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# SinglePlatform API Ruby Client
This is a wrapper for accessing SinglePlatform's API. Please see [SinglePlatform's official API documentation](http://docs.singleplatform.com/spv3/) for information on obtaining API credentials.

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## Installation
gem install singleplatform

Or add this to your applications Gemfile:
gem 'singleplatform'

And then run:

bundle install

## Usage
### Initializing an API Client
The gem uses a client model to query against the API. Create a client with your API credentials and make requests through that.

require 'singleplatform'

client = Singleplatform.new(

After creating a client you're able to make requests to SinglePlatform's API. The Client ID and Client Secret are required for each request.

### Locations

With an initialized client, you can request information on locations in SinglePlatform's database.

#### Fetching Locations by ID


This will return a ```Singleplatform::Response``` object. Access the response body or code with ```.body``` and ```.code``` respectively. Calling ```.body``` returns a ```Hashie::Mash``` pseudo object which allows you to access all location attributes with dot notation.

response = client.location('nobu')   # => #<Singleplatform::Response ... >
response.code                        # => 200
response.body                        # => #<Hashie::Mash ... >
response.body.name                   # => "Nobu"
response.body.attributes             # => #<Hashie::Mash ... >
response.body.attributes.drive_thru  # => false

See SinglePlatform's API documentation for a full list of attributes.

#### Fetching Locations Updated Since a Given Date

You can retrieve locations en masse by calling:

response = client.locations_updated_since('2016-08-01', limit: 100)

Results are paginated. The maximum (and default) limit per page is 5000. To access the next page of results, call:


### Menus
SinglePlatform locations have menus or lists of products and services that you can access with a configured API client. The following call returns a ```Singleplatform::Response``` object whose body contains an Array of ```Hashie::Mash``` objects.

response = client.menus_for('nobu') # => #<Array ... >
response.body.first.name            # => "Dinner Menu"

See SinglePlatform's API documentation for the Menu schema with a full list of attributes.

### Photos

#### Fetching photos for a particular location

Many SinglePlatform locations have photos, both at the business and menu-item level. Returns a ```Singleplatform::Response``` object whose body is an Array of menus.

response = client.photos_for('nobu')  # => #<Singleplatform::Response ... >
response.body.first.type              # => "Product"
response.body.first.url               # => "http://xyz.cloudfront.net/.../39bf7671bc7d006f4cef72d94eee24aeec7615d2.jpg"

#### Fetching all photos updated since a given date

Similarly to ```locations_updated_since```, calling ```photos_updated_since``` returns a set of paginated results. Get the next page of results by calling ```next``` on the ```Singleplatform:::Response``` object.

response = client.photos_updated_since('2016-09-01')  # => #<Singleplatform::Response ... >