name: Proposing non visual feature
about: Use this template to propose a non visual feature (no ui)!
title: 'My awesome feature'
labels: ✨ non-visual-feature
assignees: 'fredericvilcot'
## Propose a non visual feature
### **Purpose**
Describe clearly and concisely what you want your feature to do.
### **Use cases**
Describe some of the use cases considered for the component, if applicable (this could be the subject of [Storybook stories](https://storybook.js.org).
### **Specification**
Specify more precisely what your feature is expected to do, with description of the underlaying components in the [Hexagonal architecture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagonal_architecture_(software)) (e.g. [redux](https://redux.js.org), [reducers](https://redux.js.org/tutorials/fundamentals/part-3-state-actions-reducers), gateways...).
### **Acceptance Criteria**
- If I do A.
- B should happen.
Also, here are a few points that need to be addressed:
Constraint 1;
Constraint 2;
Constraint 3.
### **Notes**
Some complementary notes if necessary.