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Test Coverage
v0.1.2 (March 27, 2017)

New features

* Revise examples - clearer naming, cleaner code, all examples work with cbc solver (`issue #238 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/238>`_, `issue #247 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/247>`_).
* Add option to choose solver when executing the examples (`issue #247 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/247>`_).
* Add new transformer class: VariableFractionTransformer (child class of LinearTransformer). This class represents transformers with a variable fraction between its output flows. In contrast to the LinearTransformer by now it is restricted to two output flows.(`issue #248 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/248>`_)
* Add new transformer class: N1Transformer (counterpart of LinearTransformer). This class allows to have multiple inputflows that are converted into one output flow e.g. heat pumps or mixing-components.
* Allow to set addtional flow attributes inside NodesFromCSV in solph inputlib
* Add economics module to calculate investment annuities (more to come in future  versions)
* Add module to store input data in multiple csv files and merge by preprocessing
* Allow to slice all information around busses via a new method of the ResultsDataFrame
* Add the option to save formatted balances around busses as single csv files via a new method of the ResultsDataFrame


* Improve the installation guide.

Bug fixes

* Allow conversion factors as a sequence in the CSV reader

Other changes

* Speed up constraint-building process by removing unnecessary method call
* Clean up the code according to pep8 and pylint


* Cord Kaldemeyer
* Guido Plessmann
* Uwe Krien
* Simon Hilpert
* Stephan Günther