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Test Coverage
v0.4.0 (June 6, 2020)

API changes

* New package name
    For installation via pypi use ``pip install oemof.solph``.

* Change the import of oemof-solph due to unbundling oemof solph
    The import statements have changed, for example
    ``from outputlib.views import processing`` --> ``from oemof.solph import processing``.
    There are further changes for the modules ``views``, ``helpers``, ``economics``,
    ``logger``, ``network``.

* Rename GenericStorage attributes
    The attribute ``capacity`` of the `GenericStorage` describing the current
    absolute stored energy/material/water etc. has been renamed to ``storage_content``.
    In the `GenericStorageBlock` and `GenericInvestmentStorageBlock`,
    the attribute ``init_cap`` has been renamed ``init_content``. This change is
    intended to avoid confusion with ``nominal_storage_capacity`` or capacity in terms
    of installed capacity.

* **Rename the flow attribute ``actual_value`` to ``fix`` and remove ``fixed``**

New features

* Allows having a non equidistant timeindex
    By adding the calculate_timeincrement function to tools/helpers.py a non
    equidistant timeincrement can be calculated. The EnergySystem
    will now be defined by the timeindex and the calculated

* Allows non-convex investments for flows and storages.
    With this feature, fix investment costs, which do not dependent on the
    nominal capacity, can be considered.

* Add user warnings for debugging.
    A UserWarning is raised for untypical uses even though this kind of
    usage is valid if you really know what you are doing.
    This will help users to debug their code but can be turned of for
    experienced users.

* Add fixed losses to GenericStorage
    `~oemof.solph.components.GenericStorage` can now have ``fixed_losses``,
    that are independent from storage content.

New components/constraints

* Allows a generic limit for attribute weighted investment flows
    InvestmentFlow, which share other limited resources (e.g. space), can be

* Allow to limit count of concurrently active flows in group of flows
    Flows have to be NonConvex, the limit can be an upper or lower one.

* New constraint `shared_limit`
    `Shared limit` allows to restrict the weighted sum
    of arbitrary variables to a corridor.
    This can be used, e.g. to model shared space is used to store wood pallets
    and logs with their respective energy density.


* **Restructure and clean-up documentation due to the unbundling**
* **Improved documentation of ExtractionTurbineCHP**

Known issues

* Results of one-time-step optimisation counterintuitive
    If an optimisation with one time-step is performed, at the processing of the
    results, the scalars of the results is stored in the dict of the sequences.
    (See `Issue #693 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/issues/693>`_)


* Use ``tox`` for testing
    Now, pep8 tests and build of documentation are tested.
* **Skip github link checks when testing locally**

Other changes

* Redefine ``loss_rate`` of `GenericStorage`
    The ``loss_rate`` of `~oemof.solph.components.GenericStorage`
    is now defined per time increment.
* Change parameters' data type in the docstrings
    The parameters' data type is changed from
    `numeric (sequence or scalar)` to `numeric (iterable or scalar)`
    (`Issue #673 <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/issues/673>`_).
* **Add python 3.8 support, remove python 3.5 support**


* Caterina Köhl
* Jonathan Amme
* Uwe Krien
* Johannes Röder
* Jann Launer
* Daniel Rank
* Patrik Schönfeldt
* Stephan Günther