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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

General description
This example shows how to perform a capacity optimization for
an energy system with storage. The following energy system is modeled:

.. code-block:: text

                    input/output  bgas     bel
                         |          |        |
                         |          |        |
     wind(FixedSource)   |------------------>|
                         |          |        |
     pv(FixedSource)     |------------------>|
                         |          |        |
     gas_resource        |--------->|        |
     (Commodity)         |          |        |
                         |          |        |
     demand(Sink)        |<------------------|
                         |          |        |
                         |          |        |
     pp_gas(Converter)   |<---------|        |
                         |          |        |
     storage(Storage)    |<------------------|

The example exists in four variations. The following parameters describe
the main setting for the optimization variation 2:

- optimize gas_resource and storage
- set installed capacities for wind and pv
- set investment cost for storage
- set gas price for kWh

Results show a higher renewable energy share than in variation 1
(78% compared to 51%) due to preinstalled renewable capacities.
Storage is not installed as the gas resource is cheaper.

.. tip::

    Have a look at different parameter settings. There are four variations
    of this example in the same folder.

Download source code: :download:`v2_invest_optimize_only_gas_and_storage.py </../examples/storage_investment/v2_invest_optimize_only_gas_and_storage.py>`

.. dropdown:: Click to display code

    .. literalinclude:: /../examples/storage_investment/v2_invest_optimize_only_gas_and_storage.py
        :language: python
        :lines: 83-

Download data: :download:`storage_investment.csv </../examples/storage_investment/storage_investment.csv>`

Installation requirements

This example requires oemof.solph (v0.5.x), install by:

.. code:: bash

    pip install oemof.solph[examples]

`MIT license <https://github.com/oemof/oemof-solph/blob/dev/LICENSE>`_


# Imports

import logging
import os
import pprint as pp
import warnings

import pandas as pd
from oemof.tools import economics
from oemof.tools import logger

from oemof import solph

def main():
    # Read data file
    filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "storage_investment.csv")
        data = pd.read_csv(filename)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        msg = "Data file not found: {0}. Only one value used!"
        warnings.warn(msg.format(filename), UserWarning)
        data = pd.DataFrame(
            {"pv": [0.3, 0.5], "wind": [0.6, 0.8], "demand_el": [500, 600]}

    number_timesteps = len(data)

    # Initialize the energy system and read/calculate necessary parameters

    logging.info("Initialize the energy system")
    date_time_index = solph.create_time_index(2012, number=number_timesteps)

    energysystem = solph.EnergySystem(
        timeindex=date_time_index, infer_last_interval=False

    price_gas = 0.04

    # If the period is one year the equivalent periodical costs (epc) of an
    # investment are equal to the annuity. Use oemof's economic tools.
    epc_storage = economics.annuity(capex=1000, n=20, wacc=0.05)

    # Create oemof objects

    logging.info("Create oemof objects")
    # create natural gas bus
    bgas = solph.Bus(label="natural_gas")

    # create electricity bus
    bel = solph.Bus(label="electricity")

    energysystem.add(bgas, bel)

    # create excess component for the electricity bus to allow overproduction
    excess = solph.components.Sink(
        label="excess_bel", inputs={bel: solph.Flow()}

    # create source object representing the gas commodity (annual limit)
    gas_resource = solph.components.Source(
        label="rgas", outputs={bgas: solph.Flow(variable_costs=price_gas)}

    # create fixed source object representing wind power plants
    wind = solph.components.Source(
        outputs={bel: solph.Flow(fix=data["wind"], nominal_value=1000000)},

    # create fixed source object representing pv power plants
    pv = solph.components.Source(
        outputs={bel: solph.Flow(fix=data["pv"], nominal_value=600000)},

    # create simple sink object representing the electrical demand
    demand = solph.components.Sink(
        inputs={bel: solph.Flow(fix=data["demand_el"], nominal_value=1)},

    # create simple Converter object representing a gas power plant
    pp_gas = solph.components.Converter(
        inputs={bgas: solph.Flow()},
        outputs={bel: solph.Flow(nominal_value=10e10, variable_costs=0)},
        conversion_factors={bel: 0.58},

    # create storage object representing a battery
    storage = solph.components.GenericStorage(
        inputs={bel: solph.Flow(variable_costs=0.0001)},
        outputs={bel: solph.Flow()},
        invest_relation_input_capacity=1 / 6,
        invest_relation_output_capacity=1 / 6,

    energysystem.add(excess, gas_resource, wind, pv, demand, pp_gas, storage)

    # Optimise the energy system

    logging.info("Optimise the energy system")

    # initialise the operational model
    om = solph.Model(energysystem)

    # if tee_switch is true solver messages will be displayed
    logging.info("Solve the optimization problem")
    om.solve(solver="cbc", solve_kwargs={"tee": True})

    # Check and plot the results

    # check if the new result object is working for custom components
    results = solph.processing.results(om)

    electricity_bus = solph.views.node(results, "electricity")

    meta_results = solph.processing.meta_results(om)

    my_results = electricity_bus["scalars"]

    # installed capacity of storage in GWh
    my_results["storage_invest_GWh"] = (
        results[(storage, None)]["scalars"]["invest"] / 1e6

    # resulting renewable energy share
    my_results["res_share"] = (
        - results[(pp_gas, bel)]["sequences"].sum()
        / results[(bel, demand)]["sequences"].sum()


if __name__ == "__main__":