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Test Coverage
v0.3.0 (June 5, 2019)

API changes

* The ``param_results`` function does not exist anymore. It has been renamed to
  ``parameter_as_dict`` (`Issue #537 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/

* The storage API has been revised. Please check the
  `API documentation <https://oemof-solph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#genericstorage-component>`_ for all details.

* The OffsetTransformer is now a regular oemof.solph component. It has been
  tested and the documentation has been improved. So it has been move from
  *custom* to *components*. Use oemof.solph.components.OffsetTransformer (
  `Issue #522 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/522>`_).

New features

* Now it is possible to model just one time step. This is important for time
  step based models and all other models with an outer loop
  (`Issue #519 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/519>`_).

* The storage can be used unbalanced now, which means that the level at the end
  could be different to the level at the beginning of the modeled time period.
  See the `storage documentation <https://oemof-solph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
  usage.html#genericstorage-component>`_ for more details.

* `NonConvexFlow <oemof.solph.blocks.NonConvexFlow>` can now have
  `activity_costs`, `maximum_startups`, and `maximum_shutdowns`.
  This helps, to model e.g. terms of maintannace contracts for small CHP plants.

* Namedtuples and tuples as labels work now without problems. This makes it
  much easier to find objects and results in large energy systems
  (`Issue #507 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/507>`_).

* Groups are now fully lazy. This means that groups are only computed
  when they are accessed. Previously, whenever nodes where added to an
  energy system, groups where computed for all but the most recently
  added node. This node was then only grouped upon addition of another
  node or upon access of the groups property.

* There is now an explicit `Edge <oemof.network.Edge>` class. This means
  that an energy system now consists of `Buses <oemof.network.Bus>`,
  `Components <oemof.network.Component>` and `Edges <oemof.network.Edge>`.
  For implementation reasons, `Edges <oemof.network.Edge>` are still
  `Nodes <oemof.network.Node>`. If you know a bit of graph theory and
  this seems strange to you, think of these `Edges <oemof.network.Edge>`
  as classical graph theoretic edges, reified as nodes with an in- and
  outdegree of one.

* `Energy systems <oemof.energy_system.EnergySystem>` now support blinker_
  signals. The first supported signal gets emitted, whenever a `node
  <oemof.network.node>` is `added <oemof.energy_system.EnergySystem.add>` to an
  `energy system <oemof.energy_system.EnergySystem>`.
  (`blinker <https://blinker.readthedocs.io/>`_)


* The template for docstrings with equations (docstring of block classes) has
  been improved.

* A lot of improvements on the documentation

Bug fixes

* The timeincrement attribute of the model is not set to one anymore.
  In earlier versions the timeincrement was set to one by default. This was a
  problem if a wrong time index was passed. In that case the timeincrement
  was set to one without a warning. Now an error is raised if no
  timeincrement or valid time index is found
  (`Issue #549 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/pull/549>`_).


* Automatic test coverage control was implemented. Now a PR will not be
  accepted if it decreases the test coverage.
* Test coverage was increased to over 90%. A badge was added to the
  `oemof github page <https://github.com/oemof/oemof>`_ that shows the
  actual test coverage.
* Test coverage on the `groupings <oemof.groupings>` and `network
  <oemof.network>` modules has significantly increased. These modules where
  historically very weakly tested and are now approaching 90% and 95%
  respectively with more tests being planned.


(alphabetical order)

* ajimenezUCLA
* FranziPl
* Johannes Röder
* Jakob Wolf
* Jann Launer
* Lluis Millet
* Patrik Schönfeldt
* Simon Hilpert
* Stephan Günther
* Uwe Krien