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"use strict";

var _              = require( "lodash" );
var DecoratorError = require( "../error/decorator" );
var TypeInfo       = require( "./info" );
var util           = require( "util" );

module.exports = TypeDecorator;

function TypeDecorator( typeDescription ) {
    this.typeDescription = typeDescription;

function internalDecorate( typeDescription, propertyName, userClass, attribute ) {
    if( propertyName && Array.isArray( typeDescription[ propertyName ] ) ) {
        internalDecorate( typeDescription[ propertyName ], 0, userClass, attribute );

    var targetProperty = propertyName !== null ? typeDescription[ propertyName ] : typeDescription;

    if( Array.isArray( userClass ) ) {
        _.forEach( userClass, _.partial( internalDecorate, typeDescription, propertyName, _, attribute ) );

    Object.defineProperty( targetProperty, TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY, {
        configurable : true,
        enumerable   : false,
        writable     : true
    } );
    targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ]              = targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ] || {};
    targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ][ userClass ] = targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ][ userClass ] || [];

    if( util.isArray( attribute ) ) {
        targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ][ userClass ] =
            targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ][ userClass ].concat( attribute );

        targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ][ userClass ] = _.uniq( targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ][ userClass ] );

    } else {
        if( !_.includes( targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ][ userClass ], attribute ) ) {
            targetProperty[ TypeInfo.INFO_PROPERTY ][ userClass ].push( attribute );

//noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
 * Decorate a property in a type with a certain attribute.
 * @param {String} [propertyName] The name of the property to decorate. If omitted, the whole type is decorated.
 * @param {String|String[]} userClass The user class(es) for which to apply the decoration.
 * @param {String|String[]} attribute The attribute(s) to set.
TypeDecorator.prototype.decorate = function TypeDecorator$decorate( propertyName, userClass, attribute ) {
    if( typeof attribute === "undefined" ) {
        attribute    = userClass;
        userClass    = propertyName;
        propertyName = null;

    if( propertyName && typeof this.typeDescription[ propertyName ] === "undefined" ) {
        throw new DecoratorError( "Unable to decorate non-existent property '" + propertyName + "'." );

    if( propertyName && typeof this.typeDescription[ propertyName ] === "function" ) {
        // Attempts to decorate function type properties usually means the user is using the shorthand
        // type identifiers (like String, Number) in mongoose.
        throw new DecoratorError( "Attempting to decorate function type property '" + propertyName + "' is probably unintended!" );

    internalDecorate( this.typeDescription, propertyName, userClass, attribute );

    return this;

 * Decorate a property in a type, where the property does not exist at the time of definition of the type.
 * @param {String} [compositeName The name of the property.
 * @param {String|String[]} userClass The user class(es) for which to apply the decoration.
 * @param {String|String[]} attribute The attribute(s) to set.
TypeDecorator.prototype.decorateComposite = function TypeDecorator$decorateComposite( compositeName, userClass, attribute ) {
    // Refuse to decorate existing properties on the type, unless it's a composite
    if( this.typeDescription[ compositeName ] ) {
        if( !this.typeDescription.__COMPOSITES__ ||
            ( this.typeDescription.__COMPOSITES__ && -1 === this.typeDescription.__COMPOSITES__.indexOf( compositeName ) ) ) {
            throw new DecoratorError( "Unable to decorate existing property '" + compositeName + "'." );

    if( "undefined" === typeof this.typeDescription.__COMPOSITES__ ) {
        Object.defineProperty( this.typeDescription, "__COMPOSITES__", {
            configurable : false,
            enumerable   : false,
            value        : [],
            writable     : false
        } );

    if( -1 === this.typeDescription.__COMPOSITES__.indexOf( compositeName ) ) {
        this.typeDescription.__COMPOSITES__.push( compositeName );

    if( "undefined" === typeof this.typeDescription[ compositeName ] ) {
        Object.defineProperty( this.typeDescription, compositeName, {
            configurable : true,
            enumerable   : false,
            value        : {},
            writable     : true
        } );

    internalDecorate( this.typeDescription, compositeName, userClass, attribute );

    return this;

TypeDecorator.prototype.decorateDeep = function TypeDecorator$decorateDeep() {
    if( arguments.length < 3 ) {
        throw new DecoratorError( "Too few arguments to decorateDeep(). Expected property path, user class and attribute." );

    var args         = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 0 );
    var attribute    = args[ args.length - 1 ];
    var userClass    = args[ args.length - 2 ];
    var propertyPath = args.splice( 0, args.length - 2 );

    var decorate = Function.prototype;
    propertyPath.reduce( function walkPath( object, index ) {
        if( !object.hasOwnProperty( index ) ) {
            object[ index ] = {};
        decorate = function decorator() {// jscs:ignore requireFunctionDeclarations
            internalDecorate( object, index, userClass, attribute );
        return object[ index ];
    }, this.typeDescription );

    return this;