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Test Coverage
v0.5.0 (February 3rd, 2023)

API changes

* Clean definition of time indexes: You need N+1 points in time do define N time spans.
* Parts of the energy system graph are now clearly structured into `buses`, `components`, and `flows`.
* Public and private API are be more distinguished now. ('_' signifies private, public API is defined in init files.)
* Experimental code is now sitting in submodules called `experimental` (replaces "custom").
* The flow arguments `summed_min`and `summed_max` now have the more descriptive names `full_load_time_min` and `full_load_time_max`.
* Keyword arguments are now explicit. This will i.e. catch typos. Custom attributes can be added using the argument `custom_attributes`. Those will be passed down the class hierachy and can (possibly) be handled in parent classes.

New features

* Add `inactivity_costs` as an option for `Flow` objects. Inactivity costs is a cost for times where a Flow is not operated.
* It is now possible to optimise the size of `Flow` objects that have a status variable. Internally, this is done by the `InvestNonConvexFlowBlock` which provides the possibility to perform capacity optimization of assets considering their min/max loads, as well as their operation status.


* Examples are added to the documentation.


* Discontinued usage of Nose, as it is `deprecated in Pytest <https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/deprecations.html#support-for-tests-written-for-nose>`.

Known issues

* The format of the examples could be improved.


* Patrik Schönfeldt
* Uwe Krien
* Saeed Sayadi
* Pierre-François Duc
* Johannes Röder
* David Fuhrländer
* "lensum"
* Jan Launner
* Hendrik Huyskens
* Ekaterina Zolotarevskaia
* Sarah Berendes
* Francesco Witte
* Johannes Kochems