/160>`_)

Bug fixes

 * Fix relative path of logger (`issue #201 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/issues/201>`_)
 * More path fixes regarding installation via pip

Other changes

 * Travis CI will now check PR's automatically
 * Examples executable from command-line (`issue #227 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/227>`_)


 * Stephan Günther
 * Simon Hilpert
 * Uwe Krien
 * Guido Pleßmann
 * Cord Kaldemeyer