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# Ember CLI NVD3
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An EmberJS [NVD3]( wrapper

## Installation ##
ember install ember-cli-nvd3

## Looking for help? ##
If it is a bug [please open an issue on GitHub](

## NVD3 Documentation
Before using this addon, you might want to checkout the [NVD3 Docs](

## Basic Usage ##
All you need to get started is to specify which type of chart you want and the data it should display

{{nvd3-chart type='lineChart' datum=datum}}

## Options

### Chart Options
All chart specific options can be specified via the `options.chart` property.

options: {
    chart: {
      height: 500,
      color: ["#FF0000","#00FF00","#0000FF"]

{{nvd3-chart type='lineChart' datum=datum options=options}}

### Other Options
All other option can be freely specified under the `options` object. 

options: {
  bars1: {
    groupSpacing: 0.1
  xAxis: {
    tickFormat(d) {
      return d3.time.format('%b %e')(new Date(d));
  yAxis1: {
    tickFormat: d3.format(',s'),
    showMaxMin: false
  tooltip: {
    gravity: 'n',
    headerFormatter(d) { return d + ' monkeys' }
  legend: {
    rightAlign: false,
    vers: 'furious'

{{nvd3-chart type='lineChart' datum=datum options=options}}

### Dispatch Events
All events you want to dispatch can be specified via the `dispatchEvents` property. All chart specific events should be defined under the `chart` property.

dispatchEvents: {
  chart: {
    stateChange(container, chart, e) {
      console.log('State Changed');
  lines: {
    elementClick(container, chart, e) {
      alert(`${e.series.key}: (${e.point.x}, ${e.point.y})`);

Initially, the context of each event is set to the chart's `targetObject` property. This is done so you can interact with your ember object when the event is fired. To override this, you can specify the `eventContext` manually.

{{nvd3-chart type='lineChart' datum=datum dispatchEvents=dispatchEvents eventContext=parent}}

### Helper Actions
Currently there are two helper actions provided:

#### 1. beforeSetup
This is called after the svg container is initially created and before any options is set on the chart. 

beforeSetup(svgContainer, chart) {}
// Set the height of the svg container
beforeSetup(svgContainer /*, chart*/) {
    height: 500

{{nvd3-chart type='lineChart' datum=datum beforeSetup=beforeSetup}}

#### 2. afterSetup
This is called after all chart options and data have been set, as well as after the chart has been created. 

afterSetup(svgContainer, chart) {}

// Setup click event on all visible x-axis ticks
afterSetup(svgContainer /*, chart*/) {
  svgContainer.selectAll('g.nv-axis.nv-x text')
    .filter(function() {
          return $(this).css('opacity') === "1";
      .style("pointer-events", "visiblePainted")
        .style("cursor", "pointer")
        .on("click", function(x) {
          alert(`X-Axis: ${x}`);

{{nvd3-chart type='lineChart' datum=datum afterSetup=afterSetup}}

## Styling
This addon imports the nvd3 css into your application. To disable that, add the following to your `ember-cli-build.js`

var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
  'ember-cli-nvd3': {
    includeCss: false

# Want to help?

## Installation

* `git clone` this repository
* `npm install`
* `bower install`

## Running

* `ember server`
* Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.

## Running Tests

* `ember test`
* `ember test --server`

## Building

* `ember build`

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