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Test Coverage
v0.2.2 (July 1, 2018)

API changes

* The storage API has been revised, even though it is still possible to use the
  old API. In that case a warning is raised
  (`Issue #491 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/491>`_).
* The newly introduced parm_results are not results and therefore renamed to
  parameter_as_dict. The old name is still valid but raises a warning.

New features

* We added a new attribute `existing` to the `solph.options.Investement` class.
  It will now be possible to run investment optimization based on already
  installed capacity of a component.
  Take a look on :ref:`investment_mode_label` for usage of this option.
  (`Issue #489 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/489>`_).

* Investement variables for the capacity and the flows are now decoupled to
  enable more flexibility. It is possible to couple the flows to the capacity,
  the flows to itself or to not couple anything. The newly added attributes
  `invest_relation_input_output`, `invest_relation_input_capacity` and
  `invest_relation_output_capacity` replace the existing attributes
  `nominal_input_capacity_ratio` and `nominal_input_capacity_ratio` for the
  investment mode. In case of the dispatch mode one should use the
  `nominal_value` of the Flow classes. The attributes
  `nominal_input_capacity_ratio` and `nominal_input_capacity_ratio` will be
  removed in v0.3.0. Please adapt your application to avoid problems in the
  future (`Issue #480 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/480>`_).

* We now have experimental support for deserializing an energy system from a
  tabular `data package <https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/data-package/>`_. Since
  we have to extend the datapackage format a bit, the specification is not yet
  finalized and documentation as well as tests range from sparse to
  nonexistent. But anyone who wishes to help with the code is welcome to check
  it out in the `datapackage <oemof.tools.datapackage>` module.

New components


* The documentation of the storage
  `storage component <https://oemof-solph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#genericstorage-component>`_ has been improved.
* The documentation of the
  `Extraction Turbine <https://oemof-solph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#extractionturbinechp-component>`_ has been improved.

Known issues

* It is not possible to model one time step with oemof.solph. You have to
  model at least two timesteps (`Issue #306 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/issues/306>`_). Please leave a comment if this bug affects you.

Bug fixes

* Fix file extension check to dump a graph correctly as .graphml-file
* The full constraint set of the ExtractionTurbineCHP class was only build for
  one object. If more than one object was present the input/output constraint
  was missing. This lead to wrong results.
* In the solph constraints module the emission constraint did not include the
  timeincrement from the model which has now be fixed.
* The parameter_as_dict (former: param_results) do work with the views
  functions now (`Issue #494 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/494>`_).


* The test coverage has been increased (>80%). oemof has experimental areas to
  test new functions. These functions are marked as experimental and will not
  be tested. Therefore the real coverage is even higher.

Other changes

* Subclasses of `Node <oemof.network.Node>` are no longer optimized
  using `__slots__
  The abstract parent class still defines `__slots__
  <oemof.network.Node.__slots__>` so that custom subclasses still have the
  option of using it.


* Fabian Büllesbach
* Guido Plessmann
* Simon Hilpert
* Stephan Günther
* Uwe Krien