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Test Coverage
v0.2.0 (January 12, 2018)

API changes

* The `NodesFromCSV` has been removed from the code base. An alternative excel
  (spreadsheet) reader is provided at :ref:`excel_reader_example_label`.
* LinearTransformer and LinearN1Transformer classes are now combined within one
  Transformer class. The new class has n inputs and n outputs. Please note that
  the definition of the conversion factors (for N1) has changed. See the new
  docstring of `~oemof.solph.network.Transformer` class to avoid errors
  (`Issue #351 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/351>`_).
* The `oemof.solph.network.Storage` class has been renamed and moved to
* As the example section has been moved to a new repository the `oemof_example`
  command was removed. Use `oemof_installation_test` to check your installation
  and the installed solvers.
* OperationalModel has been renamed to Model. The `es` parameter was
  renamed to `energysystem` parameter.
* `Nodes <oemof.network.Node>` are no longer automatically added to the
  most recently created `energy system
  <oemof.energy_system.EnergySystem>`. You can still restore the old automatic
  registration by manually assigning an `energy system
  <oemof.energy_system.EnergySystem>` to `Node.registry
  <oemof.network.Node.registry>`. On the other hand you can still explicitly
  `add <oemof.energy_system.EnergySystem.add>` `nodes
  <oemof.network.Node>` to an `energy system
  <oemof.energy_system.EnergySystem>`. This option has been made a bit more
  feature rich by the way, but see below for more on this.
  Also check the :ref:`examples_label`
  for more information on the usage.
* The `fixed_costs` attribute of the  `nodes <oemof.solph.network.Flow>`
  has been removed. See
  (`Issue #407 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/407>`_) for more
* The classes `DataFramePlot <outputlib.DataFramePlot>` and
  `ResultsDataFrame <outputlib.ResultsDataFrame>` have been removed
  due to the redesign of the outputlib module.

New features

* A new outputlib module has been created to provide a convenient data structure
  for optimization results and enable quick analyses.
  All decision variables of a Node are now collected automatically which
  enables an easier development of custom components. See the revised
  :ref:`oemof_outputlib_label` documentation for more details or have a look at
  for information on the usage. Keep your eyes open, some new functions will
  come soon that make the processing of the results easier. See the actual pull
  request or issues for detailed information.
* The transformer class can now be used with n inputs and n outputs (
* A new module with useful additional constraints were created with these
  constraints global emission or investment limits can be set. Furthermore
  it is possible to connect investment variables. Please add your own additional
  constraints or let us know what is needed in the future.
* A module to create a networkx graph from your energy system or your
  optimisation model was added. You can use networkx to plot and analyse graphs.
  See the graph module in the documentation of oemof-network for more information.
* It's now possible to modify a `node's <oemof.network.Node>`
  `inputs <oemof.network.Node.inputs>` and
  `outputs <oemof.network.Node.outputs>` by inserting and removing
  `nodes <oemof.network.Node>` to and from the correspoding dictionaries.
  `Outputs <oemof.network.Node.outputs>` where already working
  previously, but due to an implementation quirk, `inputs
  <oemof.network.Node.inputs>` did not behave as expected. This is now fixed.
* One can now explicitly `add <oemof.energy_system.EnergySystem.add>`
  `nodes <oemof.network.Node>` to an `energy system
  <oemof.energy_system.EnergySystem>` in bulk using `*` and `**` syntax. For
  the latter case, the `values <dict.values>` of the dictionary passed in
  will be added.
* New components can now be added to the custom.py module. Components in this module
  are indicated as in a testing state. Use them with care. This lowers the entry
  barriers to test new components within the solph structure and find other testers.

New components

* The nodes `ElectricalLine <oemof.solph.custom.ElectricalLine>`
  and `ElectricalBus <oemof.solph.custom.ElectricalBus>` can be used
  for Linear Optimal Powerflow calculation based on angle formulations.
  These components have been added to the `solph.custom` module.
  Though it should work correctly, it is in a preliminary stage.
  Please check your results. Feedback is welcome!
* The custom component `Link <oemof.solph.custom.Link>` can now be used to model
  a bidirectional connection within one component. Check out the example in the
* The component `GenericCHP <oemof.solph.components.GenericCHP>` can be
  used to model different CHP types such as extraction or back-pressure turbines
  and motoric plants. The component uses a mixed-integer linear formulation and
  can be adapted to different technical layouts with a high level of detail.
  Check out the example in the
* The component `GenericCAES <oemof.solph.custom.GenericCAES>` can be
  used to model different concepts of compressed air energy storage. Technical
  concepts such as diabatic or adiabatic layouts can be modelled at a high level
  of detail. The component uses a mixed-integer linear formulation.
* The custom component
  `GenericOffsetTransformer <oemof.solph.custom.GenericOffsetTransformer>`
  can be used to model components with load ranges such as heat pumps and also
  uses a mixed-integer linear formulation.


* Large parts of the documentation have been proofread and improved since
  the last developer meeting in Flensburg.
* The solph documentation has got an extra section with all existing components
* The developer documentation has been developed to lower the barriers for new
  developers. Furthermore, a template for pull request was created.

Known issues
* It is not possible to model one time step with oemof.solph. You have to model
  at least two timesteps
  (`Issue #306 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/issues/306>`_). Please leave a
  comment if this bug affects you.

Bug fixes

* LP-file tests are now invariant against sign changes in equations, because
  the equations are now normalized to always have non-negative right hand


* All known and newly created components are now tested within an independent
  testing environment which can be found in `/tests/`.
* Other testing routines have been streamlined and reviewed and
  example tests have been integrated in the nosetest environment.

Other changes

* The plot functionalities have been removed completely from the outputlib as
  they are less a necessary part but more an optional tool .
  Basic plotting examples that show how to quickly create plots from
  optimization results can now be found in the
  You can still find the "old" standard plots within the
  `oemof_visio <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-visio>`_ repository as they are
  now maintained separately.
* A `user forum <https://forum.openmod-initiative.org/tags/c/qa/oemof>`_ has
  been created to answer use questions.


* Cord Kaldemeyer
* Jens-Olaf Delfs
* Stephan Günther
* Simon Hilpert
* Uwe Krien