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# Okiba / math
Collection of math functions


### Installation

npm i --save @okiba/math

Or import it directly in the browser
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@okiba/math/index.js"></script>

## Usage

import math from '@okiba/math'

#### Untranspiled code 🛑
Okiba Core packages are not transpiled, so _don't forget to transpile them with your favourite bundler_.
For example, using Babel with Webpack, you should prevent imports from okiba to be excluded from transpilation, like follows:

  test: /\.js$/,
  exclude: /node_modules\/(?!(@okiba)\/).*/,
  use: {
    loader: 'babel-loader',
    options: {
      presets: ['@babel/preset-env']

## lerp(min, max, fraction)

Linear interpolation between a two values

import {lerp} from '@okiba/math'
const xPosition = lerp(0, 100, 0.5)
console.log(xPosition) // 50

#### Arguments

##### + `min`: `Number`

Minimum possible value

##### + `max`: `Number`

Maximum possible value

##### + `fraction`: `Number`

Current position

#### Returns

`Number` The interpolated value
## map(n, min1, max1, min2, max2)

Maps a value between two ranges

import {map} from '@okiba/math'

const x = map(0.5, 0, 1, 0, 1000)
console.log(x) // 500

const y = map(0, -1, 1, -1000, 1000)
console.log(y) // 0

#### Arguments

##### + `n`: `Number`

Value to map

##### + `min1`: `Number`

Source range minimum

##### + `max1`: `Number`

Source range maximum

##### + `min2`: `Number`

Target range minimum

##### + `max2`: `Number`

Target range maximum

#### Returns

`Number` Mapped value
## cap(n, min, max)

Limit a value between a min and a max (inclusive)

import {cap} from '@okiba/math'
let progress = 1.1
progress = cap(0, 1, progress)
console.log(progress) // 1

#### Arguments

##### + `n`: `Number`

Value to cap

##### + `min`: `Number`

Minimum possible value

##### + `max`: `Number`

Maximum possible value

#### Returns

`Number` Capped value
## distance(x1, x2)

Distance between two numbers

import {distance} from '@okiba/math'
const x1 = -100, x2 = 100
const d = distance(x1, x2)
console.log(d) // 200

#### Arguments

##### + `x1`: `Number`

First number

##### + `x2`: `Number`

Second number

#### Returns

`Number` Distance between the values
## round(n, p)

Round a number with given precision, with memoized powers

import {round} from '@okiba/math'
const rounded = distance(1.111111, 3)
console.log(rounded) // 1.111

#### Arguments

##### + `n`: `Number`

Number to round

##### + `p`: `Number` | _optional_ - _default_: `3`

Precision of digits to leave

#### Returns

`Number` Rounded number