import { ArgsTable, Meta, Story, Canvas, Preview, Props } from '@storybook/addon-docs'
import { ThemeProvider } from 'ui/atoms/theme/ThemeProvider'
import { ThemeSwitcher } from 'ui/atoms/theme/ThemeSwitcher'
import themes from 'ui/styles/_exports.module.scss'
import { useTheme } from 'hook/useTheme'
import './themeStory.scss'
title="Atoms/Brand Identity/Theming"
parameters={{ actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on.*' }, sidebar: { disable: true } }}
# Theming
> OKP4 theming that offers the user the ability to fully utilize the color palette.
## Description
OKP4 design system provides simple and intuitive theme management, including offering a ready-to-use `<ThemeSwitcher />` component in any user interface.
This component can be integrated anywhere in the application, and allows you to automatically change all the colors associated with the other UI components offered by OKP4.
Story => (
<Story />
{args => {
const { theme } = useTheme()
return (
<div className="theme-story-main">
<ThemeSwitcher {...args} />
## Properties
<ArgsTable story="Theming" />
## Usage
OKP4 theming comes with a built-in UI `<ThemeSwitcher />` component, designed to be easily used in user interfaces.
### Prerequisites
Before any use of the `<ThemeSwitcher />` component, it is first mandatory to inject the OKP4 `<ThemeProvider/>` at the highest level in the application.
This will allow in particular to activate the reactivity linked to the theme change by the user.
##### **`main.ts`**
<App />
### Theme Switcher
The `<ThemeSwitcher />` component can be invoked anywhere in your application.
As an example, you could insert it in your header component to display it near toolbar actions:
##### **`header.tsx`**
<ThemeSwitcher />
<Header />
### Utilities
OKP4 provides a `useTheme` hook which allows at any time in the application to retrieve the value of the `theme`.
Optionally, you may also want to force its change by invoking the `setTheme` method which, currently, only takes `light | dark` as argument.
As an example, if you want to retrieve the theme value to inline style your component :
##### **`example.tsx`**
import { useTheme } from '@okp4/ui'
import themes from '@okp4/ui/lib/scss/_exports.module.scss' // the theme object
export const MyExampleComponent: React.FC = ({ title }: string) => {
const { theme, setTheme } = useTheme()
return <div style={{ color: themes[`${theme}-highlighted-text`] }}>{title}</div>