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# Jira Tool Box (JTB)
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## info
  Jira Tool Box(short just JTB) is designed to speed up your workflow. It's simple to use!
  You can easily direct to a JIRA ticket just by enter the ID.
  You can browse your concerned tickets without open the Jira dashbord.
  Just configure the *Jira Url*, *Project*, *JQL* and you are ready to go! Do not need your account, just login the jira on chrome before.

[![Jira Tool Box! @Chrome Web Store]( "Jira Tool Box! @Chrome Web Store")](

  - Just type the ticket ID and hit enter and are directly to the JIRA ticket page;
  - List your tickets by JQL or filter id;
  - Easy to browse your concerned ticktets;
  - Do not need you account, but you should login in from chrome before use;

## Changelog

See []( for a complete changelog.

## Support

For support please create an issue here at GitHub

## Pull Requests

Feel free to submit any PRs here, too. :)

Please indent using two spaces only, have a newline at the EOF and use UNIX line ending, thanks!

## development
# Please make sure that `yo`, `gulp` and `bower` was installed on your system using this command:
npm install --global yo gulp-cli bower

# clone the repo
git clone

# cd 
cd go-jira

npm install

# Transform updated source written by ES2015 (default option)
gulp babel

# or Using watch to update source continuously
gulp watch

# Make a production version extension
gulp build
if you meet the `check shasum failed` error, maybe you are in China as me,
there are 3 ways to resolve:

# 1. config command
npm config set registry 
npm info underscore (it will return response)
# 2. npm cli
npm --registry info underscore 
# 3. vim ~/.npmrc 
registry =

## via & thanks
  - [generator-chrome-extension](
  - [yeoman](
  - [Vue](
  - [Vue ls](
  - [pure.css](

Built by (c) Joey Huang and contributors. Released under the MIT license.

## License
[![FOSSA Status](](