"domain": {
"error": {
"contact-us": "Please try again later or contact us.",
"connection-error": "Oops, an error occurred while trying to connect to the wallet. $t(",
"unspecified-error": "Oops, an unspecified error occurred. $t(",
"bech32-error": "Please enter an address that conforms to bech32 format and begins with okp4.",
"faucet-gateway-error": "Oops, an error occurred while sending you your Know. $t(",
"keplr-extension-unavailable-error": "The Keplr extension must be installed and activated in your browser in order to use it.",
"chain-suggestion-error": "Failed to suggest the chain. $t(",
"faucet-connection-error": "Failed to connect. This may be related to the limitation of the number of requests (you can only make one request per hour)."